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Everything posted by craven

  1. Hi I graduated from a 3D animation course a couple of years ago and have not been able to find work. I've been working dull labour jobs that leave me drained of energy at the end of the day. I recently took some training courses, over the last two months, that helped me get a temp position working on local film sets. The experience was not what I expected...it was terrible, I spent an entire day standing around. It occurred to me that I took the film training courses to be involved in the creative process of film, contributing to how the film gets made, not being some grunt who walks around cleaning the sets. I have all these "plans" and for the most I see them through without regret...I did graduate from a 3D school, I did work on a film set...but it never seems to be what I want. I'm good at Labor jobs, construction, but I HATE that type of work. I've gone through entire days angry and on the edge of quiting regardless if I can afford to or not. The only thing that keeps me going is when I get home and put an Hour of time into my art or anything else creative that I'm working with. But all that extra time spent on my art doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere either and I'm starting to burn out. I have friends and family who still talk about the things they plan to do, for more than ten years now, I don't want to be a 35 yr old man looking for a career. I probably won't quit working on my portfolio, but I sure don't know what to do next.
  2. Well I've received some news about this girl I like. She moved to a new city to go to school, still close to me, but she has only been there for maybe 3 weeks and she met some other guy. I heard they are also sleeping together. Is it better that I avoid her? I mean she moved to a new city and already has a sexual relationship with a man in only 3 weeks, that's pretty fast moving.
  3. Is this girl currently seeing someone else? Does she have another boyfriend?
  4. I'm not sure what "indirect" tactics I could use....Do I just ask her if she is interested in someone, not specifiacally me, and listen to how she responds???
  5. I got a chance to get together with this girl that I like. We were at a bar, but she seemed to be all over the place, she is a very social person. We never got to talk much, honestly I never made much of an attempt. I don't know how to keep up with a person like her, talking, dancing, drinking, nonstop. She goes off to University at the end of summer, less than a month. I'm feeling certain that in that kind of atmosphere she may become a different type of person. University is the kind of place you study, party, and get lucky. I still like this girl but I'm feeling just lost right now.
  6. I called her and everything went fine, she even sounded interested in hearing from me. I want to keep in touch with her, but I also don't want to smother her with phone calls...I was thinking maybe once a week or so???? This girl lives a few hours away from me, are there any things I can do besides calling, to let her know I care....I know getting in my car and driving to see her is one option but what do I do when I get there...how can I let her know that I want to try and be more than just a friend??
  7. I've been friends with this girl, I see her from time to time. Since she lives several hours away from me we don't get together much...or even talk much on the phone. But every time we are together I get this feeling that she really likes me and I really like her also. I had the chance to be closer to her, physically, over the last several days, in one night we held hands and she was sitting on my lap at our camp site with our friends. But the next day I didn't do anything to pursue a potential relationship...I pretty much pretended like the last night never happened. I've never really had a long relationship, as a matter of fact I've never had a close relationship with anyone in over 5 years...sad, I know. I really wasn't trying to toy around with her emotions, I just don't know what to do. For alot of people I know flirting with a girl and getting a phone number from her is like brushing your teeth...for me I get scared. I get scared of rejection, being jealous, being ridiculed by her, and many more things that have not happened and may never happen. I'm tired of being alone. Do I call this girl and keep in touch until we can be closer(ie same city) or something else.
  8. I recently graduated from a 3D animation program. I love watching 3d animated cartoons, playing video games, and all the cool special effects in movies that are all related to 3D animation. I have trial versions of the software at home but I never seem to get off my lazy but and practice with it and build up a portfolio. I know I'll never get a job anywhere without a strong portfolio for potential employers to look at. Is this maybe a phase I'm struggling to get through or is it possible that I truly don't like to do this stuff (3d animation). P.S I've been out of school now for about 6 months with not job in 3d animation and no new animations added to my portfolio, only what I have done at school.
  9. I'm from Saskatoon, in Saskatchewan, the people here don't act bigoted or alienate me, I alienate them. Most of my life I've been defensive, always cautious not to get involved with the "wrong crowd", never standing up for myself. I appreciate the advice from everyone, I understand that change is important, yet some fear I've not yet figured has me rooted into an isolated life. Even though I've graduated from a post secondary education I'm not even sure I want to continue in that particular field I've studied in ( 3D Animation) yet when I see the work done by industry professionals I still get excited about it. It seems that before I start anything I have already accepted failure. But think I'll start trying harder to recover...I think that I can say good-bye to chocolate and caffeine.
  10. I moved to a new city to go to school about two years ago. I graduated about six months ago and in that whole time I haven't made one friend or met a female companion. I have a lot of negative thoughts most of the time about people judging me, teaming up against me, hating me, of course in the end non of my fabricated thoughts are real. I have done a lot of searching for answers to my problems but I still can't seem to make that first step, I just can't seem to let go of my hate. Fantasies of suicide are the only things that surpress the anger inside me when I lye in bed at night. Their are brief moments in my life that make me happy and want to be alive, but the majority of my life is very depressing. Does anyone have some advice?
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