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Posts posted by SunnyScott

  1. I've been through what you've been through. Except, my ex wanted a relationship again, he dumped me originally, but when I came back to him, I just didn't feel the same.


    For you, you might be anticipating the fact that he might still care, but when you guys get back, your feelings might change.


    It could be because you feel that the 'thrill of the chase' is exciting, but once you reach it, the feeling becomes dull.


    Trust me, this guy is not the last guy that you'll love.

  2. I say prove him wrong...!


    Continue to show good work ethics. Prove that you are better than a "2".


    I know exactly how you feel, but the oppossite happened to me. Going to work actually helped me through my breakup.


    On top of all that, I've got all of these hardcore science classes like Human Anatomy, we have to remember all of the bones, muscles, histology, nerves, everything, and then Microbio...holy cow..and the worst thing yet, this breakup could potentially ruin my G.P.A. for prospective med/pharmacy/p.a. schools.


    I have a whole career ahead of me, and this stupid relationship is just killing it for me.


    Anyway, pain only makes you stronger right. Some people have it worse, but whatever you do, always prove your boss, professors co-workers, whatever that they are wrong. Be yourself, and be the best!


    Don't let minor bumps in the road get in your way!

  3. Don't pay any attention to her. She might be nice now, but wait unitl she backstabs you again.


    You need your own space to heal. Take it, and tell her that you can't talk for now, if ever, but just to be nice, tell her at least for a couple of monthes, and then completely ignore her.


    My ex won't stop calling, he dumped me, I told him call me back in a month, he wants to keep in touch. Anyway, I'm disconnecting my phone so that he doesn't call.


    Screw it! Exes should just be ex's, don't give them the time of day!

  4. You should really throw that blade away. Cuts will only leave scars that won't go away unless if you pay major bucks for plastic surgery.


    Why are you so depressed? Is it b/c of problems with men, or just major depression in general?


    Life can be very hard sometimes, it feels as though there is no way 'out'. Even though this may sound a little cliche, but if you find God in yourself, and feel his presense, then that emptiness will go away.


    I also realize that everytime I thought of my depression, I kind of pushed God away even further. So just take a minute and contemplate, then you'll get that balance back.


    I don't mean to join a Christian group or anything, but as long as you have faith in a greater power, or faith in your own spirit, then things will definitely make a little more sense.


    Sometimes, we are just clouded by our expectations that we forget the little things in life.

  5. Can you find a different dorm building at least? Maybe you can talk to the coordinators and ask them.


    The more you distance yourself from this girl the better. Hopefully if you do find a different building, she won't be dating anyone in the new building.


    After all, this girl sounds like she hops around to different guys, why would you want to mope around for a girl like that? She didn't take you seriously, and isn't probably going to be serious with anyone for a while.


    You'll find someone new and better, don't give up. Just leave that building. Good Luck! Oh, and find different classes. Hopefully, your campus isn't too small and your choices aren't too limited.

  6. If it's killing you, then keep in touch with her through e-mail, or phone her once in a while. Her tendencies should die out.


    But whatever you do, 'communication' is key, so always tell her how you feel.


    Best of luck to you!

  7. It sounds like he's just toying around with your emotions.


    If he truly cared, then why isn't he with you now, why would he put you through so much misery?


    Trust your hunch. Let him say whatever he wants, but don't absorb it. Talk is cheap. Put everything aside for now, and when one year does go by, and if he's still willing and waiting, then his actions justify his words, and then you should consider.


    But for the time being, he's probably just lonely. So are you right? But he wasn't there for you 4 monthes ago, so why should you be there for him? Take care of yourself first, and communicate to him how you feel (but don't get back).

  8. I would dump him!


    Your time is too precious to be wasted! You are probably still young, and deserve better.


    After all, you are NOT even married to this guy. During the 'courting phase', your boyfriend should be on his best behavior and earn your trust (and so should you). Dating is only a phase in which you test out partners to see if they truly love you, and if they are truly committed to just you.


    If he can't do that, then what do you think is going to happen when the two of you were to marry later on? Is his excuse going to be, "oh honey, I got smashed at my bachler's party, and the stripper just gave me head...and nothing happened really..."


    Are you going to buy into that? Or in the worst case scenario, since he is doing drugs (exctacy), do you think that he'll make an adequate father? Will he always be there to support you and your children?


    Is he reliable? It doesn't sound like it. He's already betrayed your trust. The very root of a relationship is grounded on trust, and if he's already broken it, it is only bound to crumble someday.


    I'm not saying that there's no hope, but I know that when you are in love, it's hard for you to see things b/c you are 'blinded' by your love for him.


    You need to look at it from an outsider's point of view, and truly ask, "Do I want to be with this guy, Does he respect me, Does he love me unconditionally?"


    You deserve respect, and should realize that your life is too precious to be wasted.

  9. why would that be appearing to eager?


    If you approach her in a mature manner and ask her if she wants to hang out, then why not. Let's cut to the chase right? Sometimes, that's called confidence, girl's like that. If you beat around the bush, sometimes it might not get you anywhere.

  10. YOu are doing the best that you can. The more patient you are, the more she will appreciate and love you. Her problems in her past will unfortunately haunt her for the rest of her life until she confronts it.


    Often times, women who have been physically/or sexually abused as children will go through episodes of depression, espcially when it comes to dating, they will often resort to 'roller coaster' relationships. It's unfortunate, but often times this is how it works.


    Your girlfriend is doing the right thing, by seeking therapy and couseling, she's confronting her issues. In order for her to move above and beyond her depression and putting her partners in roller coaster situations, she must resolve her issues.


    On the bright side though, when she does seek enough help and counseling, knowing that you've waited so patiently, hopefully, she'll see right through it and recipricate that love for you in a healthy and happy way.


