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Everything posted by Steel72

  1. I am going throgh a situation so similar with one of my friends...the choice between the 2 seems simple to me, she can't leave the new guy alone yet she runs home to her husband every night. Not to sleep with him but just becuase he is there, she is actually sleeping on the couch come nights. It just seems to me is to take a step back and get some time alone, away from both. That is the only way to see who you really want to be with, if any. It is unfair to the old and new guy nevermind yourself.
  2. Well, she is telling herself that they are trying to work things out in the marriage BUT she continues to hound the other guy. He wanted to do a no contact for awhile and give her space, she continued to text message him, call him and they are speaking again, so much so that she was over his house this morning. People at work are now talking, where she used to hide it from almost everyone she seems happy to let people know she is persuing him now. He tells me there is only so many times he can say no to her but he is falling for her and it totally torn with the idea of her obviously being married. Pretty much all of us are telling her to take a step back but she refuses, she really seems to be so in love with the new guy but won't leave her husband. I am out of advice because I do know all 3 people involved here and I am sort of biased because the new guy is a friend/co-worker also of mine. Ugh, maybe I should mind my own business here......
  3. I just want to help her go in the right direction.....just got off the phone with her actually before the 1st post. She was ready to leave Saturday night, bag packed and all and went apartment shopping that afternoon, she gave in to him. I have been where she is with an unemotional person and it is hard not to put myself in her shoes and give her some biased advice from my ex. She asks questions such as.....do I tell my husband about him? even though to the other mans credit he will not touch her until she is free. He is a co-worker of ours so she might be asked to leave her job by the husband also. She is also worried financially, it will be tough for her to be on her own. Again reasons not to stay with someone but it can feel like a safe shelter.
  4. Ok, first off thank you to everyone on here for the past help, sometimes not posting my problems but just reading others and seeing how all of you give advice is enough to help a person through, that being said I need help on giving a co-worker advice, here is her story..... She's in a relationship with a man for 4 years now, she moved and met him in his home state, wanted to move back to her family and he said he would if they got married, so they have been and are getting ready to hit 1 year in about a month. Thing is she thought she was not happy because where they were, they moved and she is still unhappy. They both work and he is controlling from where she can go to her "allowance" every month. Recently in the past 4-5 months she has met someone else, a friend at first but it has turned into more than that of late. She tells me he refuses to go further with her because she is married and it is not fair to him or her husband but he wants to "see what happens"....she has tried moving out this past weekend but her unemotional husband became quite the opposite and told her they can work on things. But no longer than he said that she called the other man and needs to see and talk to him. She is very torn between the 2 of them and I am out of advice because I do know all 3 of these people personally. I asked her to post here and actually showed her the site on how you have helped me but she is shy so here I am reaching for your guys vast knowledge once again. I think moving out and being away from both is best right now, she does not love herself at all and I feel she needs to start there....thanks in advance.
  5. Yes it was a lowpoint for me, I am actually a person who has always frowned upon people who do or even think of such a thing. So caught off guard. Today is a new day and she hasn't stopped, she actually called this morning and laughed because "I can't do anything right" She is actually making things clearer to me than they have ever been. I thank all of you again, and yes I will stick around here and keep you all updated.
  6. I guess I am lucky and thanks to you guys I am still here....yesterday was so out of character for me and I think that is what scares me the most, so yes of course I am seeking help also. I never thought of doing what I did yesterday it took me by surprise also. I think everything caught up with me at once, the divorce, missing the girls and working 3 jobs, I wanted an easy "out" and for one moment in time it seemed like a "rational" idea....I am lucky and thank you, all of you.
  7. I am going to the hospital.....please pray for me.
  8. yes, I have and my family is coming also....I am sorry to burden you
  9. No, I have been taking them, I have no reason to lie. I have been dealing with this for a long time with her, I have always been there. I just don't have the strength anymore. I am not sure if the damage has been done by tsaking these, I just hope God forgives me.
  10. 10.....the last few chains of events in my life hasn't helped, I reached out to someone and my church and have gotten nothing back. When the person you love the most tells you that she is just out to hurt you I have trouble understanding or coping with that...which is why I am continuing to take these pills which seems to have no affect right now......
  11. I know it is a selfish act, but this coming from a person who has always put himslef second...life is not for everyone you know. I just am having trouble coping right now, the pain is real and won't leave.
  12. Not Joshing you, honest, just needed an outlet, you can read a previous post under divorce to see where I am coming from, don't know why I haven't hit the wall yet so to speak, still awake
  13. wanted to know took about 25 a half an hour ago......just wanted to get it right, sorry
  14. Sleeping pills does it take
  15. Well, thanks for your response, there really is no positive news to tell on this situation, she finally went to get her girls and she has kept them away from everyone since. Seems like all I can do is wait this out, trust in the girls to call me if anything goes wrong. All I can do is be here for our son. I have come to find out though that this man she is with was actually friends at one time with the girls biological dad, go figure. Seems to me like she ran to her past. Thank you for the support bella, it is greatly appreciated in times like these.
  16. Well, I have been peeking on here on finally decided to post after hitting my lowest spot so please bear with me..... A little background....I was married for 10 years, she had 2 children from a previous relationship and I came in when the youngest was 6 months and the oldest 2. Her ex commited suicide when she was first pregnant with the youngest...we are from 2 different worlds but met, fell in love and proceeded to get married and have a son of our own. Here comes the fun part, at the end of the year she was pushing me away like never before, I begged for counseling but that never happened. We have had problem but never like this...long story short, we have since separated "again" moved into separate places but she still wants to "see" me. That worked until she was ready to push away again. This went on until almost exatly a month ago when she told me that she needed me in her life and was lost without me, I was more than willing to meet her halfway on this and said great!!! Lets get counseling and we will get back together, she went to our church and we were ready to go...that same day the girls went to church camp and we were all very excited about things to come (our son stayed with me).....well the weekend goes by, call her on Sunday, nothing.....she is avoiding me...girls get home and she now has someone living with her, she met over that weekend. I have tried to come to grips and realize that this IS finally over. I actually was doing fine, missing the girls since I never adopted them (never thought I needed to) she turned her back on our son but I stood strong for him...until last Friday, she comes over and tells me he doesn't satisfy her and she is in misery without me and needs me and she has started drinking and popping pills...we then get closer as the morning went on, too close and sleep together...she leaves and I next get a call from her the next day telling me how happy she is now with the other man. Come to find out the other man is 10 years older than her, has about 10 DWI's assault on a woman charges...the girls have not been with her at all, they have been at friends houses scared to go home...I was handling things fine thanks to friends and co-workers but this week has been hell for me, why do I continue to care about a woman like this...guess that is why I am here....thanks for letting me get this out.
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