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Posts posted by DizzyDoris

  1. Sounds like it was just a bit of fun, yeah maybe could be called flirting, i wouldnt class you as a player though! If anything, the phrase i would use is being a tease


    I disagree with ghost69 there, its not being whorish....she kept her clothes on!!


    Why does his opinion bother you, do you like this "steve"??

  2. He sounds like he wants to get to know you better, now you've had that first convo it should be easy to strike up other conversations with him in future.


    If you want to know if he has a girlfriend, why not say something next time you see him like "How was your weekend? Did you and your girlfriend have fun?" If he's single he'll correct that statement and if he's taken you'll know by his response.

  3. Hmmm i wouldn't ask her out in an email, but thats just me personally.


    I would prefer to be asked out in person. I suppose you could exchange a few friendly, flirty emails first though, to test the waters? see what sort of response you get from her.


    When i was that age, i didnt have a computer, but if i did, i would have probably shown the email to all my friends (us girls are like that!) so bear that in mind if you do decide to do it via an email.

  4. Hahahaha I know it's funny. It's not vandalism anymore than someone putting pieces of paper advertising events on your car is vandalism.


    I was going to put something like this myself about flyers on windscreens. Yeah they're annoying (but not illegal as far as im aware) because you have to remove them, so he'd be pretty annoyed at having to peel 14 rubbers off the screen!


    Obviously not everyone here is amused (oh well) i think this thread is funny! You've made your point. I presume your not going to have any further contact, or play any more pranks on him? I really dont see the big deal here!

  5. I agree with you as well girlies!


    Everyones entitled to their own opinion, and the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. The thread you was referring to, in my opinion, was just a harmless prank, which made the original poster feel better. No real harm was done, but not everyone finds the same things amusing.


    Sometimes on here, i feel it would be better if you have nothing positive to add than perhaps you should say nothing at all.

  6. If they are lucid, im guessing you know you are dreaming? I had a really vivid, scary nightmare the other night and i thought to myself woah...i dont like this. I dont know how i did it, but i was able to stop my nightmare and change its theme without waking up. Cyprian has started a Lucid dreams thread in the off topic section, with lots of interesting links on this subject.


    As for sleep paralysis, ive never experienced that, but i hear its quite common. Try googling it to see if you can find anything. I would imagine your mind is awake, but your body takes a few moments to catch up! If it happens again, try and remain calm, dont panic and realise what is happening to you. Maybe try wriggling your toes until the feeling comes back. If you are worried at all, go see your doctor, he can advise you much better than me

  7. Well i can see the funny side to it, its hardly crime of the century now is it?!


    I really dont think you're gonna get in trouble over this, just imagine "miss i am arresting you on suspicion of putting condoms on a parked vehicle!" Total waste of police time, im sure the police have bigger fish to fry! Anyway isnt it illegal to infect people with HIV? Thats what this guy could be doing in the near future if he shags about and refuses to wear condoms!


    He's obviously going to know it was you, so good luck keeping a straight face next time you see him.

  8. Hmmm it does seem very strange, i dont know what to say really. Just so you know, you're not alone here. Exes can be a right pain in the bum! My boyfriends ex wife has stopped their son from coming to my daughters birthday party (how petty) and she even had the nerve to ask my boyfriend what sort of underwear i wear?!! Whats that all about?! lol


    I wouldnt mind, but SHE'S the one who had an affair in the first place and caused them to get divorced!


    I really wouldnt tell her anything about your children. Gosh, i bet she interrigates her poor son, every time he goes home after being with you! If you give her any information she sounds as if she could use it in a vindictive way.

  9. You did the right thing by getting out now. I know it hurts at the moment but you'll get over this and meet someone who is free to offer you more than a sneaky hour snatched here and there.


    Be greatful that you made the break before she got pregnant, that would have been a tricky situation, not knowing for sure who the father was.


    You've said your piece to her, now be strong, walk away and dont look back, dont have anything else to do with her and just be greatful your not the one married to her.

  10. Sorry sparkly for high jacking your thread!


    Im not interested in dating him lol because i already have a lovely boyfriend who i would never cheat on, and i wouldnt date a colleague anyhow (been there,done that, and wouldnt go down that road again!)

  11. I had an affair, although i was single at the time, he was the one living with his partner (both of us were in the wrong, i know that)


    I got attatched and developed feelings for him, it soon transpired though he wasnt going to give up his homelife, and was heading nowhere, the guilt got too much for us and we knocked it on the head.


    I was the one left feeling sad,lonely and used at the end of it, he however is now apparently happier than ever with his girlfriend and our fling made him realise how much he "loves" his girlfriend and wants to be with her. She of course, knows nothing about what went on.


    Not exactly the response you was originally after lol but i suppose for one person the affair had a positive outcome?!


    Also, my wonderful boyfriend i am with now....his exwife had an affair and is still with the guy and they are planning their wedding. So some affairs work out i guess.

  12. On a related note, how do you make girls know that you don't want anything more than a friendship? Without stating the obvious!!!


    Call them mate all the time lol that ought to get the message accross and

    talk about other girls you fancy!

  13. Jeez, that's pretty bad too. How did you deal with him? Did you block him again?


    Yeah i blocked him again. The site i was on had this rating thingy so on both of his profiles i rated him all the bad things (a psycho, a nutter, slime, , redneck) Petty i know, but after the nasty things he said to me, it made me feel a bit better!


    On my msn i blocked and deleted him but he still kept on with the emails so i put him into junk mail. I just ignored him and didnt read them, then after a couple of weeks of no response, he must of got bored and they stopped


    I think luke skywalkers post sums it up pretty well, i'd have to agree there. That seems to hit the nail on the head.

  14. Its almost as if he's daring you to reply by saying those things to you. DONT do it though, no matter how riled up he made you. If you ignore him and rise above it he'll be more miffed than if you replied!


    I've only ever had one nasty experience with a guy online and it really upset me. He was too pushy, kept badgering me to meet up, which put me off. If i was going to meet anyone, it would be when i felt ready, not because i'd been pressured into it.


    Anyway one day i took about 5 mins to answer him on msn, he flipped out and said i was wasting his time and he wasnt going to be second best to anyone! I wished him luck, and said take care etc. Then the nasty emails started coming. He was aggressive and swore at me a lot. I blocked him & deleted him on msn and blocked him on the site i originally "met" him. Then the fruitloop set up another profile on there and started sending me nasty messages under another name!


    Dont give out too much information online but dont let losers like this put you off dating. The opinion of someone you have never met and dont even know, isn't worth worrying about, good luck to the poor girl who gives him her email address next!

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