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Everything posted by superdood

  1. "Find happiness in you" Care to elaborate this a bit? I've gotten this same answer from a bunch of people I've asked. What the hell does it even mean?? And don't give me a bunch of sarcasm or cryptic riddles, none of that BS. Just a straightforward, clear answer.
  2. Don't get to a point where you overdo it, you can't count on winning it back. Quit while you've still got some money.
  3. Hey all. I've been wondering if it is strange that I'm a 19 year old college student and have never had a date or a girlfriend or anything like that. This has caused me much distress for the past 3 years. I guess part of this could be attributed to the fact that I'm a little bit shy by nature (I'm not the most social person, but I'm social enough that I can make friends), and also my focus on my schoolwork during high school and these first few months of college. In any case, sometimes I can't help but feel like some kind of hopeless freak, not knowing what to do at this point. Indeed, I know nothing about going about this whole dating/relationship thing anyway, so I sometimes figure "why bother if I haven't picked up this skill earlier on?" Then, I sometimes get to thinking, "I'm not sure a girlfriend will magically make everything happy, wonderful, and utopic as I sometimes imagine it. But if true happiness isn't necessarily found in another person, where is it found?" Maybe I'm simply confused and need someone to talk to about this (after all, I've already talked about this with a couple of people I know, so why not ask some strangers on the Internet about it?). Any thoughts? Edit: Oh, I almost forgot, I'd like to take this opportunity to say "Hi" to everyone on the forums!
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