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Posts posted by DizzyDoris

  1. Thankyou to everyone who has replied, all your opinions are very much appreciated.


    I have spoken to my friend and as this guy has registered the account on his pc she has advised me what to do. Apparently i need to alter the settings, change the registered email address then alter the password, then i will pm the moderator and ask for the account to be deleted. I intend on doing this tonight in front of my boyfriend.


    I can understand why he finds it so hard to trust, he's had a terrible time with women in the past, but that just makes me more determined not to let him down and prove to him that not all women are the same.


    We are going to discuss this properly tonight and hopefully work it all out, so i will post an update tomorrow. Thanks again to everyone who took time to read this.

  2. Im not saying your girlfriend has done this, but ive used that same line in the past when ive broken up with people. Its an easy line to use and ive not been in love with my ex but its a good get out clause.


    I wouldnt wait around for her, she should be pretty sure by now after 8 months how she feels about you.


    If she is genuinely in love with her ex, you dont deserve to be second best. Someone out there will be waiting and you will be their number 1

  3. This will go on for as long as you both allow it, or until you get caught out.


    I think the kids line is a weak excuse not to be with you, if he really loved you and you are soulmates then he would be with you. The kids are just as likely to be messed up growing up with parents in an unhappy marriage as they are in a divorced situation.


    Im guessing though that they dont see he is in an unhappy marriage as i would imagine he treats their mum like a princess out of the guilt he must be feeling.


    If you google affairs there are lots of articles and advice there that all state the same thing. People in affairs all think their bit on the side is their soulmate. I dont really know what to advise other than end this now if neither of you intend to leave your spouses, the longer it goes on, the more heartbreak will be caused.

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  4. Right now i feel sick to my stomach that im about to lose my boyfriend. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me, i love him to bits. We've been together for 3 months, but have known each other 10 years and up until today everything was perfect.


    BEFORE we got together,when i was single, i posted some pictures on an adult site, i swapped emails with a few of the people on there and used to chat to them on msn. I didnt leave my pictures on for long and when i removed them all, it left empty threads so i got banned from the site.


    One of the guys on msn told me about another site i could use and offered to set up an account and gave me the password. We swapped pictures on msn and he posted them on this new site. As i also had access to this account, after a while i removed these pictures too. I have never met this guy, never spoke to him, only ever typed to him.


    Well my boyfriend and I decided we would like to join this site together so after explaining the above to him, i logged in under the account already set up, to show him the site and see what it was all about, he seemed very keen. I even told him the password so he could check it out at home when he had more time.


    Last night he did log in at home,he searched all the history on this account,every post made. I made one comment to one man in the time we have been dating, and i only commented on his pictures because i recognised him from the other site i got banned from.


    95% of the comments made are from the guy that set up the account,trying to arrange meetings etc with other members.


    The threads with my removed pictures were also posted/started by him (oh how foolish i have been to give him my pictures ](*,) ) he put comments on like "if you like these WE have plenty more to post" This was a lie as i never sent him any more pictures of me!


    Now my darling boyfriend (who has been cheated on before,and finds it hard to trust women) thinks i am just like his exes and have been unfaithful. He thinks i have met this man as he made out we were a couple on there. He doesnt understand the comment i made meant nothing,that these people mean nothing to me! He also thinks this man took the photos of me, when in fact my best friend did as she also posts on this site.


    My boyfriend thinks im lying and doesnt understand why i would send naked pictures to a stranger and share an account with someone i have never met. To be honest i dont even know why i did it myself. Looking back i can now see i have been very stupid.


    I have been honest with him and told the truth, but the damage is done, he doubts me now and i am so scared i am going to lose him. I haven't cheated on him and i never would but i dont know how to make him see that?


    Sorry this is long and thankyou for reading, i dont really know what i am asking, but any advice or words of wisdom would be greatfully received.

  5. I've heard that line before from a "friend with benefits" i was seeing for 3 years. Three years it took me to finally realise i never had a future with him and he was just using me for one thing! If i was you i wouldnt sleep with him i'd move on. Someone out there WILL think your wife material.....now go find him!

