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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. ^^ Yeah, my personal fav is : " oh it's just a headache, why can't you come to work?" Well, if I could stop vomiting and rolling in severe agony I could maybe try. I had another migraine today. It took up most of the day. From before I woke up to about 10 tonight. They have got much less though since finding out I had chronic mandibular osteomyelitis and now we have removed the cause and it is healing.
  2. Awww thanks. I keep going and keep trying. I was broken for a long time about it, but I am crawling back up again for sure.I really thought I would never crawl out of my misery about it but I have, thank God.
  3. I had another migraine last night that just zonked me out. It was not so much painful like some, but just made me so tired there was no possible way to stay awake. Sometimes they are so different in symptoms and levels of pain and levels of disability.
  4. Hey baby man. Your birthday came and went and mom was not upset this time. I guess this is progress. I am much better than I used to be and I have accepted you are gone. I used to think I would never crawl out of the unbelievable grief I had, but I have, in my own time and in my own way. So happy belated birthday little man!! We will be bringing your funeral candle home for Christmas so you can be there too.
  5. Annoying migraine on and off all day. I think I am going to sleep it off.
  6. My son went to bed with a migraine about an hour ago. Poor guy.
  7. I had a migraine before the dentist, now it is just worse after because they worked on my left side.
  8. The pain of it is not as raw as it used to be and I can think of you son with happiness. I have come to a point of acceptance and I love you for your brief life.
  9. Yeah, it is hard to believe my little angel would be 4!
  10. Wow, this month would have been your 4th birthday.
  11. link removed I believe I touched on the PFO hole in the heart before in chronic migraine sufferers. I guess I could get checked for that. I know my mother said I had a heart murmur as a small child.
  12. Unless you are a migraine sufferer, it is practically impossible to understand what it really means to endure this type of suffering. Migraines are not merely headaches. While a migraine generates inside the head, that is where the similarities end. Light and noise, even to the smallest degree, can be intolerable. Extreme nausea is common. While the migraine begins in the brain, it sweeps through the body and can thoroughly debilitate its victim. The affects of a migraine are completely consuming, and living with this chronic pain can be torture, both physically and emotionally . While there is a virtual plethora of medications, naturally remedies and pain management techniques available, there is no absolute cure for migraines. Migraines do not always respond to medical treatment. Different treatments can be effective for different people. But for many migraine sufferers, medications bring little in the way of relief. link removed
  13. link removed I am going to try my magnesium more religiously that seems to help a lot and also learn to express more outwardly and not inwardly.
  14. Yeah, that is exactly how it feels. Like you are hungover but did zero to get that way and then it takes another day after the pain is gone to even feel normal. I swear I sometimes spend half my life in this state.
  15. I am SO glad this last migraine is gone. Just the residual effects now. It feels like there is a dry ring around my left eye and the left side of my head is so tender and so are the neck and shoulder muscles on that side. Oh God, SO thankful.
  16. link removed Non-drug Alternatives to Preventative Treatment of Migraines Gut Brain Therapy MAGNUM looks into the exciting work that ForeverWell is doing in Migraine research & the gut brain. An intriguing possibility is beginning to develop. The growing evidence supporting our long term belief that Migraine is a brain disorder coupled with the work showing a second brain in the gut might cause some to look at proper neuropeptide/neurotransmitter production by the digestive system as a root cause of the factors leading to Migraine. One company doing just that has recently published an outcome based study in which they focus primarily on healing and improving digestive dysfunction that they believe on some level is occurring in most Migraine sufferers. Synergistically, they provide nutritional support to the liver and kidney believing that these organs are critical in balancing internal function. This natural Migraine prevention approach has shown very positive results in their initial study. Interestingly, some of the comments from study participants included that while on the nutritional supplements they found that the Migraines they did get were less severe and a lower dose of various pain treatments seemed to be more effective. 80% of the 40 study participants reported good to dramatic benefit from this approach. 20% had no benefit. In 60% of the cases the participants quality of life rating was in the 80 to 100 range indicating a virtually Migraine free condition. To learn more about Gut Brain Therapy and to read the entire study visit, link removed. Michael Gershon, MD of Columbia University is the recognized father of the growing field of neurogastroenterology and author of The Second Brain. His book is fascinating and may explain why ForeverWell is getting great results with Migraine by focusing on the digestive system. For a FREE, chapter by chapter, description of the book you can send an email request to email removed. There is a book called The Second Brain by Michael Gershon, MD. He is at Columbia University in New York and seems to be the leading authority in neurogastroenterology. The book is quite fascinating and perhaps does explain why ForeverWell has been getting great results with Migraine by treating the gut.