    Right now, she just needs to work out some issues. You are a great boyfriend, and I hope that you will continue to nourish her. Good luck, and don't give up!

  11. 1) do you believe its right or wrong/for or against

    I'm not against euthenasia. If euthanasia were to be legalized, then there should be lots of regulations to it.


    2) why do you feel like this

    People should have the right to choose whether or not they'd like to live or die. Some people who know that they will die, like cancer patients, shouldn't be forced to live in pain, and spend big bucks on life support systems knowing that they will have an 'x' amount of time to live.


    However, insurance companies will probably be completely against it and will hold campaigns to disapprove of the practice because they would lose out on a lot of money if legalization of euthanasia would pass.[/b]


    3) if you were asked to help 'euthanasia' even with someone who meant the world to you and it was there dream how would you deal with this situation?

    First of all, I would try to talk them out of it. However, if it's there choice to die, for a specfic reason, then I would not hold it against them even though that person meant the whole world to me.


    4) is there anyone who has religious views on this

    No comments

  12. It sounds like she wants to play the field. It probably has nothing to do w/you. Sometimes, some women get confused when they have a good relationship, but expect drama, and then don't know what to do.


    Some of my friends who have very committed boyfriends doubt the relatiionship. I think that it's b/c they don't know how to handle nice guys.


    Anyway, I hope that this answers your questions. I really don't think that you should call her. After all, she broke it off, so she can call you. Don't wait around for her, and no 'just good friends' usually doesn't work out; especially in your case, which you are left confused but wanting to get back with her.


    Hang in there, you'll pull through..

  13. It sounds like she is trying to keep things positive. Maybe, you could ask her if you could give her a call. After all, she says that she doesn't want to be strangers right?!


    If I got an email like that, especially from an ex that I didn't like, I wouldn't really hint on keeping in touch.


    Give her a call, and progressively talk to her more, then see what happens.


    Good luck!

  14. Give it another month or so, and see where it goes from there. If you are still sketchy, then be upfront and tell her, "I like you and want to be with you".


    Girls would rather have someone be straightforward, It's confident and attractive, and if she likes you then good, she'll want more too. If she doesn't, then you'll find someone better..Good Luck=)

  15. Maybe you're just under the weather, I don't want to sound harsh, but it could be depression, perhaps a chemical imbalance. If it's not likely of you to do poorly in school, then I think that it's probably the fact that your best friends are so far away from you.


    It's stress you know, all this change. Maybe, you can start getting involved in exercise, take a dance class or something. I hope that you'll feel better, it's natural, a lot of college students go through the same feelings as you do.

  16. Trust me, you should be happy that you haven't been involved so soon yet. I think the opposite, I think that you are among the 'lucky ones'.


    Save the best for last, you will find that person someday. Just don't look for them, it will happen, let it be natural, and when it happens you'll know that it's fate.


    Seriously, you are the lucky one, don't be sad. I'd rather be in your shoes. Sometimes, when you fall in love with someone, it's like a neverending viscious cycle that you wished you never tapped into.


    You love them, things don't work out, your heart gets broken, and broken more and more by the next person...


    Trust me, when the time's right, you'll meet that right person. Just be patient!

  17. OMG! My friend was in the same situation. Only, the whole affair was caught on tape. He was devasted when he saw his own father mess around with another chick.


    What happened to him was that his mom found the tape and watched it. Their family went through major drama, but eventually both parents split and his mom remarried.


    What you should do is confront your father. If he acts all defensive, then I say tell him upfront that you will tell your mother. I know that the truth hurts, but your mother deserves to be happy.


    I'm only telling you based on my friend's experience. He's okay now, his dad tries to work out a relationship with him, but it's all bitter resentment.


    I'm sorry, but I hope that evyerthing will be somewhat better...

  18. OMG! You really need to stay away from this guy before it's too late. He sounds like a very controlling abusive person!


    Your relationship is NOT healthy, and him placing an add really proves that he's not the committed type and does not care for you...


    It's tough when grieving, but you'll pull through. I feel really bad for you, your state of mind is fogged up by your emotions, you might feel really irrational, but by staying away from him, you will become more rational and perceptive to his behavior.


    It's hard for you to see all of the dangers that this guys will put you through because you are in love iwth him. So take my word for it...I hope this helps.

  19. "she said it could have just been one of her dogs because they like to chew her underwear"---that sounds like a lie to me.


    Anyway, women have extra vaginal discharges for lots of reasons ex vaginal yeast infections or extra hormones, but in any case, we just give off a lot of it for who knows what reasons...


    There is not justification in the fact that her underwear had extra fluid, however, her saying that her dog chews on her underwear sounds like a lie...why would you leave your underwear around for your do to chew it?


    I wouldn't want to wear my underwear knowing that my dog chewed on it, even after I wash it thoroughly.


    If you are having so much doubts, it's very unhealthy for you to stay in this relationship. You need to be with someone who will contribute to a healthy and happy normal life, but if you are going to be doubting or mistrusting consistently, then you're just destroying your own sanity.


    Oh, and another thing, when a girl stops wanting to have sex with you because all of a sudden she doesn't feel like it, it could be a sign that she's not feeling the relationship anymore...


    Anyhow, you need to communicate with her on what's going on...good luck ok!

  20. Kentore...


    I think that it's about time that you pick up the phone and call this girl...Is it rejection that you fear?


    The best soluation is to find out. You never know, maybe she still loves you. Maybe you guys are mature enough now...who knows, it's only up to you to find out.


    Trust me, what do you have to lose? If she's what you really want, then go for it...don't stop yourself, you'll go crazy for the rest of your life if you never find out...


    You need closure....best of luck! O

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