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Everything posted by Coily

  1. Has she sought professional counseling for the damage done to her by exes? Before rushing any deeper into this relationship, it maybe time for her to get help past these issues.
  2. Yikes, sounds like your girlfriend has some serious trust issues and insecurities, this is the tip of the iceberg. It sounds like this is going to be one of the 12 labors of Hercules to get her calmed down from this; as others have said it seems like she's looking for an out or worse how easy you are to manipulate. After 6 years she should already know your character and trustworthiness, I would be seriously reconsidering the relationship at this point.
  3. These lines really stood out. On one hand I would say he didn't do enough to fight for time with his kids and you on the weekends. But he still did the scummy thing of having an affair. The remaining question is did the improvement come before or after he got caught cheating? Ultimately it's up to you to decide if you want to try to start this marriage over from scratch, weigh your options carefully and write a pro-con list. While also making it clear that he has a heck of a lot more than just being dad to his kids, clear boundaries need to be established and dire consequences. Divorce may ultimately be the right decision, but that's not for a bunch of voices on the internet to decide.
  4. There wasn't mutual attraction, so nothing you could have done. It sucks, but time to press on. That said you don't have to remain super friends either, until you move on just be polite and cordial; but don't get yourself into one on one situations where underlying attraction could still surface uncomfortably.
  5. Time for a long hard discussion about your relationship, make sure that he doesn't feel pressured into accepting your side job. Which I think many men would, so they could keep an attractive woman in their life. Are you two monogamous, or poly, or? How is the relationship outside of this issue?
  6. This part stood out. Either a simple scapegoat, as in-laws are easy to blame. Or a very serious part of him feeling disconnected and willing to be a scumbag cheater. Could your parents be seen as intrusive? Coming over unannounced, insisting on looking after the kids rather than their father, undue influence on you and the way you treat your husband, given a higher priority than he, or any other numerous disruptions to him being the head of house (or at least feeling like he's contributing to the family)? This stood out as I saw a friend slowly loose his marriage as his MIL moved within a block of him. She would start dropping in, bringing her dogs over unannounced, a mild fight would induce the wife to "go home to momma," and other intrusions into their life. Until they divorced from the constant whispers in the wife's ear by the MIL lead to divorce. That said, IF you both want this to work marriage counseling, hard lines of respect for both of you (no snooping on your part and no scummy cheating on his part), and the clear intention that if it happens again it's divorce. As for the model car, simply dump it in the trash. Again before jumping right to divorce, how is the marriage otherwise? When he doesn't feel hampered by your parents, how is he as a father? Heck even when he feels hampered, how is he as a father?
  7. Grooming and predatory behavior 101. She used your identity and affiliation as tools to manipulate and eventually sexually assault you. Cut her out of your life and torch the bridge, she will not stop until she gets what she wants. All she was missing is a windowless van and asking you to find her puppy.
  8. I'm yelling at you it's creepy that you care so much about his ex-wife's name. They have a kid together, it's likely for co-parenting. Plus she can have any name she dang well pleases, even his full name if she wants; it should not effect you at all. You trust this man so little so early this should be a red flag. Let him go, find someone without an ex or kids.
  9. If I found out someone was doing this level of creepy research on my child, I too would be making excuses not to see them. Sorry he's not exactly a whack job. Cut your losses, there is nothing fulfilling for either of you. You can't trust him, and he's got way too much on his plate to deal with.
  10. Aside from the therapy, for the loss of your mother, your self destructive behaviors, and esteem in relationship issues; there are steps you can take to get out of this cycle. The first question I'd have you explore with yourself and a therapist, is what do you want out of a relationship? Is it sex? Is it the honeymoon phase of dating? Are you wanting to start a family? If sex, well you've already come to a work around for that.The rest, now that's where you need to do the hard introspection. I genuinely hope you can find a path forward, but the first steps will be difficult.
  11. Depending on what the guy does for work, he may not be able to promptly respond. Some people also are not avid texters, or are cyclical in how they communicate. The real question isn't about your topics, it is are you interested enough in this guy to keep the texts up? If their style of communications isn't compatible then maybe best to leave well enough alone.
