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  1. I am so confused. I am not happy in my relationship. I have been dating this guy for a year now. He has a big mouth, and gets an acid tongue if things do not go his way. He is also unmotivated and lazy. When I fell in love with him a year ago I didn't think about this stuff. But now it is effecting me. He is insecure, I want to love him and help him, but I feel like it brings me down. He has made a lot of bad choices in his life, and I am sick of having do deal with his bad choices. I am thinking now that we are just not compatible. But then again who is after they spend every waking minute together. Please help me. should I leave this man or support him through what is maybe just a hard time?
  2. i appreciate your replies. I think it does have something to do with the fact that the ex will always be in his lifethat is really hard for me to deal with. i just want to wake up and feel good about our relationship. I am sick of wondering and thinking the worst.
  3. When I first met my boyfriend things were so great. We loved eachother almost immediately and he was so romantic, I was so sweet, we talked about getting married. yada yada yada. It was a whirlwin. Now I feel myself not trusting him , having doubts, and wondering what is going to happen with us. He has an ex wife and two kids, and sometimes that makes me feel jealous. He tells me that all that remains from the past is the kids and that he married her because he got her pregnaunt. He tells me that I am the only one.... but how can I ever truley feel that way when i am constantly reminded everyday? Now things have taken an ugly turn, and I am not sure how either one of us feels. I have this insecurity that he wants his ex wife back, and he has an insecurity that I will leave because of his kids. Sometimes I feel like he loves me and other times I am not so sure. He used to tell me that he wanted to get married and now he says he is not so sure. That sucks! its like we are going backwards not forwards. I want to remedy it but I am not sure how. then sometimes I am like what is the point things shouldn't be this hard or this confusing. maybe it is just better that we end things the sooner the better. please help
  4. I guess there is a time in everyones's life where they feel alone. I recently moved to a new area. I have a boyfiend, but it has been very hard for me to make friends. I am someone who is very social, and maybe I make friends with men more easily, and now that for the first time in a long time I have a boyfriend it is a lot harder to make guy friends. I have been really depressed. I just wish I had my best friends from college with me, or my friends that I grew up with around me, and I don't. It is hard, and lonley, and sometimes very depressing. I think about moving home, but I don't want to give up. Sometimes I feel like there is nothing left in me. what do i do?
  5. My boyfriend chats online all the time. It really makes me uncomfortable. He says that he is doing nothing wrong. But when I come home I will look at the history and I see that he is looking at girls' profiles. It really bothers me. Even if he is not doing anything. I feel like it is in a way cheating. But then sometimes I am like well no he isn't getting numbers or anything and he tells me he does it for fun because it makes him laugh and he likes to sing in the chat rooms. He told me that he won't stop because he likes it, and he says he looks at the girls profiles because he wants to see who he is talking to. I feel like he shouldn't be looking anyway. Now if I even have a guy friend he has a fit. now what is up with that? He says that it is different because he is not hanging out with them. But is it wrong? or am I just making a big deal?
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