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  1. For real? Do you mean what you say? I realize, see and feel the emotional pain Seeing your picture brought me a frown Wishing your broken promises wouldn't abstain Your actions are causing our friendship to drown Words can deceive…please be calm…. make sure to refrain I wish to see, hear and feel the truth; don't mistake me for a clown Your hidden anger seriously untamed. It can't sustain Look into my eyes then rationalize my frown My soul bearish emotional pain My hopes of us reconciling are way down You love me you proclaim but my heart is stretched with strain Four years and counting, good times gone bad…see my frown Your presense I endear though I hurt deep inside… my tears flowing like the rain Respect and Trust goes together; Words and actions brought astound You're promises doesn't equal your actions; hurt and pain I want nothing more than our friendship to abound Quit lying and quit going insane Truth and Honesty, How does that sound?
  2. In all honesty, you sound like a great guy. However, I wouldn't let her use you whenever its convenient for her. You deserve someone who will appreciate, cherish, and have the common courtesy and respect to value you as an individual. I think you are too availible for her. I think its time to let go of her for you; not for her. Your attitude should be like this "If you don't appreciate, value, cherish or respect me then I'll find someone someone else who will cherish me as an individual/great guy and appreciate my companionship...not treat you like a pet or a toy. Dude....for your peace of mind.....quit talking to her and distance yourself from her. If you don't she will be nothing but emotional cancer and a distraction/obstacle. Wish you the best of luck
  3. I understand that you and your boyfriend are exploring different things to enhance your relationship. That's really cool you and your boyfriend have open communication. Funny, I have to say that I've been there & done that. I have had a horrible experience and tragically lost the love of my life as a result of it. Do you really need to have a 3rd person in your relationship? I understand others will clearly disagree with my stance. I think the keyword is "Chemistry" here. No one can control Chemistry and even if you find someone ...it might be possible that your boyfriend will fall in love with the other girl or fall in lust. Is it worth risking your relationship? Would you have you and your boyfriend walk accross a shaky bridge? Probably not. The bridge should be firmly between 2 hearts not 3 hearts. Funny, 3somes work for some and not for others. Is the risk worth the while? Only you can decide that. Look at your picture of you 2 together and ask yourself" Are we really happy? If so, why fix something that is not broken. Remember we can only predict the outcome of an event however, chemistry can make or break the very bond that you 2 share with each other. I wish you two the best of luck and hope that you seriously contemplate the possible results. Good luck! Missingmybestfriend
  4. Hello everyone! This is somewhat related to my other ad that I posted link removed ok, I start off by sayng that I decided to sever all ties with my Ex like 2 months ago . The last contact or time I see her I had to call the police and had the police officer to come with me to take her stuff back at her house so I wouldn't be accused of harassing her in self defense. The officer at my request told her not to have any contact with me. Her last words were "Go to Hell & I'll never talk to you ever again" What ruined our friendship was her choosing to sleep with my friend in front of me. The sounds and noises overplay in my head all the time to me. We were ex boyfriend and girlfriend and dated other people. However, I told her that I still loved her and it would be really hurtful. She decided to sleep with him and I left my friends house in steady flowing of tears. Afterwards, I felt betrayed, disrespected, unloved and felt fearful of her hurting me again. I mean she was callous, insensitive and unthougtful of me being there. Well, I decided to forgive her after she promised that she was truly sorry and She would'n't do it again. She said that she is an impulsive person and doesn't think things thorough. She said she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our friendship. We had four talks and she reassured me it wouldn't happen.. May 10 our one year anniversary of us getting to know each other I got her a clear glass picture