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Help me pick a birth control!


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So. I'm getting married this coming April and I want to be on some form of birth control (I'm a virgin) I was on the pill once (Yaz) for those of you who remember...it was HORRIBLE! I was bleeding non-stop, the doc said it was due to not enough estrogen. And that the only other pills I could take would make me gain weight. I struggle with my weight so I decided not to.


So, I want to Know which types you guys have liked the best? I'm intrested in the foam, has anyone ever tried that? female condom seems like a pain in the butt, I don't want to use condoms, I'm curious about IUD's, (is it ok to isert if Im a virgin?) I know depo makes you gain weight, Well anyways, I'd love to hear about what you've found to be most pleasant and convienant.


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I strongly suggest the nuva ring.


I strongly suggest against the depo.


The nuva ring works great. Its just a little plastic ring that you put in your vagina, and its not bad at all. The guy might feel it durring sex (depending on the size and shape of your vagina), but its really not too bad.


It worked out really well for us compared to the pill and the depo shot. Really, it was perfect for us.

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Depo doesn't necessarily make you gain weight. As long as you eat healthy and exersize regularly you should be okay. I've been on it since November and I've actually lost weight slowly.


Plus, if you don't plan on becoming pregnant any time soon, I feel this is the best choice. Over time, most women don't get a period at all, or if they do, it's only spotting. You don't have to worry about taking a pill every day, and each shot works for 3 months, give or take 7 days.

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When I decided to go on the pill I didn't want to make the mistake and get the one everyone was on. It's not a trend.. like getting a coach purse or Channel glasses.


So I decided to look up some online and see what is highly rated. I wanted to do the homework and not get Ortho Tri which is usually the cheapest one that you get from Planned Parenthood. I also talked it over to my doctor first. I told her that I wanted to go on the pill but want to have kids later. Asked her what the best ones she suggested and it happened to be the one that I was looking online for.


here is the site I liked the best


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it has plenty of choices not just one dose. My doctor started me on the lowest dose the Low Ogestrol. There are so many levels and my doctor and I decided it was the best choice. My doctor also explained that they are a generic company so they cost a little less but they reason why they are generic not because they are a cheap company is because they lost their patent and they are still high end but not have the title so they can give their customers a good product with less price.


I have been on the pill and haven't gained mad weight like everyone said I would balloon up. Just eat better and exercise more you will tend to gain weight more when you are sexually active I don't think the pill will make you gain as much weight as everyone says. It's more the comfort with your partner and the sleeping in late.

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I strongly suggest the nuva ring.


I strongly suggest against the depo.


The nuva ring works great. Its just a little plastic ring that you put in your vagina, and its not bad at all. The guy might feel it durring sex (depending on the size and shape of your vagina), but its really not too bad.


It worked out really well for us compared to the pill and the depo shot. Really, it was perfect for us.


my roommate uses the nuvaring and absolutely loves it.

I take yasmin, but if you reacted badly to yaz, im not sure how it would work for you.

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i had a bad reaction to yazmin... I went back to my doctor and told him and he just put me on a different brand (Levlen ED). Yazmin actually made me really sick so it took a while to get better but once I was better, starting on the Levlen ED was easy. Apparently Yazmin has a higher dose of something in it than most brands.

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I strongly suggest the nuva ring.


I strongly suggest against the depo.


The nuva ring works great. Its just a little plastic ring that you put in your vagina, and its not bad at all. The guy might feel it durring sex (depending on the size and shape of your vagina), but its really not too bad.


It worked out really well for us compared to the pill and the depo shot. Really, it was perfect for us.

how long does it last?

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I think the ring is for a week? Not sure though.


I used Depo and it lasted 3 months. I had no periods while on it either. However, it did affect my libido slowly (when I came off it at the end of my marriage, the difference was shocking). However, different women react differently.


I had trouble with birth control pills because I have difficulty taking them at the same time every day (and getting spotting and bleeding). I also had some weird nasty mood swings from the higher estrogen ones that were pretty scary.


Right now I am on a patch. It works well - only change it once a week, and I have no real side effects (I`m a bit crankier for THAT time of the month, but that`s about it).


I tried about 7-8 different kinds of birth control to get to there.


So if something doesn`t work, try try again!

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congrats on your upcoming wedding!!


I have a copper IUD, so no hormones at all. I was on the pill for a few years, but had annoying side effects from it. I love my IUD, I'm on my second one now (they last 5 years)


the good:

- nothing to remember, it's just there

- no more pill side effects

- if you were to decide you want to get pregnant you can have it removed and start trying right away


the less good:

- made both cramping and bleeding during periods heavier, though that eased up again after the first year or so

- insertion is not much fun... but it's 10 minutes discomfort for 5 years of not having to worry about anything



- it varies from country to country and maybe even from doctor to doctor, but sometimes doctors/gynos will only give someone who's had a child an IUD. It makes insertion easier, but other than that there is no good medical reason for this

- a speculum is used to insert the IUD. If you have never had one used during an exam before, and since you are a virgin, this might tear your hymen. If this worries you, you may want to try a different form of birth control for the first few months, until after you become sexually active.


By the way, I had the constant bleeding on a 'light' pill too. I switched to a tri-phasic one, and that took care of that problem. The reason I came off the pill in the end was that I kept getting yeast infections while on it. That doesn't happen to many women though, and not everyone gains weight on other pills either, so you could give a different pill a try and see how it works out for you.

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I think you just need a new doctor. There are so many varieties of pills out there for them to tell you that all the other ones will make you gain wieght, i don't think that is accurate. I have been on atleast a hald dozen different kinds in the last 13 years or so, some were better then others. Noticed mostly in my skin. And it is safe to change them but you have to be careful until they've had time to 'kick in'.

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I have. They don't understand what goes on inside my body. I tell them and they just say "oh, try this, or try this, or try this." that doesn't really help....


You need to find a doctor you can communicate with and who gets to know your body. You may have to work on how you express what is happening - it might even help to write it down beforehand.

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You need to find a doctor you can communicate with and who gets to know your body. You may have to work on how you express what is happening - it might even help to write it down beforehand.

Very much so. Doctors can not work in a vacuum. They tell you to try something, track what happens. Keep a journal. Then tell them. Talk to them.

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