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Everything posted by Lil_T

  1. i dated a guy too that was so paraniod if i wasnt smiling that something was wrong it was a huge deal.. if ever i wasnt hed alwyas say whats wrong did i do something why arent you happy ect it PISSED ME OFF in the end i told him and he got cut we ended up breaking up and to this day are still close friends just couldnt handle him saying it 24/7
  2. dont use any ayy .. you dont need them you alwyas find crap un genuine fakes on there that are jsut looking for some casual sex look around you think do you really need someone are you happy ?? or is it just a faize where you think you need someone but infact you are just laking company or love.. look to the people closest to you youll find you wont need it
  3. ok well i must say i dont think this has ever happened to me before ayy but i do have orgasms.. and randomly when im on the toilet ill see little whitey yellow spots of creamy fluid and i dont know what it is its always there now i alwyas get it .. even if im not having sex ??
  4. hmm this is a hard one see i do see many of these girls ... i dont think you should to tell you the truth the old saying ONCE ONE DOES IT ITS REPEATS .. its true .. you will find someone ten times better doesnt seem liek it but you will .. just hold onto hope and dont look to hard
  5. hey everyone im new to this site and i need to tell someone how i feel.. ok here it is and i just want you all to know that this is the first time ive ever told anyone this.. ok.. i was about a couple of weeks old when i was taken from my mother so i cant remember it but i have seen her since i am now nearly 17 and have been living in the same family ever since but about 3 years ago moved in with the family's sister she is single and has a son who is 19 .. i love them soo much they are all i know i know the family as if it were my real first one.. i guess ive been treated differently and stuff because im not their real child im a foster child i belong to the department so thats what they say .. we can have such good times but then lately i feel liek utter she treats me like im 12 i cant have a normal life she hits me now.. swears carries on im not difficult i do what she says i listen to her when she has problems just like a normal sister/ daughter would doo ?? she makes remarks how i should be living with her i should find somewhere else to live ect .. ive run away before and she has said that she doesnt want me to do it agian .. so i havent .. but she still treats me like ... she yells and carries on still .. i think the only thing i can resort to that will make me happy and her happy is to killl myself im feeling really depressed and i have never felt like this before ... and i know you guys might say blah blah it will all get better yeah i think the same thing and tell myself im being stupid but it doesnt get better its really truly honestly getting worse.. and i dont know if its her or me .. i just want a normal life.. someone i can talk to as a sister/ daughter.. go out shopping talk about guys NORMAL.. but no im a slave i get made to clean im the punching bag im the abuse bag she takes out everything on me .. and it hurts its like im made to feel like noone loves me noone cares.. so what should i doo .. i am seriuolsy wanting to KILL myslef but there is quite a bit i want to achieve i have great outside life but not such a great home life
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