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Posts posted by DizzyDoris

  1. Let her do the chasing now, she knows your keen and doesnt seem to be giving very good signals back to you im afraid. If she wants you now you've made it clear your backing off, if she's not in touch in the next couple of days cut your losses and move on. Plenty more fish in the sea, and by the sounds of it this one doesnt sound ready to be caught!

  2. She sounds like hard work! You've already done the hard part and told her you like her, now i would tell her that she is confusing you with the way she acts. I find it odd that you work together, you speak out of work, but have no contact actually at work. Thats kinda weird!


    Ask her to be honest and if she's interested to go for a drink so you can get to know each other better. Be prepared though if things do progress for a high maintenance girlfriend lol

  3. Count your losses you had a lucky escape and move on! This reminds me about my first boyfriend when i was 15 haha! He gave me a ring (diamond and sapphires, really nice but way too big) his older sister saw it and asked me what i was doing with it. I said your bro gave it me! She was gobsmacked and said but thats my moms ring!


    I felt like a right pleb when i had to give it back to his mom!

  4. Hmm tough question, i cant speak for everyone and i cant give you any stats, but from experience i would say no, in the long term they dont work out. I've had 3 on/off relationships.


    Now im older,i think if you're "meant to be" you wouldn't split up in the first place, and if i found myself in another on/off relationship i wouldn't go back, only forwards. i'd be like oh well he's not for me, and onto the next one!

  5. In my opinion if someone pays me a compliment and puts a smile on my face, it doesnt matter what they look like. A compliments a compliment and i would be pleased to receive one. Okay put it this way, if someone is kind enough to say something nice to make me feel good...im going to be thinking happy thoughts not eeeeew s/he looks gross!

  6. Im sorry too because i have to agree with everyone else, these excuses sound highly unlikely to me. I would even go as far to say i think he probably still lives with his kids mum. It just sounds so dodgy, a man that genuinely likes you will call you because he's so into you that he needs to hear your voice. He will want to talk about what sort of day you've had!


    As for his line if "WOMEN" call his house?!! Player alert! how many women has he got?!


    Trust your gut feeling and if all your friends are giving you the same advice, they cant all be wrong now can they?! I think they are just looking out for you.

  7. If he really wants to be with you, then make it clear you will be there for him after he has done the decent thing and ended it with his current girlfriend!


    I was the other woman, and i thought the guy i was involved with was lovely,and honest and sweet too, i even thought for a while he was my soulmate lol


    2 weeks this has been going on, save yourself some heartache and let it go now, rather than getting involved and being second best! Affairs can go on for months,even years, with the 3rd party hanging on to every bit of hope their lover will be with them properly one day. Only one day, you realise that they are not strong enough to leave their partner and that they love them more than they love you. Then you've wasted all that time and loving on a man that you could never have and your left with heartache that you know you should have avoided,but didnt/couldnt because he was sooo sweet!


    I can see now that if someone loves you properly, they would want to be with you and ONLY you, dont let him have his cake and eat it.


    At the end of the day, you have to live your own life and make your own mistakes, In case you hadnt noticed, me getting involved with someone elses man was a big mistake that i will never repeat!


    Okay rant over....im not ranting at you jess...im just ranting lol

  8. RUN forest RUN!! Dont get involved, take my word for it this will end in tears and most likely they will be yours AND his girlfriends,and when the poo hits the fan i bet he will just move on to the next one.


    He's not going to tell you how great things are with him and his girl is he? That would put you right off him and he wants you to fancy him, to be his ego boost. Yeah he probably does fancy you too, but he's only after one thing here, he wont leave his girlfriend for you. There are 2 sides to every story, if his girlfriend treated him "sooo" badly, quite simply, he wouldnt be with her!!


    For your own sanity and self respect be the strong one and walk away now, there are plenty more fish in the sea and this guy does not sound like a good catch to me.


    Sorry if i come accross as harsh, im not a woman scorned, i was in this situation myself earlier this year. I hated all the advice i received when i posted about my problem, but everything i heard was spot on!


