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Posts posted by SunnyScott

  1. Hi, I have a question for all you guys, preferably between ages 20-25 In general, what do you guys look for in relationships during this period? A genuine relationship in which you are ready to settle down? Or are you guys just dating just to get a taste of variety? Do you rate women and relationship purely on emotional (or emotional/physical)?


    Some guys, not all, would rather sleep with the gorgeous playmate type of girl, but not be so serious with them (that's what my ex 'says', but he's not 'the all mighty', so I want to hear what you guys think). So, what are your preferences? How do men rate/group women in general?


    I know my question might sound a bit generalized or naiive, but it's only b/c I have a hard time understanding what guys my age.


    Anyway, I hope to find some interesting answers!



  2. Hi Tanisha!


    I agree with Nifty. It sounds like you are a strong person. I feel really bad about your situation. It's good that you are not keeping things inside. However, with your situation, I think that the best way to solve this is to talk to your school counseler or social worker.


    Since your mother is your adopted parent, is there a social worker who worked with your mother prior to the adoption? If so, then maybe you could look her up on the internet, and tell her about your situation.

  3. Caffeine is good only before tests! In actuality, it's really bad for you. It stimulates the epinephrine gland, which causes you to stay alert. Cafeine really messes up your system.


    Try not to use too much caffeine. Coca Cola is okay though (not too much either...).


    Whenever I stop drinking coffee, the withdrawal effects really make me tired. In other words, your body gets hooked on caffeine, so that's another reason why it's not healthy!


    Oh, and it makes me all jittery, like when I'm typing or writing notes.

  4. I think that you should move on. If she broke up with you, then it's obvious that she doesn't want to be with you. I don't want to sound blunt, but there could be a possibility that she's found someone new.


    You holding onto 'hopes' of a relationship with her will get you nowhere. Don't cling onto her, you're only hurting yourself. I hope that this helps...

  5. It depends, if you broke up with her, then she definitely doesn't want you in her life.


    If she broke up with you and tells you that she doesn't want you to contact her, then it could mean that she has someone else.


    Often times, when women find therapy to help heal sexual abuse, they often resort to those situations, b/c the recent relationship is not helping them emotionally. If you were cold and distant to her while you were official, then her seeking counseling is also an even better way to move on from you.

  6. Be brutally honest! Tell her straight out, "I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I don't see us going anywhere..."


    It might sound cold, but do it! Women appreciate honesty. I would rather have someone tell me to my face instead of beating around the bush. If you don't tell her, then she'll keep on dragging her emotions on you, and then will continue to cling on you even more.


    Just tell her, girls sense things when there's something wrong. She'll probably appreciate your honesty. It might hurt her, but she'll get over it.


    Be true to yourself, and things will fall in place.


    Just take her to a restaurant, somewhere public, and let her know, oh, and don't show any emotions, don't hold her hands, nothing. You are not being cold...


    She'll see that you're not playing games.

  7. Did you guys get physical? If so, he's probably done with chasing you.


    Don't assume that just b/c you meet a guy on the net (well anywhere in genral) that he's completely honest with you.


    Some guys will sweet talk the pants out of you, trust me, anything that you want to hear, they will say...


    It's hard to tell if a guy is sincerely interested in you. Just watch his actions, be patient, and watch out for lies.

  8. Have you ladies ever had a guy that you've known for a long time, meet up again and decide to date?


    I don't know, but I met this guy about 6 years ago, I used to like him, thought he was cute/shy/nice guy...but we didn't end up going out.


    He used to tell my friend how much he liked me, I like him too, but physically it's just not there. We're good friends, and have started to date recently, but the sparks are not there, I think it's b/c he's put on some weight.


    It's weird too, b/c he's really opposite from all of the guys I've dated, I don't know what to do.


    We haven't even held hands yet, though I know that he wants to. How should I break it to him? I don't want to hurt his feelings, I don't want things to escalate...especially b/c I'm getting over a relationship right now, and don't think that it's fair for him.


    What should I do!!!

  9. Ignore him!


    He's dating a stripper. If that's his cup of tea, then it certainly isn't you. If he can't truly appreciate a classy lady like you, then he'll regret it later when this stripper chick dumps him for someone new, then he'll be crawling back on hands and knees to be with you.


    I've been through this scenario already, my ex called and wanted me back. He was such a liar, he acted as if he missed the old times.


    I'm just letting you know my experience so that you can see that something similar will happen to you in the future.


    I look at my ex now, and just laugh. Sooner or later, when you find someone new, this ex of yours will just look like a joke.


    It's only natural that you miss him, but seriously, he is not worth it!

  10. In all honesty, you could do so much better. If I had a boyfriend who was bipolar, I wanted bash him for it, I would be patient.


    I believe that if you truly love someone, then you would accept them for all that they are, including psychologicaly problems. That's what true love is. You don't abandom someone just because you don't like this and that about them.


