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how to avoid getting pregnant?


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Hi me and gf we are enjoying our sex life but lately we both feel like having sex without condoms and she was me to ejaculate inside her coz she says she wants to feel me in inside her and we have never did it


so my question is other then condoms are they someway we can avoid pregnancy if we have unprotected sex



need advice or suggestions

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How long have you been together?


Have you been tested for sexually transmitted infections?


Before you consider having unprotected sex she should find an alternative form of birth control, such as the pill. She will need to discuss this with her GYN but most recommend being on the pill for 1-3 months before going unprotected. And even then know that without a condom there is always a chance for pregnancy, particularly with user error (if the pill is forgotten or taken at a different time every day). A long term committed relationship helps decrease the chance of contracting an STI after you both have been tested.


So as romantic as unprotected sex sounds, there's alot of steps to take before it should be considered and then there is still a chance.


Are you both ready for parenthood if birth control fails you?

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I'm not so quick to say going without condums is a bad idea ... say what you will, safe sex, blah, blah, blah ... condums are a barrier to intimacy both for the man and the woman. The pill works for many ... there are other contraceptives that are effective too. I was with a woman who used a diaphragm which doesn't have the health risks of the pill. There are also spermicidal sponges and IUDs.


Condums are, on average, one of the least effective contraceptive techniques (about 90%) except for the so called "rhythm method" If STDs are a concern, get tested and remain faithful!



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Have you ever had sex with her WITH a condom? If you have orgasmed in a condom inside her thats what it will feel like..it wont feel any different really without a condom... she wont be able to feel the sperm.


Maybe true, but psychologically there is a difference for both between having an orgasm inside her and having a layer of latex in between.

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say what you will, safe sex, blah, blah, blah ... condums are a barrier to intimacy both for the man and the woman.


Know what is more of a barrier to intimacy?


Weeping lesions caused by herpes all over your genitals.


This day and age if you love your partner you would want to protect them from getting an STI which may be life altering and ireversable.

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If I were you, I'd stop having sex until you can do it responsibly, no matter what methods you use.


Diseases are a risk for you both, but consider the possible third party.

Birth control is easier than raising a baby.

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If you're 100% opposed to using a condom (which I would strongly advise, even if she obtains hormonal BC), she needs to make an appointment with her gynecologist to discuss hormonal birth control, like the pill, the ring, or Depo-Provera. Yes, there are other methods of BC, but keep in mind their success rates. The sponge is around 85%, and the diaphragm only slightly higher. Yes, IUDs are highly effective, but they can be tough to obtain. You didn't mention her age, but most practitioners anymore are quite reluctant to provide an IUD to a woman under 18; besides, they're quite expensive, even with insurance.


But your best defense against STDs will always be a condom. And if pregnancy is your major concern, remember that there's no such thing as a foolproof contraceptive - best to have as much protection as you can.

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So did you talk to your gf about it? Any ideas on what you will do?


Remember that until you've gotten a reliable alternative established, you need to wear a condom every single time you're inside her - whether you're going to come in her or not.


Keep us posted.

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Please realize that what you want to avoid NOW (both pregnancy and STI's) certainly outweighs the feeling of no condom. Use link removed (Durex Avanti), that will really make it feel better and be as safe. Better safe than sorry.

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