    If you really feel your "meant to be" wait till his girlfriend is out the picture before you take this any further, sorry to say though, but i really dont think he will have the balls to leave his girlfriend for you, i think he just wants to get his leg over.

  9. I cant really tell you what to do here, you have to trust your own instincts. Trust is one of the main basis for a relationship, if you dont trust him your relationship is in big trouble. Ask yourself if you have more happy times than bad with him? If the bad outweigh the good, i'd move on.

  10. when i was 17 i went out with my ex who was 22 and we lasted for 7 years and had 2 children together.


    now im older and my current boyfriend is 7 years older and its not a problem at all. if anything i prefer an older man, he treats me so much better than previous younger guys i have dated.


    i think the fact she already has a boyfriend makes her off limits though, so in the meantime why not look for someone who is single.

  11. Im not a guy, but i reckon they would address you "alright mate?" rather than alright babe/hun?" etc


    They probably wouldnt be very touch feely, i wouldnt think they would laugh as much at your jokes etc as a girl who they did fancy.


    Also from experience, if a guys interested, he tends to be cheeky, and will tease you. Also his face will light up when he sees you. So a guy who's not interested in you romantically will probably be the opposite.


    i'm no expert on guys though haha, just my opinion! am interested to hear what some of the men have to say on this.

  12. I dont think you should say or do anything, its not your place (little issues like this are the kind of things that trigger family feuds, im sure you wouldnt want to fall out) he doesnt abuse her and they love each other right? You cant choose her partner for her, she married this man, she chose to spend her life with him. He'll probably get bored soon and start looking for a job, maybe he doesnt want to do just any old job and none have come up that he likes the sound of. Sounds like they are not struggling financially.


    All i would say to you is to be there for her, if things go wrong, be supportive and be there to help pick up the pieces. She has to live her own life and if she's not happy with her husband then SHE will decide to do something about it.


    Good on you though for being a top cousin, wish mine looked out for me the same way!

  13. ive done the slimfast plan before and if you stick to it then it definitely does work. i went from 11 stone to 9 stone 4 in about 2 and a half months.

    when you reach your target weight you have to be careful not to go back to your old eating habits. and exercise too for best effects.


    for me i found the first two weeks were awful, i felt starving, but your body gets used to it and after the initial fortnight the shakes do fill you up.

    the theory of slimfast is good, reducing your calorie intake to 1200-1400 calories a day, it does work and i maintain my weight now by eating real food (lol) but sticking to this guide.

  14. 2 of my friends (both with long term boyfriends) are forever kissing each other when we go out! They do it as a show thing really, to grab guys attention! They both say their straight and their boyfriends love it!


    oooh i just read galaxy71's post haha! Yeah i reckon she did it to grab some attention, ask her! she's your friend dont be embarrased to bring it up. Alcohol makes us do some silly things hey!

  15. Dont mix business and pleasure, been there done that its not pretty if it all goes wrong as you still have to work together!


    He's a lot older than you and the impression i get is he's just after one thing (sorry to say)

    If he was really into you then he wouldnt be telling you that stuff about his ex,he wouldnt want to upset you and would be more sensitive.

    It sounds as if he is attracted to you but just the impression i get from your post i think he's probably a bit of a player.

    Thats just my opinion though, i could be totally wrong so trust your instincts, they never fail!

  16. Sounds like she is keen on you and if anything she will be feeling very flattered! I wouldnt do the no contact thing as this will totally confuse her, one day you say you love her the next you ignore her. Just keep things normal but lighthearted.


    Just because she didnt say it back doesnt mean she isnt very fond of you. I would wait now and let her be the one to say those little 3 words next, sounds like she has her head screwed on pretty well. She will say them when she really means it, which is a good thing. Some people say that to their partners but dont mean it. Enjoy your time together,have lots of fun and remember all good things come to those who wait. Whats meant to be will be. You cant hurry love! (aaaargh ive got phil collins in my head now! )

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