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Is there a new kind of player besides the common defintion?


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See I always hear of the common definition of a player, being the guy who has nothing but one-night stands basically all the time, but treats women like they are just game, but the women still are attracted to them.


But can a guy, who is sensitive and treats women with respect, but doesn't let them walk all over them, still become a player? I mean a guy who loves women, but isn't interested in having them all in bed and is still looking for somewhat of a relationship?


See, the second definition, I never really here of, for being a player, but I've seen and know many guys who are sensitive and care about women, and women and I mean tons of women are just drawn to them. They don't seem to only be into best friends either, because, they usually give off, that they don't want best friends, often they give off the attitudes that they don't even want women, yet women seem to love them.


If anyone has ever watched The Honeymooners, Mama Loves Mambo, how Carlos the Mambo Teacher acted, and the ladies went nuts over him, that's how I seen a couple of guys always getting the ladies.


So are there basically different types of players? Or ladies men?

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Might as well pull out the Wikipedia "Player" article


Male promiscuity


The terms womanizer (or womaniser), playboy, philanderer, player, ladies' man, ladykiller and rake have been used to refer to a man who engages in love affairs with women he cannot or will not marry or commit to.


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For the sake of completion, the Wikipedia "Pickup Artist" article


Pickup Artist


A pickup artist, sometimes abbreviated PUA, is a term used to describe a man who is skilled in meeting, attracting, and seducing women. The use of "pickup" in this context, slang for making a casual acquaintance with a stranger in anticipation of sexual relations...


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So, there you have it. All terms are synonymous, they all refer to a person (usually male) who lures the opposite sex into having sex with them (him). And not a lot else. Very romantic.

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Eww. Wikipedia. lmao


That site is oh-so reputable.


The alternative sources of information will invariably tell you that a Player/PUA/Ladies man/etc is a "Kind-hearted, emotional and sincere man who cherishes the love and emotional bonding with a woman.". Lmao.

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Players are those who draw women to them, misleading and deceiving them. Seeing it all as a game to see how many women he can get. When he scores, he keeps them hooked long enough to add to his bevy of ladies he can turn to for a sexual or emotional "pick me up". He keeps the women interested by giving them tidbits of attention and compliments, to keep them wanting more.

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See, I am not sure what I technically would be considered. See I'm 19, so I just really like women. My brain goes, woman, woman, woman, LoL. With not much room in between for anything else, LoL.


But I'm one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet, and I do go for relationships, but my brain, goes, go for that girl, that girl, that girl, maybe because I'm single and looking right now.


But in High School, I never really had to worry because the girls were really not into me anyway, but now it's like the tables just flipped and somehow, I turned into one of those guys. I don't know if I can say player, because I don't have sex all the time. But women after High School, love to flirt with me now, and I gotta be careful, cause even girls with bfs, flirt, so it's like a dangerous game.


I probably would have had more girlfriends if not every girl I went for, like 2-3 in a row, wouldn't have already had boyfriends, but neitherless they seem to love to flirt with me.


See, I don't like to call my self a player or womanizer at all, I just love women, and many other 19 year olds I know do also, but I don't feel really as a deceiver.


I wonder, if women just like guys who can return their "game"? I always noticed, that if I pay attention to all the girls in a room, I never really get much attention from the ladies, but if I just come in and ignore all the girls, like who cares, but still looking at a couple, they seem to enjoy it. I guess it gets them thinking, as to whether or not, I'm really attracted to them or not. I know also you shouldn't really read into body language, but I noticed when I pay attention a little bit, and go for many of the girls giving off "flirting language", they often act like, how the hell did he know I was looking at him, or how did he catch me? I guess women are used to many guys just not paying attention when they look at them, so if a guy catches on, it must be like * * *?


I'm not joking, I tend to have better luck with women, when I literally ignore them vs paying attention to them. It's as if, women don't like guys not under their spell or something. Women say they want attention, yet if I ignore them, they like me more? LoL, that's funny.

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Ken pull your head out.


The alternative sources of information will invariably tell you that a Player/PUA/Ladies man/etc is a "Kind-hearted, emotional and sincere man who cherishes the love and emotional bonding with a woman.". Lmao.


The woman makes a choice. The woman chooses to sleep with the player. That is her choice. All women inherently know the risks of sleeping with a man. Some choose to do it on the first date. Some choose to wait until married.


That shouldnt concern you. What should concern you is getting out there an getting a piece of pie for yoruself.

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Red what the hell is wrong with you!


LoL, funny. It's just that, at my age, women are always on your mind. Some have called me a player before, because I get a fair amount of attention, but I don't feel as a deceiver. If you ask me, many of the non-ladies men, are more deceiving. I've seen guys who aren't women getters but, make themselves look sweet but really aren't and are rude as hell. Yet, women sometimes seem to go for that as well, LoL.

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Better Wiki, I think, than to have someone on ENA try to redefine "player" as a sensitive guy to whom women naturally flock in droves. That's just completely counter to the accepted definition of the term.


Words mean different things to different people, I am afraid.


This topic is gonna get closed. I guarantee it.

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Better Wiki, I think, than to have someone on ENA try to redefine "player" as a sensitive guy to whom women naturally flock in droves. That's just completely counter to the accepted definition of the term.


Pretty sure no one has called players or PUA etc "sensitive" but thats just you putting words into peoples mouths as usual.



Personally I dont think being "sensitive" is good all the time. And mostly not when you are trying to meet women. Pretty sure they have trusted friends to do that for them. But everyone has a different definition as to what constitutes sensitive.


Besides Wiki is just a bunch of online junkies like ENA. So whats the diff.

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LoL, funny. It's just that, at my age, women are always on your mind. Some have called me a player before, because I get a fair amount of attention, but I don't feel as a deceiver. If you ask me, many of the non-ladies men, are more deceiving. I've seen guys who aren't women getters but, make themselves look sweet but really aren't and are rude as hell. Yet, women sometimes seem to go for that as well, LoL.


Women are on my mind constantly too, young Sir. It doesn't degenerate with age, you know.


But the difference is I wouldn't be seen dead approaching every single girl in a club/bar and running off of a database of tacky pickup lines in order to score with as many hawt chicks as I could.

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LoL, funny. It's just that, at my age, women are always on your mind. Some have called me a player before, because I get a fair amount of attention, but I don't feel as a deceiver. If you ask me, many of the non-ladies men, are more deceiving. I've seen guys who aren't women getters but, make themselves look sweet but really aren't and are rude as hell. Yet, women sometimes seem to go for that as well, LoL.


Red you are a healthy person. I can tell by your posts.



Thats good. You should go out and date as many women as you want. Heck if you want to bang each one of them then do that. If you want to wait until marriage then do that.


Enjoy your time and have fun exploring your masculinity. I guarentee it healthy women will thank you for it.

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