    Just look at it this way, it was never true love. I hope that you find that right person for you someday, I really do.


    Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you really want to know, I think that this ex of yours dumped you for another guy. Notice how the mood changed from you spending the night with her, and all of the sudden the next morning she conveniently dumps you? There's got to be a reason for that.


    It's like the saying goes, "you gotta have a master in order to have a slave". What I am trying to say is that there is rationality behind it. You've got to have one thing in order to have another.


    Most breakups end when one person finds another. Anyway, the person whose left behind should have faith that bad karma will come back to haunt the person who cheated.


    Whatever excuses she makes, don't buy into it. Trust me, women don't just leave for nothing, they usually have a backup before breaking up.


    Well, I hope that this helps. Don't worry too much. As a human being, you deserve so much better than to be treated like poorly. Take Care!

  11. Missy21,


    Move on...you can do much better! Honey, this guy ain't worth your time.


    I never thought that I'd get over my first love, we lasted 3 years, but I did.


    This guy on the other hand, sounds like a complete creep. What is he doing talking to you if he's engaged. What a two-faced liar!


    He sounds like the type of person who likes the thrill of the chase. You need to burn him (not physically), but verbally, by saying "Look, You're engaged now, Leave me Alone, I don't care about you, So get the Steppin!"


    Anyway, don't mess around with guys like that, they're pathetic.


    Think about it, compare 5 years of your current life, to 50-65 years of your life spent with a two timing person like him. Do you really want that?

  12. Be yourself and let everything happen naturally. Don't be too focused on eye contact, posture, etc etc...


    Just be yourself, if she likes you, then you can tell by her actions.

  13. I am so sorry for what you are going through right now.


    My dad died too! However, my situation was different, he loved me and was madly in love with my mom.


    I know that you probably resent him a little, but he's still your father you know, you might not realize it, but he's blood, and I do believe that no matter how bad your blood family treats you, you'll always love them. (Except in cases like incest, which I can't comprehend).


    But anyway, I'm really sorry for his passing away. What you need to do is truly reflect on the past. Reflect on his life, and reflect on the good times spent with him. Sometimes life isn't perfect, and people don't make the right decisions, but in order to grieve and move on, you must forgive and forget.


    I hope that you'll feel better though. God bless..and take care...

  14. It's only natural for you to think of your ex. You can't just sever memories.


    Anyhow, before you get serious with any girl, you must make sure that you have settled down issues or questions, baggages of your last relationship. If you have, then you are ready to officially move on...


    Good Luck!

  15. I love going to the beach, boogie boarding, or riding my bike along the coast.


    Take hikes along the coast.


    Girls typically, love the beach.


    If you want to take a girl out to have fun and just get to know her, take her to the arcade.


    Arcades are fun, you get to kick each other's butt's.


    Other places that girls like to go to are bookstores, or this might sound lame, but craft stores. You might give off the wrong impression by hanging out at fabric stores though.


    What else? Some girls are just home girls, they like staying at home.


    But if you're asking where to meet girls. That's a tough one, b/c it just has to happen naturally...

  16. Girls often say that "oh I just wanna go out with him to have fun", yadda yadda yadda, but guess what, they end up falling in love with that guy for whatever reason.


    I read John Grey's book, and he says that women are like ovens, and men are like blowtorches.


    Just you wait and see, she'll get her heart broken by him, and once he realizes that she loves him, he'll get the steppin, call you back, and then find some other new chic.


    Not to sound pessimistic, but that's what usually happens. So don't stress out about it. If he's not all that smart, then why do you want him anyway right?

  17. I give you so much props girlfriend!


    Don't feel bad, you are doing the right thing. I don't doubt for a second that you'll find a nice guy who will treat you right.


    In all honesty, even though you feel as though you are missing out, you really aren't. Most relationships start and end during college years, so you are saving yourself a lot of hearthache and time (especially for exams and tests etc).


    If I were you, I'd be happy and enjoying life, and doing the best that I can in school.


    Books before boys. I'm serious, b/c when you fall in love, everything gets all complicated, and juggling work with love, school, and a social life could be difficult.


    So don't get caught up with the crowd. Be happy. Save the best for last right?

  18. I'm sorry to hear what you are going through, but this guy sounds like he's b/s-ing you. Just b/c he's been hurt before does NOT mean that he could openly love you.


    When guys say that, I think that it's a cop out. Don't buy into the "oh, i love this so and so girl and then she broke my heart, so now i can't be serious with anyone"


    If it's been 3 years, and his emotions are still luke warm, then it sounds like it's not really going anywhere.


    It may hurt now, but you are better than that. So, let him know how you feel, and leave.


    If he comes back, then maybe he cared, but you need someone who will reciprocate the same amount of love for you...


    Best of luck okay...you'll be okay!

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