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Everything posted by kombi

  1. Ok. Get legal help. It's clear to me your mother is completely controlling your life. It is time for you to get into the drivers seat Tell your mother what is going to change. You are going to take back control of YOUR son and YOUR life. Do it the right way however... I'm quite certain with the right lawyer you can regain possession of your son. Don't even think about committing suicide because that won't change anything! plus it will make me upset and i hate it when i start to cry.. I have been through that stage but have passed it fortunately. There is always hope so hold on to it. Keep us informed your friend, andrew
  2. That may explain why your mother is so possessive. Calling you up to 4 times daily is a clear indication. You may have a case to bring up with her. Why is she looking after your child after years of drug abuse? She is certainly not the best role model. How is your son taking all this in? Does he understand what situation he is in? Have you spoken to him about how he feels about you?
  3. Gday Did your mother raise you properly? Did you feel she held on to tight sometimes?
  4. Hey Xtina Sounds like you are in a bit of a mess at the moment. The only advice i can give is to tell someone about your problems. It's a start Have drugs been involved in your life? or has this paranoia emerged gradually? Take care
  5. Might sound like a 3rd wheel here but good on you for looking out for your sis! She may look back on these days and see the true compassion and love of your actions. If only my sis was like you Take care of yourself
  6. I am sorry Kita but i don't see the logic in that at all. HE RAPED YOU! If i was a polotician and had things my way all rapists would have their balls and their 'you know what' removed without anestheitc. but thats just my opinion...
  7. hey Kita It sounds like you have been through hell of a lot lately and i sympathise with you. I am sorry to hear that your father died and hope one day you can remember the good times with him. As for wanting to see the brother that raped you, bad idea. It would probably just bring back terrible memories. On that topic, may i ask why you want to see him in the first place?! I know what you are going through but you are only 16 so i think you have a lot of expectations and plenty of life to enjoy. Remember there is plenty of fish in the sea so don't be so hard on yourself with this one guy. regards and take care
  8. dear beyond the sea (love this song!) i have always been skeptical of pyschiatrists because i have always felt they stick their nose in other peoples business for no reason. However, i do realise the possitives they can help achieve. I will probably see one next week and make my own mind up. As the saying goes "can't knock something until you have tried it". Unfortunately i doubt anyone has been in this horrible medical situation so i get really pissed off when everyone says "look on the bright side of life!". BELIEVE ME IM TRYING!!! i do get massages, i go out and surf whenever i get the chance, i play soccer. But it's just not that easy when you feel sick to the pit of your stomach 24 7! I can't even go out with my friends anymore because i know i would just be depressed and sick allthe time. I'm not exactly the suicidal type of guy so im giving everything a chance, but what if i can't ever get better? as much as it hurts to say it i would much prefer to swhich off than to be miserable my whole life!
  9. thanks for the replies, i have had a brilliant upbringing and been very healthy so im definitely not stressed out! i cant remember if i had a puff when this occurred but i can remember having panic attacks more often since i took up marijuana again. i have been off weed for nearly a month now and feel terrific on that front but this sickness is still really getting to me. As for a psychiatrist i have been putting it off because i still feel its a physical problem, if i become more suicidal i will force myself to go see one. My only option at the moment is to keep trucking away and try out different docs and methods. I'm still confident i can beat this god damn curse!
  10. Hey whoever reads this, Im 20 years old and have been hit with some unknown chronic sickness that has greatly devastated my quality of life. I have always been a healthy person regularly playing sport and doing exercise but one day i was sitting on the couch and a sharp searing pain gripped my left chest and my heart would not stop pounding. I honustly thought i was having a heart attack! This pain is a sharp jabbing pain that feels like it's inside my bones and sometimes travels through my body (feet, hands ect.) and all at the same time my heart pulse would sky rocket. My doctor thought it might of been a pinched nerve but i know it wasnt that at all! (i was sitting on the couch!) After about a week of anxiousness and this weird pain i woke up to find the pain had almost completely disappeared but instead i felt extremely sick in my stomach. So now here are my symptoms: chronic nausea, chronic sharp jabbing pain in my bones everywhere, panic attacks, depression this has continued over 16 months, my doc thinks it's all in my head but that must be bull * * * * cause i feel normal and do things i always used to do! even though i don't think this was the cause of this sickness i feel i should reveal that i had been smoking pot for about 12 months pretty hard before this all occurred If someone can help distinguish what might be wrong with me please give me a yell because i don't think i can live like this much longer. HELP!
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