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Posts posted by Coily

  1. As someone probably pretty close to this friend in temperment, minus the regular texting. It's not a lack of care/concern its a lot about being very involved with other things and thinking that others are too. A text or mail is low pressure, and doesn't demand that others spend time doing your thing. Another element is wanting to respect distance and not crowd someone. Throw in a dash of having organized things only to have many flake out at the last minute, it makes one leery of asking all friends to do things.

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  2. Yeah... don't send this. It's a nice sentiment, but it really not something to send to her.

    It could send her into a bit of a panic and destroy any friendship left. I would also suggest that if she's stated there is no possibility of a romantic relationship, that you begin to distance yourself from her. Gone are the days of persistence in pursuit being rewarded.

    • Like 4
  3. As to the house, it's a lot of additional work to keep and run one; but it's so very worth having a space to call your own. Though I would advise you get settled into your new career first, before looking at buying a home; I bought mine after 4 years of being established at my work.

    I will also say never have anxiety over being a virgin. It is rather a special thing, and for the right relationship they will respect that. I think pop culture has made too much of relationships being about sex, which skews things absurdly for those of us not in relationships. I also think you are being unrealistic about putting finding a relationship on hold for 3 years, if the right someone comes along jump at it. I say this as someone who put a relationship on hold to finish University, my reward was being invited to her wedding.

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  4. The end of November has been wild, and not in a good way. Lost two friends, a great aunt, and I decided to hangout with pneumonia for 3 weeks. Then there's the wedding I was supposed to be best man at in the middle of all that. Add in a flaky potential customer who I'm fed up with, I wouldn't mind catching a break.

    • Sad 1
  5. My aunts had a big falling out and didn't speak for nearly a year, because both were stubborn. I see elements of this in your story, I would encourage you to send a text or email on occasion to her; but don't waste your time over the details of her problems. Either time will heal the rift, and if not you have taken efforts to let bygones be bygones.


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  6. Here's the "women are fickle" response. (Okay everyone is, but red meat)

    Seriously, dating can be a landfill. A few dates are awesome, then someone can change their mind. Sometimes it's nothing but a whim few dates to test the waters, sometimes life changes, and sometimes who they are dating brings up memories of someone else. The point being you can't and shouldn't worry about someone else's rejection of you. Clearly they weren't worth your time, no matter how promising  they seemed at first.

    If you have a pattern of rejections, then maybe re-evaluate your dating pool.

    For some comic relief, I got rejected 3 date over wearing a hat in a book store. Didn't wear it for dinner, wore it for the movies, but what killed things I wore a hat in a book shop. She was a librarian. So there you go OP, rejection can be for very obscure reasons.

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    • Haha 1
  7. Have you tried for multiple orgasms, or are you just done/exhausted after the first?

    I have to agree with others you need to do more foreplay on him, are there other ways you can enjoyably stimulate him beyond BJs and HJs? Also a general health check maybe in order with a physician?

    Another thought, how long do you rest afterwards? If it's not fully falling asleep, you could consider round 2.

  8. With a friendship this long, I would mostly just be patient while not being her doormat. I'm not a fan of her just bailing, but if she's working towards a serious relationship then it's on you to be supportive when it's not self detrimental.

    That said don't wait around for her, don't make a lot of effort to hang out or contact her. Either she will come around, or you have begun the fade out.

    For perspective, my best friend of 30 years is finally getting himself hitched. We went from regular conversations to maybe twice a month, then less as they got closer to being engaged. I was excited for him, sure I knew my time for hanging out was more limited than ever but he was doing what made him happy.

    • Like 3
  9. A pattern I noticed is you mention feeling low and sleep problems in cycles, have you noted either health/diet or social aspects to these cycles? Maybe it's a worthless observation, but as all humans have cycles of sorts maybe it's worth taking notes of your daily routine in and out of these phases.


  10. Something to take into account with his overly complimentary behavior is how many long term relationships has he had? Some guys who aren't very experienced, and I speak from having done this accidentally, will over compliment as they want to make sure you know they are really into you. Unless you communicate your discomfort with compliments being laid on so thick they won't know how off putting it is.

    If he won't ease off then you know he's up to more than just compliments. Focus on communication first, and go from there.

  11. This woman is horrific for your life/esteem/dignity, the quicker you cut her grasping controlling ways out of your life the better you will be for it. Especially since you have a child with an ex, and she gets affronted by you getting information about your child!

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  12. @Bz77 Your good friends will still listen, they may  steer you towards other topics, but they'll always listen.

    It's good you are seeing the fractures in the longevity of the relationship; don't rush it, just process a chunk at a time. As for the items he still has, unless they are of particular personal value or cost probably best to let them go; also any gifts are just that. You could ask for them back, but do the exchange with a friend doing a bulk of it.*

    I would block him and remove him from all social media, close every path of communication, since as you said he will be doing it for selfish reasons. Unless you have a fiscal, familial, or contractual obligation to someone, you owe them nothing.

    People like that have to want to change, and that usually takes a shock to their system.


  13. Just now, sleepytime said:

    I figure women don't really give out a phone number unless they really feel OK with that person, her touching and asking personal stuff is what is throwing me off plus a little bit of touching on the upper back and after she found out I went to her fav place to eat she gave me a surprised side hug.

    Some women are very open. That said if you are interested in her just be up front as to your intentions and see where things go!

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  14. She is definitely friendly, so that could be all.

    However on the lighter side, if the two of you haven't spent a lot one on one time and are practically strangers ( I presume) her guy friend may just be there as a just in case. All in all I would take her up on the offer of a meal, and also express your intent as soon as you are comfortable.

    I wish you the best outcome!

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  15. It's natural to second guess/play what IF with yourself after a break up, we've all done it. I went on a wild hare vacation after a break up, so I think you need to find an outlet that is healthy for you.

    Some people have written and then shredded letters to an ex, some go on internal reflection tours about what they value, and some just go to trusted friends vent about everything. In short it will take some effort and some time to heal from this, but you don't have to ball it up inside. One thing I do when I start getting lonely over an Ex, is rather than focus on who I'm missing I focus on lessons learned from that failure; it is really hard when it's a fresh break up.

    Wishing you well!

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