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Everything posted by Wonderstruck

  1. I understand, but as I was saying to Seraphim, this isn't about being hyper-rigid and making sure that every little task is evenly divided up 50/50, this is about saying to @cuddlebunny777 that she needs to learn how to be a "team player", but then admitting that being a "team player" will involve her doing the majority of the work.
  2. So, you don't have a valid rebuttal to my argument. I actually tried to engage with you in good faith, and you basically just reiterated "Marriage is a team" after I specifically asked you to explain WHY "Marriage is a team" ONLY APPLIES TO THE WIFE. Words have meanings.
  3. But why are so many people lecturing @cuddlebunny777 about being a "team player", and learning how to "compromise" and "make sacrifices" and accept that "life isn't fair", when none of these expectations are placed on her husband? If marriage is a TEAM, then how come she has to work full-time AND do all of the domestic labour, and he has to...work full-time. This is NOT about being "nit-picky" and "keeping a score card", this is about saying that a marriage should be a TEAM, but then essentially arguing that the woman has to do 80% of everything.
  4. You're absolutely right. Which is wildly unfair, because you can't defend this with "Well, she's a housewife who's at home all day, and has more time and energy to take care of the domestic labour". Nope, women are expected to have a full-time job, AND take care of the majority of the domestic labour, AND take care of the majority of child-raising. But marriage is a TEAM, right? Now tell me the part about the compromises and sacrifices that the MAN has to make for the team. @cuddlebunny777, you are absolutely right to feel all of the frustration and resentment that you are feeling right now.
  5. Your profile picture and username are so cute and endearing. ❤️ And you seem so lovely. I'm rooting for you, sis! I hope that you come back and update everyone on how it went.
  6. I actually understand what you're trying to say here. It DOES seem weird and disrespectful that he won't shell out an extra FIVE DOLLARS on a full bouquet, especially since you told him how much it means to you, and, like you said, it's not going to break the bank. It sounds like he completely disregarded this and doesn't care how you feel. This is what I was thinking. It sounds passive-aggressive. Don't minimize or discount your feelings. You're not a "spoiled princess" for wanting your husband to listen to you, respect your feelings, and shell out an extra FIVE FREAKING DOLLARS on a FULL bouquet, especially when you've already explained how much it means to you.
  7. Nailed it. He KNOWS that what he's doing is wrong and he has no intention of stopping. Which reveals that he has no respect for you or loyalty to you. I hope that you find the strength to leave, and find someone who would never dream of treating you this way.
  8. That's what I figured, which is why I think that it sounds degrading. Referring to a human being as a sexually suggestive emoji. Except that the first time that I saw you use the term, you weren't talking about a woman posting a sexually provocative photo on Social Media, you were simply referring to a young girl in her early 20's. Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread off-topic, but would you be able to stop using that term to refer to women? It makes me extremely uncomfortable.
  9. Can I ask why you refer to women as "peach emojis"? This is the SECOND time that I've seen you use that term on this forum. It sounds incredibly degrading.
  10. The woman did not AGREE with this comment. It sounds like the boss said the comment in a sleazy "You can feel the tension between us, can't you?" type of way. The woman did NOT agree with this comment. Although I'm still unclear on whether or not it was the BOSS or the FORTUNE TELLER who made this comment. How is this NOT victim-blaming? The boss is the one who makes the sleazy comment, but the woman is the one who gets blamed for not being the "perfect victim" and not knowing how to navigate the situation.
  11. Thank you for this perfect comment. ❤️ So much better than the gross, victim-blaming "She's in her 40's, she should instinctively know how to deal with it!" angle.
  12. This. The deal-breaker for me would be when he said "Eww, no thank you" and walked away after you asked him for a kiss. "Eww"?! He actually said "Eww" when you requested a kiss, as if he's physically repulsed by you?! Nah, there is NO EXCUSE for that, no matter what he's going through in his life. Please leave this emotionally abusive man.
  13. I just want to say that I don't think it's "lame" at all to ask a woman if you can hold her hand or kiss her, I think that it's incredibly gentlemanly and romantic.
  14. You are absolutely NOT over-reacting. I consider having an OnlyFans subscription on par with CHEATING, and I know of many women who feel the same way. If he's fully aware of your feelings and he still had the audacity to subscribe to OnlyFans, then he's a dirtbag who doesn't care about you or respect you whatsoever. Don't let ANYONE try to tell you that it's YOUR job to "work on your insecurities" in response to him being on OnlyFans. That action would make ANYONE feel insecure, and it is NEVER acceptable. There's nothing to talk about with him, because, as you already pointed out above, you DID try to talk to him about it. And he responded by subscribing to OnlyFans. File for divorce, sis. ❤️
  15. LMAO, how can you say that "trolling" didn't exist in the 1990s? Definition of "Trolling", from Wikipedia: In slang, a troll is a person who posts or makes inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages online (such as in social media, a newsgroup, a forum, a chat room, an online video game) or in real life, with the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception, thus acting as a bully or a provocateur. Are you saying that behaviour didn't occur in the 1990s, either online or in real life? Oh, and by the way, I DO believe that Alex is trolling all of you.
  16. This is bizarre, it almost sounds like she was gaslighting you. And if it IS because of the Ambien, that's really disturbing. Regardless, I'm really sorry that this is the way it played out. You didn't do anything wrong.
  17. I was actually going to suggest that this is the best course of action. Neither of you sound like you WANT to get into a committed relationship with each other. It sounds more like you're both just enjoying the hot, flirty friendship and the sexual electricity, and, seeing as you're both currently single, it's completely harmless. You can leave it at a hot, flirty friendship, or even escalate it to a sexual arrangement. There's no rule that says that you guys HAVE to get into a serious, romantic relationship OR part ways completely.
  18. Does your boss KNOW that you have feelings for him? Because if he doesn't, that is SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Are you comfortable getting into a relationship with a guy who sexually harasses his employees? Also, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, get into a relationship with him WHILE he is still your boss. The power dynamics of him being in a position of authority over you would be so dangerous for you in a relationship context.
  19. It's sad to admit in this day and age, but I'm honestly blown away and so grateful that you have this perspective, considering how often women try to explain this to men to no avail. All that being said, I think that she desperately wants you to make a move, and is basically doing everything she can to give you as many GREEN LIGHTS as possible, lol.
  20. This is one of the best, most accurate comments that I've ever seen on ENA.
  21. Okay, if she hasn't backed off after you admitted this to her, then she definitely seems interested. She probably thinks that it's HOT. I really hope that you go for it.
  22. I would be careful taking the word of the guy who blames each and every one of his exes for the demise of the relationship. He's doing the classic "All of my exes were the problem! But YOU'RE different!" routine. It's a red flag. You'll probably end up being another one of his exes who "played him" that he tells the NEXT GIRL about when your relationship with him ends. He's the common denominator in all of those relationships.
  23. I just want to say that I find this take so refreshing. I'm rooting for you. ❤️
  24. On any other day, it would be admirable that you finally set boundaries with your Mom, but why did you pick FATHER'S DAY to draw a line in the sand about spending so much time together? Do you have a contentious relationship with your Dad too? Okay, but she's absolutely right about this. You basically admitted that's exactly what happened. Why WOULDN'T your mom be offended that you only agreed to get together with your family after you reached out to ALL of your friends and found out that they were busy? Why did the Father's Day get-together need to be "more formal" for you to be interested in going? I don't understand why you thought that turning your family down for THIS occasion would make people on this forum "root for you" for standing up for yourself.
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