frame with the words "Best friends forever" later that day. I had to go to work since I work 3rd shift and my friend who slept with her the 1st time and my ex were at my apartment to chill. Well, the next day my male friend told me that she tried to sleep with him and refused. she lied to me about it when I confronted her but eventually she confessed that she tried. I felt so hurt, betrayed, disrespected, confused, sad and downright depressed. We fought, argued and tore each other apart emotionally. Is it right for an ex to sleep with my friend, co-worker or one of my family members if we were not committed? Isn't it about respect. I would never do that to her knowing that she still loved me and had feelings for me. It hurt knowing that it was in my apartment (2nd time) , she lied about it and slept with him in front of me. Her mom said "Don't force my morality on her!!! What happened to common courtesty and respect??? Was she in the wrong? Well, before I left with her house with the police, her brother was outside and I told her family secret to get revenge. The secret was that my ex slept with her brother's best friend and he played her for sex. She told me to never tell anyone or it would ruin or break up family things.. I did tell the secret to show her what deep betrayal felt like. I didn't mean to but anger took over my tongue. Knowing all this has happened, I still love her and miss her so much. It's been 2 months but, I feel that I should apologize for what I did wrong and tell her why I severed contact or acted the way I did. I want to write her a letter telling her how I feel, give what money I owe her and make amends. I feel so guilty and depressed. I haved learned from my mistakes. I realize that any day now one of us might die to an auto accident and neverbe able to make things right or make peace with one another. You never know what might happened or when. I can run from my conscience, but, can't hide from my conscience. I want to write her but, I'm afraid she may try to hurt me or seek revenge on me. I think about her all the time and wonder what she is doing, is she even thinking about me, does she hate me , or is she happier without me. I don't know. all I know is that I want to forgive her and be friends again. I don't want her to be my girlfriend. we've overcame major fights before. O.k May I have your advise on what to do? I was thinking about sending her a picture disk with all her pictures she hasn't seen, give her money I owe her and give her a embroided picture of her in a glass frame. I even thought about sending her a 250 dollar book certificate so she can by school books. I want to show her I'm truly sorry about my actions and even though I can't delete my revengeful action , doing those things would help her since she is strapped for cash. Please everyone give me your feedback and your opinions. People say I'm more happier without her but I feel like I'm living a lie and downright miserable. Ok. Answer these questions please 1. Is it wrong to sleep with an ex's friend, co worker or family member knowing that your ex still have feelings and still loves you under my circumstances? 2. Would you forgive like me and contact her knowing she said "Go to Hell & I'll never talk to you ever again"? Also,She even said she didn't regret trying to sleep with him the 2nd time Does she even deserve a 2nd chance? 3. How can I overcome what I did wrong and stop thinking about her. I know I might be blinded by love so, I don't want to make a wrong decision. 4. Why am I more happy at the same time deeply missing her? your help will be greatly appreciated 5. Do you understand why I wanted to get back at her by showing her how she hurt me?
  5. Thank you for your advice everyone and the time you took to write a response. See, the only problem I have with this girl is that her grandma works and lives a street over from my house. I see her family and her drive through the neighborhood all the time. Her best friend who I have known since grade school goes to my church and knows some of my friends. I'm afraid that my character, reputation and integrity is on the line. I even have pictures of us she hasn't seen of us. I'm not sure how to feel but, your advice has really helped me and given my renewed strength. Should I worry? What should I do? I even see her on America Online under different screen names. Her name is so common. And I see many cars like hers thinking it is her car. I don't want her best friend telling her things about me or my life. ???? What do I do?????
