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Everything posted by youknowwho

  1. Hey, girl, I had exactly the same problem before. Actually my problem was worse. My ex musturbated everyday, and rufused to have sex with me at night simply because he's tired. He said sex gets boring if we have too much sex as well. One time he said "we have many good sex," when we rarely have sex and the sex we had was ok-ish. Note that I said my EX. I could barely stand the situation, but after I posted my problem here, people tpld me I should deserve better. I think if he can musturbate, he can definitely have sex. Your man and my ex are porn addict, why do we have to tolerate a sexless relationship when we are perfectly fine and want to have sex? You guys can still talk about this issue, and if he agrees to do it better, that means he still cares about you. But if he gives you some weak excuses like I like musturbation more, or musturbation and sex is different, or I have to musturbate every day, you know what you should do: Just walk away. There're a bunch of guys who treat you better and also have high sex drive! First, you talk to your boyfriend, tell him how you feel, then decide what to do. That's what I did. This is from someone who was in worse stuation than you. Good luck girl,
  2. of course I got very offended to know that he likes porn more than sex with me, but i got used to it, you know. he's been like this for awhile, so i've reached the point where i don't get offended by his addiction to porn. At first, i got disgusted only to know that he viewed porn. i don't know what he thinks about us, me, and sex, but i got tired of being second, and turned down. i don't deserve it. i will talk about this issue with him again tonight, or soon, if he doesn't do anything about with, i'll walk away. thank you for your advice, guys!
  3. I tried to discuss about our sex issue with him many times and I asked him so many times why he preferes masturbation to sex with me. I told him I'm sexually frustrated, abd he said "you can never get enough! Ok, I try, but we shouldn't have sex too much." THen the conversation was over. He always says "if we have too much sex, sex becomes boring, I don't want it to be boring, we shouldn't have sex too much." We sleep together almost everyday, so whenever I feel like it, I try. I tried to seduce him many times, I did everything I could think of, but most of the time, he was like"i'm tired, I want to sleep, I have to get up early tomorow morning, blah blah blah." It just didn't work. Obviously he's addicted to porn and mauturbatioin, I can't do anything. He says if he doesn't masturbate, he can't relax and can't sleep well. On the day he didn't masturbate enough, he started masturbationg right next to me in the middle of the night. He just can't stop doing it. I believe I did everything I could do. I don't know how much porn he views everyday, but judging from what he says, I guess he views more than 3 videos everyday. Is it a lot? I don't know. I think we should have sex when we both feel like it, but that rarely happens, and I got tired of trying to bring him in sex. I will try to talk about this issue with him soon again, and if it doesn't work, I'll do something better than trying to seduce him, like looking for another guy.
  4. I have been dating this guy for almost 2 years now. Our relationship started off like a R movie which no one under the age of 17 can see, but now our relationship getting boring and less sex. My boyfriend says that if we have too much sex, then sex becomes boring. We have sex usually once two weeks, which is not enogh for me. he says he masturbates everyday, because he loves doing it, he does it to relax, to kill time, and to feel good. And I know he masturbates everyday. But I wonder why he doesn't have sex with me as much as I want, if he masturbates everyday. I ask him for sex, but usually he says no. He says i'm tired, I just want to sleep, blah blah blah. Guys out there, tell me does every man masturbate every single day? Is that true? I don't blame him masturbating everyday, I think it's cool for him to do what he wants to do, and I know lots of men and women masturbate, so I don't mind him doing it at all. But his everyday musterbation satisfies his sex drive, and he doesn't have sex with me, then what am i supposed to do? Is it not the matter of his masturbating? Maybe he does NOT want to have sex??
  5. I'm bit relieved to get advice from you. But, honestly, I still feel a little uneasy about his attitude. In my country, boys/girls who have bfs/gfs don't usually go out for dinner or something with someone who is the opposite sex. But my boyfriend, he's American, goes out for lunch or dinner or whatever the thing with with a girl without telling me about it. When I knew he was with a girl I don't know after he cut our date short, I asked him why he did it. He said he wanted friends and I'm jeolous because the person i was with was a girl. I said I would not have been mad at him if he was with a man. I told him that people usually don't do that kind of things in my country, but he just said that we do that in my country. I don't know if that's true or not, but I thought I have to understand that this is cultural difference, so there's no point in feeling jealousy about his attitude. I don't want to feel jealousy and I don't want to disbelieve him, but he's not gonna change. I know his attitude doesn't mean he's cheating on me. I just cannot help feeling jealousy when he is too friendly to girls. Should I just pretend not to care about it?
  6. hi everyone. i need adavice. i've been this guy for 2 yrs now. he's in america, and i'm in romania now. it's been 1 years since i came to romania. so i haven't meet my bf for a year. as we are in different countries, we rarely talk to each other. well, this is not the point. he has many female friends, but...sometimes, i get jealous about it from time to time. when we were together, he talked to girls too friendly in front of me. he went clubbing without me. he invited another girl, not me for a party. he went out with a girl/girls for dinner. he had a picture of another girl's. he met a girl after our date. (he said he's got something to do, so he has to go home early.) those kind of things made me very jealous, but i tried not to care because i thought i should trust him. but i'm worried that he might have been cheating on me since i left america. he's the type of guy who loves to meet new girls. he says he just wants new friends. but all his new friends are female. does he really want just friends? and i'm worried about another thing too. he's leaving for france in june for 7 weeks. he doesn't have to stay in france for such a long time, but he said he want to have fun. (he has to be in france for just three days.) I'm worried that he will cheat on me. (french women are all beautiful, right?) i dont understand why he has to stay that long and why he doesn't come to romania instead. i think i should trust him, but my jealousy drives me crazy!!! what should i do? what am i supposed to do?
  7. I'm confused. Would somebody please give me some advice?? I've been going out with a man for 5 months. I love him, but...the problem is that he seems to be gay. he's kissed his friend. he's been to a gay bar. sometimes he flirts with his male friend, like shaking hands or touching thigh. he sometimes looks @ athelete-like guys, and says "they're so sexy." Would anyone who is straight go to a gay bar or kiss male friend?? i asked him if he was gay or not so many times, but he said he wasn't gay. what's more, the reason he broke up with ex girlfriend was because she was so worried whether he was gay or not and couldn't trust him anymore. a friend of mine said he was said to be gay in his college. (my friend goes to my boyfriend's same college.) he has a gay friend too. ugh! if he is gay who is jist acting like straight (or maybe bisexual,) what should i do? he never tells me the truth. he's american and I'm romanian. so sometimes i think he just wants to have "fun" with romanian girl, who is new to him. my english is so poor that i can't tell him exactly how i feel sometimes. ugh! what do you guys think about my boyfriend? tell me what you think straightforwardly!
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