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Posts posted by SunnyScott

  1. It sounds like she's using you. Leave her, move on, she's not worth it.


    If someone tells you that they're not sure about being with you, leave them in the wind. Just think of it like a breeze in your past. Move on, her heart's not in it for you.


    Tons of girls would love a romantic, sweet person like you. It sounds like you're ccompletely committed to her, even after you guys have broken up. She doesn't realize how lucky she is.


    You are much better without her. Don't dig a hole that gets deeper, eventually you'll just kill yourself. My advice is to delete her number, and take some time out to take care of yourself...

  2. For the time being, there really isn't much you can do. Try to separate yourself from the group of friends a little. Go out and meet new people, make new friends, but once in a while keep in touch with your old friends.


    See, I don't know your situation quite well, but whatever it is, try to love yourself and remove yourself from her existence. You really need to drain her out of your system, by doing so, you need your own distance to recover.


    I hope that you are doing okay though. As for the future, don't even think about it, don't hope, becase when you hope, you expect, then you're doomed for disappointment.


    She should realize what she's lost, eventually she will, and then possibly, your future with her is more of something like you eventually not wanting her anymore.


    Be patient, time will heal your pain...=)

  3. Sorry to be so blunt, but a girl either likes you or she doesn't. It's that initial chemistry that either makes or breaks a potential relationship.


    I've been in the same situation. This guy used to like me a lot. He thought that I didn't know, but you know, girls talk (they tell each other everything), so I knew all of the details that he told my friend.


    Anyway, I used to have a crush on him, thought he was cute (before he even knew me), but for some reason after we got to know each other, my feelings for him weren't there.


    We still know each other, even in college, I still bump into him. We've been friends for quite some time. I know him really well now, and think that he's a nice guy, but still no sparks. I wish there could be though, but it's just not happening.


    Anyway, to cut a long story short, you should try to be her friend. Perhaps, after knowing her for a while, you might realize that you didn't really like her that much after all. That's what happened to the guy that liked me.


    After being in college for a while, his feelings for me eventually simmered down, mine never really developed, but, it's great because, now we are just good friends....


    Good Luck!

  4. If you have any questions about career information, here's a very resourceful website for you:




    Give it a try.


    When assessing what you want in life, you need to evaluate things on different levels such as:

    -values (location of the job, hours, etc.)

    -personal goals (advancement in a career)





    Go with what your heart says, but weigh out the benefits...

  5. No, You are NOT a bad person for wanting to get to know someone else. I wouldn't consider it a rebound, not unless if you sleep with that person. Just get to know each other as friends, and you'll be fine. Everyone needs to be around people. It's only natural as human beings not to want to be alone.


    You're too good for this guy, make him sorry, get to know new people...good luck ok!

  6. Honey,


    He's making plans with you last minute b/c he figures, if option 1 turns him down, then, you, option 2, will be there for him.


    I know it hurts, but most men separate the girls that they love from the girls that they don't. Often, when a guy sleeps with a girl too soon, he most likely considers her as a girl he probably won't love.


    Even if he's telephoning you consecutively, it doesn't mean that he's not calling others. His calls are meaningless.


    Please love yourself, and move on now, before it gets worse.

  7. Honestly, in my opinion, she shouldn't have ever dumped you. She hurt you. Now she's coming back for selfish reasons. It seems like she's using you to fill in a void. How convenient for her.


    Meanwhile, your heart is hurting, and hers isn't. It sounds like she tried to leave you for someone else, and her plans did not fall through, so, she wants to temporarily keep you around.


    I think that you are more deserving. Relationships are mutual. You deserve someone who will care for you as much as you care for them. I hope that you'll find that someone. Best of Luck!

  8. I'm sorry to say this, but a girl either likes you or she doesn't, and you should be able to take it like a man, and move on.


    Sounds like, not to be blunt or anything, but it seems as though her friends don't want to inflate your ego.


    You chasing after her is very flattering, but if her response is to hang out with her friends, it's most likely that she doesn't feel the same for you....


    Good luck okay=)

  9. My Ex-boyfriend won't stop calling me.

    We broke up pretty recently, mainly because

    I found out that he's been calling this girl

    that he's loved a long time ago (all except she doesn't feel the same for him).


    I always had a hunch that he still loves her, found evidence through our montly phone bill. Anyway, why does he keep calling?

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