  12. One parting thought, how was the relationship prior to his company going down the tubes? Are you willing to wait for a while until he gets a new job? I want to re-emphasize, that he isn't in a gods place to engage in a relationship, he is probably holding off meetings simply as he can't woo you as he is accustomed to.
  13. Being suddenly unemployed and having a child is going to put anyone through the wringer, and unfortunately you are going along for the collateral ride. With all that's going on he is probably, and unfairly clinging to anything that is "normal" to him; and that means the budding relationship that you two were starting. Which honestly sucks for you as he is now using you unfairly as a crutch, as he is putting blinders on to the failing relationship while tackling all of this situation. The only solution is for you to step away quietly, your frustrations being aired will not change how he acts and views things right now. Going no contact is the only way to detach yourself from this guy, as he will just double down on keeping things normal for now.
  14. It's wild reading some of the suggested restrictions being talked about in the UK for travel and petrol. "No travel Sundays" and Fuel rationing, this is all to controlling for my tastes. Then there are talks of food shortages in the US, due to trucking fuel problems. It just feels like we are careening around without a vision towards the future. There don't seem to be anyone in positions of power that have a view for making things better; just petty little power grabs.
  15. Definitely wasn’t my dream come true. Made me more mercenary about relationships overall after that; and I don’t like it one bit. I hold back on sex significantly longer now as a result, so not ideal.
  16. I have been on a few occasions just used for sex. I wanted a long term relationship, and these women just wanted a romp. It happens probably more than you want to know.
  17. It's all about the head space that hormones create. As others have states it's a lot about the chase, the crude cliche about notches on the head board apply. Though it's not restricted to one sex or the other. If you want something meaningful stand by that, and express it clearly. If one gets a stirring in the loins, make sure you both know the impact of that stirring. If either just plow ahead with sex and then have different reactions, well it's bad communications and everything falls apart. Honestly sex is less a part of the equation as it is the emotional aspects.
  18. I find it disturbing how fractured society is these days, it's not a political divide as much as it seems to be between how much someone blindly agrees with someone else. Even over the most petty useless things people make things so desperately serious.
  19. I find the turn of events so utterly shattering of my faith in humanity. No room to breathe and think, it's the constant "react this way now or you're bad." Yes events happen fast, but I want information to digest; and those are very sparse. Sometimes I feel like this is all some sort of game to people all of these events won't effect. Or that this is some psychological experiment on a grand scale.
  20. I'm waiting for my gift from reading this post. The real question you have to ask yourself: "Is this person my friend because we have fun, things in common, and I value their time? Or are they a walking purse to get you stuff and things?" If gifts are more important than the friendship, then is it a friendship at all?
  21. You are both trying to change each other. She wants you to travel and you want her to be a stick in the mud. This is not the foundation for a loving relationship. Let her go find someone who wants adventure and you should find someone who loves to stay within a 20 minute radius.
  22. It now seems she had a hand in perpetuating it, making it even funnier. Kind of takes the “did I say something out of context “ less worrisome. Haha
  23. Some where in the middle, I just had fun with it and didn't think anything of being platonic. Apparently they are making a meme of this, more funny as time goes on.
  24. So this odd situation just confuses me. LOL I Long story long, I'm on a some private gaming voice chats; and the one "internet" famous lady comes on semi regularly. We chat decently often about anything but why she's known, nothing more than friendly banter; so I think to myself I like her platonicly. On a different chat, with who turns out to be this lady's co-worker's girlfriend (Divide by the square root), who suggests in the midst of the conversation I should ask this lady out on a long distance date. After the flustering passes, I say no it's just platonic. A few days later chatting with friends and this lady, they blind side me with asking about my dating life. I'm just scratching my head. Part of me thinks it's coincidence, the rest... I don't think anything will really come of all this, but it's the order of those events.
  25. Coily


    Same when we men send the first message, the other party just isn't more than swipe deep. There are also bots, scammers, and just bums on dating sites; who don't reply either. All in all it's no reflection on you, but the users of the site.
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