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I Wish I Was A Male And Not A Woman !


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Thats BS. Guys have to get weekly haircuts and get 6 pack abs just so girls can even acknowledge them.


Who told you that? Let me tell you the plain and simple truth, if the woman you are attracted to only acknowledges you because of your looks...move on.

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Who told you that? Let me tell you the plain and simple truth, if the woman you are attracted to only acknowledges you because of your looks...move on.


I've yet to meet a girl who will give me the time of day. Since I don't look like Brad Pitt, I don't even get a chance. Point is, it's not easy being a guy either. Especially when you're not good looking or rich.

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"...perhaps it's just a simple fact,

you only want the things that you can't have." - Al Stewart


Then there's the fable of the Trouble Tree...in short:


A gnome was the keeper of the Trouble Tree, where he invited passersby to put their life's problems on the Trouble Tree. The only catch was, if you put troubles on the tree, you had to take someone else's off the tree as your own. In the fable, every person, after trying out someone else's troubles, willingly took back their own.

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I've yet to meet a girl who will give me the time of day. Since I don't look like Brad Pitt, I don't even get a chance. Point is, it's not easy being a guy either. Especially when you're not good looking or rich.


Did you ever ask them the time of day? If you have...then you're not asking right.

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Didn't think so, but had to ask.


The PMS for me isn't so much the cramps...it's the total personality change two weeks before. The mean and nasties....I feel like I am outside of myself. I envy men for not having that problem. This time of month...before that time of month...I want to be completely alone. No such luck.:sad:

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Its funny how biased these posts are. It's almost as biased as the Lifetime! channel where everytime I flick it on there's either a woman being raped, abused, cheated on, lied to, and even murdered by who? MEN! Yet Dateline did a show where they took actors and posed them as a fighting couple in a park and the woman was slapping pushing around the guy and outta ALL the people who walked by(including an off-duty police officer), one lady tried to stop her. ONE LADY. They did the same situation, same spot, same amount of people passing by but the guy was pushing the girl instead and almost every person stopped and said something. IN FACT! Woman who talked on camera were like cheering the girl on figuring "Oh that guys a scumbag he must of did something." So really this topic is arguable both ways. I'd rather have a period(which can be stopped now) than for woman to look at you as a woman beating, cheating low-life scumbag. And since we're on abuse, how easy is it for a guy to say "my wifes beating me" Where as a woman abused would get a nobel prize. The guy..." suck it up..."


Back when I was a teen I worked at burger king and this other employee which happened to be a girl who apparently had just had some woman's rights class was ranting how girls should be treated equally as guys. Yet 10 minutes later she was complaining that she had to lift something heavy, saying that should be a "man's job." Aint that the double standard! Dont treat me differently because im a girl, but you can do so when its convienent for me like while im lifting up boxes, or chilling next to the ACed front register because working with grease will give me acne.


I'm not saying all woman are like that cause I know theyre not. But the "victim" image gets a little old. We all have our problems, suck it up and deal with it. As a matter of fact thats a little edge girls have. The right to * * * * * and whine about things.


As for men having it easier? I guess in some aspects we do, but in some aspects woman do have an easier time.

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But the "victim" image gets a little old. We all have our problems, suck it up and deal with it. As a matter of fact thats a little edge girls have. The right to * * * * * and whine about things.

Advocate change and consideration, not saying "deal with it" and it might make more impact.


Because for all your swearing and inflammatory statements you don't actually tell us anything or instill any desire to change. You are responsible for change as much as any other person. If you want change to happen, you have to incite people to do so with a direction. Saying people ***** and whine, will not get them to respect your opinion, it will only close them off to you and make them more adamant to oppose you.


Tell what you think is wrong and then give suggestions how to change it. Insult people and they will not listen, persuade people and you can make things happen.

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Because for all your swearing and inflammatory statements you don't actually tell us anything or instill any desire to change. You are responsible for change as much as any other person. If you want change to happen, you have to incite people to do so with a direction. Saying people ***** and whine, will not get them to respect your opinion, it will only close them off to you and make them more adamant to oppose you.


Tell what you think is wrong and then give suggestions how to change it. Insult people and they will not listen, persuade people and you can make things happen.


If I was directing my post at anyone other than the OP I would have put it in quotes like im doing so now...


And who said I want this to change? I was just giving my opinion exactly as you say it. I didn't say I had a problem with the double standards as much as I was saying that I had a problem with what the OP said. And I certainly wasn't trying to get anyone else angry by my "inflammatory" post. Just trying to share an experience of my own(just as everyone else does) and share something I saw on television that pertained to the subject. Sure I did it in a biased way of my own, but not totally biased as the OP did.


Im not scorned in any way to "hate" on women. I love women and respect all that they do for us men.


Feel the need to oppose? I do feel that everyone can add to what I said in a constructive or destructive way so do so...This is a forum afterall. I'll take what you have to say and add my own little bit.


Sorry if I came off that I was "calling out" certain people.

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There have been these "Battle of the sexes" arguments ad nauseum on this forum, and no one "wins"...and face it, you wanted to argue. This WAS a playful thread, now it's no fun. The reality is, no one really knows how it feels for anyone else uless they walk a mile in their shoes.

I think we all were sharing the pros AND cons of being female or male. I didn't see anyone screaming for equal rights. The truth is, we are very different creatures in many ways, but we still seem quite enamoured of each other for the most part...or else everyone would be homosexual.

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It Sucks Being A Woman! We Get To Deal With Periodes, Pregnancy, Birth Giving, Saggy Boobs And Strech Marks.. And All Men Do Is Enjoy And Live Their Life. When Woman Ages Shes Considered An Old Rag With Expiration Date And A Guy Is A Hunk Or A Bachelor.

Well That Is Just So Unfair I Wish I Was A Guy !



that is not true........


do you know how hard it is too aim at a toliet,.....do you think that it just happens naturally? no we have to practice at it over and over again if your accuracy is slightly off then you have to waste toilet paper and clean up urine, u know what urine on your hands smells like?......we get critized also, no hot chick for us unless we make 300k a year and drive a lamborgini.....(not always) do you know how depressing it is too be over 20 and still be a virgin? and be a man to top it off..........

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that is not true........


do you know how hard it is too aim at a toliet,.....do you think that it just happens naturally? no we have to practice at it over and over again if your accuracy is slightly off then you have to waste toilet paper and clean up urine, u know what urine on your hands smells like?......we get critized also, no hot chick for us unless we make 300k a year and drive a lamborgini.....(not always) do you know how depressing it is too be over 20 and still be a virgin? and be a man to top it off..........



Okay, answers:


Sit down when you pee. Wash the urine off your hands after you go. There are also female virgins at 20, that isn't a gender-specific problem, and I am going to marry someone that doesnt make 300k a year, and he drives a used jeep...so that is a crock as well.

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So you want mistreatment and double standards to continue?


Theyre going to continue no matter what. Sure I could TRY and make a change, but people are going to think and do what they want. I didn't want my post to be the end all of double standards.


That is all im going to say on this matter...I'm not trying to get anyone to hate me on this forum. Just wanted to share a real-life experience and something I saw on TV that would make the OP think a little differently. But clearly a few exclamation points and 2 bad words make what I was trying to say "hostile." Wasn't my intent, but the damage is done and I still stand by everything I said.

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