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ughh heartbroken....time to move on i guess


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ok so this was the last installment before this post




anyways her and i talked last night and she said that she likes me but she doesnt want to be in a relationship right now. and also that there are days where she likes me as a brother and that if we went out and it came to the point where the days she likes me as a brother comes more than the days she liked me as a bf then she wouldnt know what to do cause she knows how hard it was for me when i broke up with my ex for the same reason. and also that shes just really confused. so i told her that its jsut really hard for me to be so close to her with out having her. and she asked if i wanted to stop being friends and i said i dotn want to lose her completely and that i want to be able to give the girl i care about what she wants. and she said that she knows shes being really selfish and that im amazing but she doesnt know why she feels this way. and i said if im so amazing why cant we be more than friends. and she said that she loves hanging out with me so muich that if we started dating she doesnt want all of that to change. and then i said when she changes her mind il prob still be around (i know that was a stupid thing to say) and she said that il be the first to know. that kind of convo went on for a while and we said good ngiht and hugged good bye


and now im really distraught and i know i have to get over her i just dont know how

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I think you did good, even though you're regretting it. The best thing to do in a situation like that is to step back and give somebody time to think. She may decide she wants to go out with you or that she doesn't and just wants to remain friends. Either way, it sounds like it was a friendly goodbye and not a farewell. Unfortunately, you just have to wait it out now.

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You don't have to stop hanging out with her altogether. Tell her how much you care about her, but that you are hurting from all this, and that you need some time to manage your feelings before you resume more close contact. Take some time for yourself to heal. You don't have to lose her completely, but you need to REGAIN your sanity and your heart.

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yaa well she asked if i wanted some sapce and i told her no...maybe its because she knows that even if she said no i would still give her everything she wants anyways so she knows that she can do this. i meann yaa i know we would break up sooner or later if we went out then i guess our friendship wouldnt be the same. i always thought when girls said i dont want to lose our friendship it was usualy just bs maybe shes pullnig it on me with out me relaizing

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