  6. My mum was six months pregnant with me before her doctor finally confirmed it. She thought she was but every month he kept saying "No mrs bla bla...you are definitely NOT pregnant" because she was having regular periods. Its highly unusual, but it CAN happen.


    If you are worried and this is happening to you see your doctor or do a home pregnancy test.

  7. Its quality not quantity that counts. Me and my boyfriend are both single parents so we only get to see each other 2/3 nights a week. We text each other every morning and last thing at night, and usually speak on the phone on the evenings that we dont get to see each other. We've been together for 3 months now and the texting and calls have increased with time.


    Only seeing each other a couple of times a week, makes us really appreciate our time together.

  8. Im 5'8 and after my christmas Quality Street overdose i'm tipping the scales at 11 stone right now That makes me a uk size 12


    My ideal weight that i feel confident and happy with is 10 stone which makes me a size 10.


    I read somewhere that for our height we can go up to about 11 and a half stone (still classed in the normal weight range) But me personally, i dont feel comfortable at this weight. New year diet ahoy!

  9. I think you should be glad she was honest with you. She could have given you a false memory of the first time you had sex by letting you think you slept with a virgin. Instead she told you the truth, and she must feel awful herself for the way you reacted.


    You have not been dating long, times have changed and nowadays most people you will meet and date will have a past.


    Theres nothing you can do to change things,so if you really like her and want to be with her, you are just going to have to accept this.


    She hasnt betrayed you as she wasnt even with you when she had her past encounter. Dont dwell too much on this or your insecurities could spoil a good thing here.

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  10. Weird and not very nice for you i can imagine. Two sides to every story and who knows what he's told his mum about your breakup.


    I wonder if he gets her to call in sick for him too lol


    I'd be mortified if my mum ever did that to me! I bet he feels well embarrassed (thats if he even knows she called you?)

  11. Its really hard juggling childcare and work


    My kids are different ages and have to attend different places, my eldest childs place decided they werent running an out of school christmas scheme this year...grrrrr...so ive really struggled!


    Do you have any relatives who could help out? If only for one maybe 2 days a week? That would lower costs. Alternatively have you looked into childminders? They dont charge as much as nurseries, but im in a different country so everything is different for me. I am a single parent and very lucky as our government provides working family tax credits, which covers up to 70% of childcare costs.


    Do you know any other stay at home mums? Maybe you could pay them to care for your child a few hours a week? I have a friend who does this and she really appreciates the extra cash and takes great care of the baby.


    As a lighthearted last resort, re-train and get qualified as a nursery nurse lol then you can take your kid to work with you!

  12. I would prefer a surprise proposal, with the ring already chosen, ive already told my boyfriend i like white gold with just one diamond in lol

    So whatever he picked i would be more than happy with and would love it all the more because he put the thought and effort into choosing it.


    I saw a tip somewhere (cant remember where?) where to get the correct ring size the man took a piece of cotton and wrapped it round his girls ring finger while she was asleep.

  13. I can relate to how you feel when hes so drunk,one of my exes used to be a heavy social drinker and i hated it.His behaviour used to annoy me (and embarrass me) so much! He would be puking, unable to walk, would speak down to me,get verbally abusive,spit etc. I spent many a night out in tears when i was with him.


    Towards the end i stopped going out with him at weekends and just did my own thing. His drinking wasn't the only thing that split us up,but it was definitely in the top 3!


    Catch him when he's sober (not hungover!) to talk about this and tell him how you feel. Dont air your dirty laundry in front of all his friends.

  14. Me personally? I would have laughed! I think you both were kinda in the wrong. She should have waited for you all instead of going on a baby wipe mission. And i think you should have waited for them and explained in person rather than getting impatient and just going off on your own.


    That way you all could have discussed face to face where to go instead. Why not suggest all going out for a meal in the new year, but this time make sure someone books the table well in advance!

  15. Us girls do silly things like that, it doesnt mean anything though! she probably has done the same thing with your name too, just so happens you didnt find that piece of paper. If your analizing here why she did it etc, bear in mind that she crossed it out. This isnt real proof that she's cheating on you.


    However, if you say you dont trust her, thats not good, trust is one of the main foundations in a relationship. No point carrying on in a relationship full of doubts. Tell her what you saw and ask her how she feels about this guy.

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