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wooing a girl?


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Well I think the basic idea here is to let her know you are interested, but the key is you have to make her want you--not the other way around. You've got to get her interest up. Sure doing things for her, and buying gifts, and calling, and taking her out shows that you're interested, but you don't want to be overbearing.


You've got to make sure you don't do all the work. Let her do some...give her mixed signals from time to time. After all, it is a game. Let there be a mystery...even after (if) you've got her as a girlfriend.


See, if she's really lonely or whatever, or somehow REALLY falls for you, then you don't really have to work at keeping her interest up. But I can tell you it can be hard work with certain girls. From my experience, the girls I've dated were always looking to upgrade. You can't show her "you can't live without her" attitude or any of that. You have to make a choice each and every day that you are still interested in her, and she has to do the same.


After you get a romance going for a while, you probably won't have to worry about this as much, but I can tell you sometimes it's a lot of work at first.

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To me it means calling in the beginning about once or twice a week - once to ask her out on a date you plan in advance, whether expensive or free, the second time to confirm plans and/or just say hello. It's fine to e-mail her a few times a week with something lighthearted but typically every day is overkill and overwhelming. You show up when you say you will, you notice things about her and tell her - not just looks! You are interested in what she has to say. You ask her for the next date while on the current date if it's going really well. Buy her small things that she might mention - maybe a cd you discussed, etc. Bring her flowers.


rent the movie amelie to get the flavor of wooing.

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Wooing if equivalent to flirting, conveying your personality, building rapport and attraction... the things that you communicate about yourself to the other person to help build 'chemistry'


The other posters on this one have advice that sounds good on paper, but go out in the real world and you'll get alot of LJBF's and flakey behavior if you follow their advice. Bottom line : approuval seeking (buying gifts, attempted romance (NOT = romantic), etc), needyness (can't live without you), and weakness ARE NOT masculine traits aka not attractive traits.

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Call her and invite her to do things with you. If she seems hesitant, then stop, because I get really uncomfortable when guys try to hang out with me who I'm not interested in. But if she seems interested, hang out with her and flirt. Never try to hard though... ugh I hate when guys do it, it just seems se desperate.

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Wooing a girl implies trying to win a girl who is not interested in you over by being extra nice to her. It rarely works, and I would recommend you don't try it.


Don't try to hook up with a girl unless she is as much into you and you are into her. Don't think you can win her over by being nice to her.


It's best to be friends first so you can really get to know her well first. THen turn the heat up later.


Once you are in a relationship, do all the little things to show how much she means to you. But remember to make sure she is doing as much romantic stuff for you as you are doing for her....make sure its going both ways...

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I completely disagree on the "friends first" - if a man asked me to be "friends first" and we had just met or weren't yet "friends" I would reply "sure - we can meet for lunch or a drink once in awhile during the week but my weekends and my priority are for meeting men who are interested in dating with the potential for a relationship.


I would also assume he wasn't attracted to me suffiicently to date me and/or he was so insecure or scared that he was unwilling to take me on a real date - big turn off. Or, that he was dating/pursuing someone else. It's strongly preferable to get to know the person through dating - physical/sexual intimacy can be taken slow of course.


Sounds like we have different definitions of wooing - I don't think it means that the woman is not interested, just that the man wants to show the woman that he is a gentleman and is interested in her. (a woman can woo a man too, of course).

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Call her and invite her to do things with you. If she seems hesitant, then stop, because I get really uncomfortable when guys try to hang out with me who I'm not interested in. But if she seems interested, hang out with her and flirt. Never try to hard though... ugh I hate when guys do it, it just seems se desperate.


This is true as well... Being able to read people well helps.


Wooing a girl implies trying to win a girl who is not interested in you over by being extra nice to her. It rarely works, and I would recommend you don't try it.


I could debate the finer points of this, but in general YES, if a girl is not attracted she probly won't ever be.


Don't try to hook up with a girl unless she is as much into you and you are into her. Don't think you can win her over by being nice to her.


definitely true, but you can take a girl with a low level of interest/attraction and build on that... but it's not by being 'nice'.


It's best to be friends first so you can really get to know her well first. THen turn the heat up later.




Once you are in a relationship, do all the little things to show how much she means to you. But remember to make sure she is doing as much romantic stuff for you as you are doing for her....make sure its going both ways...


Going both ways, sure... but really, in general, the more nice things you do FOR a woman the less she will respect you for it. The less she will be attracted to you... supplication like this is an attraction KILLER. Read the next post if you don't believe me.


I completely disagree on the "friends first" - if a man asked me to be "friends first" and we had just met or weren't yet "friends" I would reply "sure - we can meet for lunch or a drink once in awhile during the week but my weekends and my priority are for meeting men who are interested in dating with the potential for a relationship.
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