  6. Hello everyone! I met a girl back of May, 2003. She was in an auto accident a week after we met each other. I was by her side the whole day. She is Catholic and gave me a stone of Mary with the "Hope" on the back. This made me fall in love with her. We started dating til November then, I broke up with her because we didn't have focus where we were going in our relationship. We worked different schedules, I worked 2 full time jobs and went to college. At the time, My other best friend who is an Ex-girlfriend got divorced and was in a homeless shelter. I felt it was my duty to be there for her and to let her live with me for several months. This created problems for my girlfriend that I was dating at the time. She didn't trust me but, my other best friend who got divorced was always around and we hung out alot when time permitted. I would rather not sit at home and do nothing. While we were dating weirdly enough all of us had a 3some and somehow made my current girlfriend bisexual and jealous. Also, her aunt died. She is the type were she doesn't show her feelings and It didn't seem like it bothered her. Well, in November my aunt died that I was really close too due to the fact that I wasn't really there for her when her aunt died. I called her at work and she found the opportunity to say a lot of mean things. Being betrayed, I hung up on her and she called back. My mom answered the phone and told her that I didn't want to talk to her. We didn't talk for 3 months. One day while I was dating a new girl, I walked in my house and she was there. Later that night with Objection from my new girlfriend I called her and we made peace with each other. We sort of dated then had sex. It turned her feelings off while it made old feelings even stronger. We were dating other people. She was really confused and bisexual. Well, I introduced her to my friends. Since, we were dating other people, I asked her if she minded if I kissed my new girlfriend in front of her or other things out of respect, courtesy and sensitivity. A few days later I was there in my friends apartment, I told her that I still had feelings for her that I loved her. She looked me in the eye and said we're broke up and slept with my friends practically in front of me. I heard the sounds and felt really betrayed by her. After what happened, I told her that I couldn't tell her what to do or control her, but, I let her know that it really hurt me and if it happens again I think it would be too painful and hurtful 4 us 2 be friends. She said she was sorry and she wouldn't do nothing to jeopardize our friendship. She told me that she slept with other people, but it didn't bother me. We had 4 talks after the incident and she assured me each time that she loves me too much and I'm like family to her to do that. On May 10,one year anniversary the day we met, I got her a glass picture frame saying "Best friends forever" with our picture in it to celebrate our friendship. When I went to work that night the friend who she slept with was there at my apartment with her. I trusted that nothing would happen since she loves me. The next day, My guy friend told me that she tried to do things with him. my other friend was there and confirmed it was true. When I got to my apartment, I asked her. "She lied and said" We just talked" I was so mad that I didn't talked to her for 4 days. She called me over 35 times within 3 days. We went to the park and she said" That she didn't realize how bad she hurt me and promised to make things right. We argued and fought for 2 months. She kept telling little lies & my trust level 4her went down. Resentment, Bitterness set in. I hurt her feelings one dayand she hung up on me. She promised that she would always be there for me. After 8 days, she ignored my text messages, phone calls & e-mail. Out of worry and concern I went to her house that day wit ha apologetic card and her favorite flowers and her family and her made me out to be this heartless stalker and claimed that I was indirectly threatening her. I wrote many letters to her showing my love and desire for her to be happy with or without me. She said so much hurtful stuff while I was at her house that I didn't really know who she was anymore. I felt further betrayed since I was really close to her family. We made a deal to start a new chapter in our friendship and I agreed to give her, her space. She claimed she was scared of me and since her mom and her were distint this threat would get her what she wanted; her mom's love and attention. While, at her mom's house she said she didn't regret the second time with my friend.If she was really scared of me why would she call me 5 days later. The same day she called me I went to the hospital for stomach pains. After I got out of the hospital she called me and just wanted to say HI. I said "Thank you for calling me". She seemed like she didn't cared that I was in the hospital. I asked her if I could her in 2 days. She said "Yes". While during the 2nd day I saw her online and then, when I tried to instant message her, she signed off. I called her cell phone within 20 seconds and her brother answered the phone & said she was sleeping. I decided that she has crossed the line since I thought we were going to start a new chapter. I took her stuff back with the police and told her to not have contact with me. Out of Anger, I told her brother a family secret and she saod " Go to Hell & she never wanted to talk to me again". I feel so bad that I broke a promise but, how could I have showed her what pain she had put me through until I do the very thing that hurt me. Looking her in the eye and betraying her just like the night she slept with my friend. I didn't mean to blurt out the secret but, I don't want this to happen to no one else. Many people say I should have got rid of her when she slept with my best friend. I don't know how to feel or what to think. I want to call her& apologize but, something tells me not too. I feel that she betrayed me as well as my best friend. She couldn't turned around out of respect and do things with him out of my presense. She did it in front of me and I wanted to show her how it felt. Was I wrong? Should I contact her in the future? Please help someone. I have been really depressed and feel betrayed. Hurt and confused. ??????
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