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Wow. Anybody else have this problem? I look at myself in the mirror and think, hmm, I'm lookin' pretty decent today. But when I go and take a picture of myself or somebody else takes a picture of me, without fail, I look horrible!


It's frustrating, I just want to get one good picture of myself that I can put up on a dating site...

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i found this: link removed


But ugh, I don't like doing the same pose in every pic to show my 'good angle'. I also do think of something funny when I take a pic so my smile is genuine and not posed. I like #11 : photoshop yourself..man, that'll kill your esteem if u gotta shop your otherwise appearing 'casual photographs'. I have done minor adjusting to my images when need be, but most of the time i just hate them and try not to show anyone lol.


but yea I think I look awful in most of my pics and I could be lookin real good in real time...


maybe my eyes are just playing tricks on me, b/c photos don't lie right?

I look totally different in my pics...it's unbelievable.



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Most people do look bad in pictures, especially snapshots. The harsh lighting given off by a flash is unbecoming.


But, there are people who are the oposite... I don't want to sound like I am bragging, because I am not, really... But I am very photogenic. I have posted pics of myself here and I have all these people telling me how hot I am. What they don't understand though is I only look good in pictures. If any of those same people saw me walking down the street they probably wouldn't even think that.

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I look like crap in photos. Ugh. My eyes are usually shut, or I have a stupid look on my face, or the lighting is awful.


I'd like to think I look pretty good in person, though again, it depends on the lighting. In some bathrooms, I look horrid. Public bathrooms have such crummy lighting, I find.

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Yeah, same here.


Wow, is good to know is not only my paranoia.


I hate my picture being taken. I hate the way I look. It has a lot to do with the angle and the lighting the picture is taken, which are most of the time far from perfect, and of course the fact that I don´t have the facial features or bone structure of a top model.


I´ve taken pictures of myself for the sake of it.... for seeing if I manage to look at least decent, and I always find that I have to take hundreds to find at least one where I don´t feel I look completely ghastly.

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I read this woman's account of her near death experience once... She dies in a hospital. At first she didn't realize what was happening... She just saw a body laying on the bed. Then, in looking closer she realized it was hers. Then she went into this whole thing about seeing herself in threedementional form. The mirror and photographs are only a flat surface. She said there were things about her features she never even noticed before.


So, I guess neither a mirror or a photograph is really acuarate.

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None, because the lighting conditions are always variable.



I highly doubt all the unphotogenic bunch manage to have a near death experience just to find out we are prettier in 3D than we thought... so trying to look good in pictures, mirrors and videos is as good as it gets for most of us...

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I am an illustrator, and as an illustrator it's frowned upon when you draw from a photograph, it's strongly suggested artists draw from life for a number of reasons.


1. A photo never defines true form

2. A picture sometimes displays a figure differently, it could appear larger or smaller, taller or shorter than in real time

3. A camera is a mechanism that relays information on it's own terms and conditions. It's a machine, it's not perfect.

4. Lighting manipulates an image, and FLASH is just awful most of the time, nothing beats a live figure in natural light.

5. Final word: you can't trust a photograph.



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It's because you never see yourself the way people see you. When you look in the mirror the image is reversed. So you become accustomed to seeing your face in a certain way. However, when you look at a picture, you are seeing an image where everything is on the opposite side than you are used to.

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i think if you practise and take your own pics without the pressure of someone else telling you to get over it and the first pic was fine...you could relax.


Who cares if it takes one out of a hundred that you are happy with. It is what it is.

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None, because the lighting conditions are always variable.



I highly doubt all the unphotogenic bunch manage to have a near death experience just to find out we are prettier in 3D than we thought... so trying to look good in pictures, mirrors and videos is as good as it gets for most of us...


HazelN, (not a typo, you called me HellF, so I called you HazelN)

I never said you were going to do that or that you should do that. I remembered reading that about ten years agao and was just trying to make a point.

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