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ok so i guess most of you know about my little outbreak a while ago, about stressing and such (with high school finals on the horizon)......well i thought i was doing ok. i was here, giving my advice, feeling good about everything.........im just so sad at the moment.


really sad. im trying so hard not to cry. i heard my parents talking. my dad saying my life is screwed as we know it. how can you think that! highschool isnt the end! im only 17!!! why does he want me to feel so down? if this were someone else, i would beable to let them know how silly it is, and that life aint over till its over..........but no one has said that to me in my family, or in general. if i tell myself this, then i'll only get more doubts. Its holidays, so i hear nothing from friends. im all alone, in my room. alone with my thoughts (NOT a good thing)...its really hard to believe in yourself when no one else does....


i just need someone here. even if they dont say or do anything, and i still have to face the same problems.........please someone hug me or something. i wish i was stronger, but i cant cope with stress, and right now im just sad.....

....im sorry if ive been telling everyone "hey life is cool! dont worry everythings ok" and then i go do this! ..............i cant......i dont know what to say...........im just really sad.

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Aaww sweet heart feel for you . come here ..hugs for you Don’t take your parents to seriously , there human also and its not the end


.. hey ive been through a nervous break down in which my parents thought I was completely nuts , I couldn’t even do simple things like drive a car or talk to people etc… but hey I recovered 5 mnths later but now I am back to my studies and doin work in a law firm …so see its just circumstances they will change I promise ..


Now smile sweets ..hugs

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Hey materia goddess, happy here


Think about it this way, if you can't believe in urself, who can? (ain't it tricky when u turn the question around?) lol.


I don't understand, your dad saying your life is screwed up, ok maybe I do, so you have your results back and everything? Maybe he's just too worried for you as a parent, he wants you to do well, for him but he thinks of it for you and when he realise he can't live up to the responsiblity of letter you become a real someone he probably feels frustrated. If I were you I'd say screw what they think and if you're gonna sit there feeling depressed, then you're wasting your time, think about how you're gonna prove to them that you are someone, wether they like it or not. And remember, I'm assuming but it seems like parents like yours are those who will never be satisfied and admit it, they're probably proud of you inside as they know you, but how are others gonna know that they think.


Don't cut yourself up too bad, people need you, people love you for who you are, no one is a screw up, not even you...you heart that? never think that again!


Everyone is here for you, all you hav to do is reach out like you are. Like enotalone's motto: "you are not alone" lol what a coinsidence...


Anyway, just smile...you're life's just begun a new path, new experiences are up ahead and if you're gonna sit here and sulk all day, it'll take longer before you experience those experiences.



Happy Heb

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Reading this makes me think about what happened to me a while ago... multiple times as well. I am by nature a loner, i know that of myself. And i am able to survive any kind of situation by myself as well... but it doesn't make it easy.


For one thing my friends count is pretty much zero, i think of all the people i know there is about one who still bothers to say Yo Wazzup...


I have lost a lot of people important to me, and i also always felt like i was on my own. Sometimes i could hear people talking about me, saying bad things of course. Like in your situation.


But sometimes this all becomes just a little bit to much to handle, you hear just one more thing, lose just that one more friend, fail that exam, this, or that.... you prolly know what i mean there...

At times like those i'm as weak as a kitten, shutting myself down, trying not to cry, not feeling like doing anything at all... it is truly tough sometimes.


Sometimes you just need someone there to hold you, and i don't know how much help it is to just hear it from someone online. But i feel for you and i am here for you, if yer in the need of a talk. Because i really know what this feels like, but dun worry it'll pass again in a while. Even if you don't get that hug you want so badly... just takes a little time, i find trying to do something at least helps a bit, or doing something completely out of the ordinairy, i normally hardly ever go outside specially in the evening and such. I just went outside that one time, it was near midnight even. But it helped a little... not much, but every little bit helps.


Hey you'll manage, ok! Trust me, you'll feel better in a few days, and for what it's worth *hugs*


P.S. Also try talking to yer dad, although i think they may try to talk to you about yer results sometime soon. But remember they are just your current results, there's always a next time

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thankyou everyone, i feel so much better now......


i REALLY do love this place, id be so lost without it! and BIG hugs back to all of you.


i'll make sure i keep all of your advice in consideration, and thankyou, i will start believing in myself more........but i cant promise i wont have another SAD outbreak..........im just glad there are people out there who understand!


even though we all know, its nice to be reminded your not the only one!


thanks again all! xoxo

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