  17. Awww ,yes Kaytie I have been really badly too. I had one that lasted for 3 solid days. I hate those ones I really do. I am so sorry you are bad too. HUGS. It is the just on the edge today of going or coming back I am sure you know the feeling. Sometimes my auras are visual as in I loose sight in my left eye. However most of mine are more physical. I lose all feeling in the left side of my face and I get very off balance and it almost seems like I have stroke symptoms. I tend to have a lot of accidents, as in accidently hurting myself because I can not control my limbs properly. Usually my hearing ans sense of smell are very over exaggerated but this time I lost my sense of smell altogether. I also have had muscle pain in my neck and shoulder blade on my left side with a migraine. If I can allieviate that sometimes the migraine goes. It is such a horror isn't it?? I am getting to the point I can't stand it. Do migraines change your perspective of the world Kaytie? When I have one the world looks so black to me. It changes my whole personality. It really does. It makes me very negative and angry and the whole world looks black and ugly and everything is negative and you just want to die.
  18. Wow, that latest migraine was the strangest yet. I lost my sense of smell and I felt just so far on another plane of "being really out there" that I did not even feel I was on this planet.
  19. I can not take these migraines anymore. I just can't. The pain is unbearable and it is ruining my life. Sometimes I think death would be better.
  20. Hey Kaytie! Yes, I suffer from auras as well. They sometimes it ends with menopause but it never did for my mom. I am almost exactly like my mom in medical respects. We are like twins almost. I am sorry your dad gets them. It is a little easier when you have a parent who understands. I understand for my son because we both have them too. He does not have them as often as I do which is good.
  21. I have had a migraine niggling at me for hours I am going to give in and go to bed. My son had friends come over and I did not have the heart to tell him I was sick. I am sick so often it is not really fair to him. I saw a commercial that said if you have 15 or more migraines a month you have something called chronic migraine. There is also a new migraine study going on in Toronto. Hm I might give them a call.
  22. I also have to come and see you before it snows and before it snows too much because the cemetery gets really filled up with snow and it totally buries your little place till Spring.
  23. Hey my boy, Your dad has gone off to a far away place for a little while. He misses you I am sure. I remembered the other day, because your face flashed into my head suddenly, that you looked like your dad. You had your dad's nose and the shape of his head. It is strange sometimes I still get the odd flash back of you. I think you would have been bigger than your brother. You just seemed that to me. I know you were calmer than your brother, he was so wild in utero. You were so fluid and graceful. Mind you my life was completely different when I was pregnant with you. Your dad was not home, he was gone a lot. I was home and confined to bed so I was much calmer, in a sense anyway. When I was pregnant with your big brother I was been harrassed at work and the manager was a true psycho. He was trying to fire me because I was pregnant, and calling me nasty names when no one else could hear. I would go home crying daily, till I could take it no more. I went to the owner of the business and told him I was suing him if that man was there when I came to work the next day. Your dad was also a right off at the time and so self absorbed. It is no wonder your poor brother was born the way he is. All the stress hormones I had floating around my body worked over his poor fetal brain. Your beginning was much better. Your dad also wanted you, but not your brother. So I wonder if you would be like him or different. Either way you both are and would be really loved and your big brother would be wild about you.
  24. ^^ Yeah they sure do!! My baby was soo soo unique and I just ADORED him. He was very ubber attached to me. He did not need anyone else. I was his world. When my son was born unfortunately my poor Siamese died of a broken heart. He just stopped living and no matter what I did for him he no longer cared and just hid under my bed. I made him homemade food and everything but he refused to interact and eat and do anything. I finally had to put him down. I was so so hurt. My husband had to chip out a grave for him in the winter. This Christmas my George will have been gone 14 years.
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