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so i talked to my crush and she didnt give me a a very good answer


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so i talked to my crush (who knew i liekd ehr) and aksed where i stood and if she saw us going anywhere anytime soon or if i should just forget bout that. and she said that if she went anywhere with anyone it would be me but shes not sure. so i said so is that a no? an she said "ya...well i dont know i dont want anything like my last break up happening...especialy with you" and i said "well it snot what i was hoping but i want you to do what u feel is best for you" and she said "well i dont know im really confused right now...i have to go right now are you walking to school tomroow?" an di said "yaa i guess we will finish our conversation then. or would you rather me drop it?" and she said "no i think we should talk. and by tomrow i will have ahd mroe time to think" so we said gnight and all and she left. so what do you guys make of that??should i just cut my losses and move on??or should i pursue it??

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Doesn't sound very promising to be honest...I'll give you the best advice possible, "dont wait it out." I think you could talk to her, but don't push for a relationship. From her very wary responses she seems as if she's been hurt or hurt her x-b/f and it didn't end well....so she's afraid of it ending up like that with another guy. I've seen it before...it's a fear that has a pretty strong control over people sometimes...but I can't be sure without any real information if that's what's up with her.

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well what it was was that she dumped him but he made it really hard for him by like telling everyone about it and telling them how sad he was and how much he still liekd her. then all the peopple whol heard him went to her and kept pressuring her to try and get them to go out again and she felt betrayed by all her friends because well yaa they sided with the guy and not her

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Hey blink_guy,


At first when I read this, I took the stance that she was simply trying to let you down gently by saying that she is confused and hurt by her ex. If a girl is into you, she won't beat around the bush.


It seems as though this is a complex situation. So maybe she isn't just trying to say "no way" to you. Unfortunately, my advice is still the same as it would be in the first scenario - you should back off. You guys are obviously good friends and I'm not sure that she is ready to start anything with anyone. If you were to push then you would be risking your friendship for the possibility of gaining what I think would be a shortlived relationship.


At the same time, do not wait for her to be ready. There is still the possibility that she sees you as only a friend. This would only hurt you in the long run. I think you should try your luck elsewhere.


Sorry mate, best of luck.

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I feel ur pain... (except i don't know if she's trying to say no in a nice way).

O well, either way, some things are just not meant to work (or, yet). Don't wait for it man, she'll approach u if she's serious. I don't think you can make it any clearer than you've already done...


On the bright side, at least she sounded sincere... and she bothered to make an excuse... could b a lot worse right?

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