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Help me pick a birth control!


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it's not abortion. it's preventing pregnancy. abortion is aborting something that is already fertalized and developing inside of you. I am VERY anti-abortion and would never do it if it was the same thing. I have done research and the two are very different.


That's your definition and whether or not your definition is right I think it is foolish to use as birth control something that is so potent that it makes you physically ill. Too many of those I would bet might start to impact your fertility.

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1. withdrawal shouldn't be called a method of birth control. As you already know, its failure rates are SO high!

2. Don't choose your form of birth control based on the way it will affect your weight. There are much bigger, more important issues at hand. If you happen to notice that you are gaining weight, then you can switch to something else. Weight gain is a possible side effect in some forms of birth control, but as long as you're leading a healthy lifestyle, it most likely won't be an issue.


3. if one form of the pill didn't work for you, it might be a good idea to try others. Sometimes you have to try different kinds before you find the one that's right for you. When I first went on it, my periods became unbearably painful. I switched to another and it seemed to work well for me. Read the fine print, though, and understand the bad side effects. Weight gain is NOTHING compared to cancer!


4. The IUD is not supposed to be a first option for women to have never given birth. The fact that you're a virgin isn't relevant. But when you are pregnant and give birth, your uterus and cervix are stretched out. Now, the IUD is inserted through your cervix and comes to rest in your uterus, where it stays. If your cervix is very tight (because you've never had a baby pass through there), the procedure will be more painful. And if your uterus is very small (because you haven't carried an 8 lb baby in there), then there's an increased chance of the UID puncturing your uterus. If this happens, you may not be able to give birth again (not to mention that the UID could be difficult to remove and you could get a scary infection). However, if you go to a good gynecologist, you should be fine. Normally, if the uterus is punctured, it happens when the UID is being inserted and it is the gyno's fault. My gyno inserts several IUD's every day and has never, in over a decade of practise, had one puncture. So even if you have never had a child, if you get a good gyno, the risks should be low enough that this might be the best option for you. The IUD is much more effective than the pill (in other words, you are much less likely to get pregnant with the IUD).


5. Another option you might like to try is the mini-pill (progesterone only). It is less effective than other pills, but it is also less strong (so the side effects are minimal). I combined it with spermicidal foam and withdrawal (He could come inside you the first few times, but after that he might like to withdraw just to be more safe.) Combining these 3 forms of birth control gives you really solid protection.

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I was just asking.....and No that is not my definition. that is THE definition. research both. They explain the difference.


Yes, the definitions you found. There are differing definitions out there particularly from a religious point of view. If you believe that pregnancy begins at conception, then the morning after pill can be seen as aborting a pregnancy.


Regardless, it is very troubling that you would consider this to be an appropriate form of regular birth control - how about doing research on that since you seem to be proficient at researching this topic?



I also suggest since you obviously have little information on different forms of birth control based on your question and your unwillingness to probe your doctor for more answers, that you be a little more careful about proclaiming that you know "the definition" - it's better for your health and safety if you continue to inquire of professionals what is really going on, rather than the internet.

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Great post, agree with all you have said Hazey, with the exception of the above: this is dependent on the national medical culture. Where I live now, in the Netherlands, it is perfectly normal to give IUDs to women who haven't given birth. Quite a few of my friends have one. I've never been pregnant or had a child, and have had an IUD for 6 years now (on my second one): got the first one back in the UK where they

also didn't have issues with it, and the second one here. The first option they offer in both places is the pill, but when that wasn't working out for me I switched to IUD with no problems.

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geezz.....why are you so rude? I was just stating a fact. It has nothing to do with religious point of views. IT IS A FACT THAT IT IS NOT ABORTION! it wouldn't be sold at drug stores if it was. hello! And I do know about other formas of birth control. My origional point was to get peoples experinces from here about what they've used. And no. I don't have an unwillingness to probe my doctors if you read earlier I ALREADY have! and they brush things off or don't understand. So get your facts straight before you come here acting like you know what you're talking about. And if you have a problem with it then please stay out of my threds.

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Thanks so much for sharing. If you do a simple internet search as I did you will see that pro-life groups denounce the morning after pill as a form of abortion.


See for example link removed which shows the differing opinions on the connection of morning after pills to abortion. You are entitled to your opinion and it is one which I happen to agree with. But it is not fact according to this web site.


It is not a fact, it is your opinion and you are entitled to your opinion on the morning after pill, including whether it is good for your body to use it as a form of birth control.


Obviously from what you typed it seemed that you were unwilling to consult professionals on the appropriate birth control alternatives. Now you are claiming, by shouting, that that was not what you meant. I am sorry if you believe your posts were misinterpreted but from what you wrote it was a reasonable misinterpretation.


Good luck finding an appropriate birth control method - it might help if you are a bit less defensive and are a bit clearer in what you desire from a birth control method so that the professionals you say you are willing to consult might be more inclined to have a helpful discussion with you. Or, it might be that you need to meet with other professionals. I wouldn't know.

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