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Question for girls: do you like being told you're sexy/attractive?

Cheeky Charmer

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by guys you don't know all that well?


Say a guy you were talking to on a train, or a bus, or a supermarket. If it was all in small talk let's imagine.


Just a curiosity of mine over whether you take it as an engaging compliment or find it rather creepy.


I would expect to some girls who are pretty, they probably get told it all the time and to a certain extent realise it so it's an old hat compliment.


Keen to know your views.


I love hearing it from my boyfriend. Not from other men though.

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I'm VERY sparing with giving good looking girls compliments. It goes to their heads, so you gotta be careful.


that's the top spot.


And as we can see there is an obvious trend: a woman can hate or love a compliment. It all depends on who is making it and how it is done. If the person that makes it is a man that girl admires (even if not into him) it's a whole different thing than a compliment from a stranger and/or one of those million guys that spoil the game for the rest that wander around licking girls egos (myspace, hi5, it's a cemetery of nerd comments, a bible of how not to do it). If the compliment comes from a man that she admires AND is a classy compliment it can have a great impact.


Another thing is to avoid overdoing it. Beautiful women know they are beautiful (well, at least after they go through the age of still finding it out) so... compliments are to be used at the right moments and on a spartan frequency, like all other proof of tenderness. Or you'll be the boring pain in the * * * * that becomes "dumped" material.

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I know; this is one of reasons why I avoid it. I'm not saying I'll never do it, but it'll be rare, brief and only on special occasions. Random girls don't get "You're gorgeous" out of the blue. They might get some form of a non-physical compliment at some point, but that's it.

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I know; this is one of reasons why I avoid it. I'm not saying I'll never do it, but it'll be rare, brief and only on special occasions. Random girls don't get "You're gorgeous" out of the blue. They might get some form of a non-physical compliment at some point, but that's it.



why so guarded?

I bet I have a million more reasons to be bitter than you, but the reason Im in a great relationship now is becuase I refused to let myself become like that.

you wont get anywhere if you are so negative.

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Has nothing to do with being negative. See Robinson's reasons.


I have to wonder what kind of a man keeps falling all over himself, practically worshipping a beautiful woman just because of her looks. Gushing out random, unnecessary compliments to women you hardly know about their bodies and faces is not an admirable pastime. Who would do that? And why? What would they possibly hope to accomplish by being so subservient? That's called brown-nosing, IMO.

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Have learned that complimenting women on looks on approach is lame and unoriginal. Here is a servedcold list of appropriate compliments for women you don't know. Some of them will make them wonder if you are gay or not, but hey that's a GREAT thing, and lowers some "creep" barriers. Wondering -is- thinking...


Earrings - most women are into earrings, and guys NEVER compliment the earrings. Natural to notice, as opposed to shoes, because they are attached by -ears- to the -face- (which is where you should be looking), not the boobs, not the legs or the butt, so your pervosity level goes down immediately. Natural lead in to a sincere physical compliment, "They really set off your eyes/hair/dress/face."


Perfume - Every guy should go to link removed and learn just a little about fragrance. Women spend thousands of dollars on fragrances and cosmetics, no need to get really specific, something like, "very unique, I get a hint of ____" No need to be right, the fact you tried does wonders. Spend a little time in the cosmetics section of the department store. You can even flirt with the countergirls while there...


Manicure/nails - Most guys like a well-done set of nails, but don't say anything about it. The easiest way to get a woman you've never met to extend her hand to you is to COMPLIMENT HER NAILS. If you really are "cheeky," you will be holding hands with someone you just met... and the touch barrier comes down effortlessly.


Legible clothing - slogans on hats, shirts (but careful, perceived boob staring is a nono), accessories, they are usually wearing something legible because they think it is clever, witty or implies status. Vacation spots, "I've never been to _____, what's it like," Colleges, "I have a friend who went there, hope you aren't as debauched as he is," etc. Today in line at the convenience store, there was an attractive woman with a shirt that said "FedUP" as opposed to "FedEx," I laughed and said "love the shirt." She turned full face on, beamed a huge smile, and said "Thanks!"


Accessories - I like belts. A woman who has a cool belt is probably a cool woman IMO, and if you compliment it in the right way, she may just offer to give you a nice beating with it, which all men enjoy


OK the advanced class is the takeaway, after making one of the above compliments, you... go on about your business. An interested woman, and one with enough dynamism and taste to appreciate you, will then say something in return if they want to continue. If they don't, there's another one right around the corner who does. Best wishes.

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Has nothing to do with being negative. See Robinson's reasons.


I have to wonder what kind of a man keeps falling all over himself, practically worshipping a beautiful woman just because of her looks. Gushing out random, unnecessary compliments to women you hardly know about their bodies and faces is not an admirable pastime. Who would do that? And why? What would they possibly hope to accomplish by being so subservient? That's called brown-nosing, IMO.


Im not disagreeing with that, but to hold back compliments on someone you find attractive because you instantly assume shes concieted?

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servedcold, I like your post. I have to admit...I love getting compliments on my clothes from anybody. I can't control what my face looks like, but but believe me I put some effort into my wardrobe.


A couple days ago I was coming back from watching a baseball game and wearing the team's shirt. I had a bunch of people stopping me on the street...asking if they won or lost, what the score was, complimenting me on my shirt. So if you see someone in a shirt with a sports team on it, it's really easy to start a conversation with them.

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In my experience telling a girl she is pretty is so cliche and obvious that she will not appreciate how hard it can be to say something like that it gets you nowhere with pretty girls, and ironically is best used on women who are not at all pretty. It is interesting how the opposite of the truth seems to work best with people.

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Thanks, Eva


In my experience telling a girl she is pretty is so cliche and obvious that she will not appreciate how hard it can be to say something like that it gets you nowhere with pretty girls, and ironically is best used on women who are not at all pretty. It is interesting how the opposite of the truth seems to work best with people.


I totally agree. There was a time when I heard it so much I'd brush it off because everyone said it, but now that I feel deeper into the strictly average looking category, I tend to pay more attention to a guy if he says something nice like that.

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I never really felt a girl really needed to be told she is sexy/attractive all the time. I believe when often the way you look at her and how you act towards her obviously lets her know how you feel.


I mean, I have better luck looking at a woman admiring her, then just walking up randomly saying hey girl your's sexy, LoL.


Dunno how she wouldn't know that, the way I was looking at her LoL, but who knows LoL.


I usually like to say a girl is sexy/attractive a little more after I know her, it just seems more to make sense, then the minute I first see her, also it helps to wait till after many times, to make sure she doesn't have a boyfriend and you get yourself into areas you don't want to get into.


You will be amazed at how much people can say you each other without even saying a word. I have to laugh when a girl really likes you, how she acts when you look at her. To me it's so much better then words. I like the extremely nervous giggles like they suddenly started using drugs, LoL. It's not a scared nervous it's more of an embarrassed nervousness, I've even see ones, I swear were going to jump out of their seat. LoL. I always heard guys were the nervous ones, boy can the ladies get nervous as hell too, LoL.

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