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  1. In an earlier post I wrote about how me and my boyfriend of 4 years broke up because he just wanted to be best friends but I thought it was because he had a crush on his penpal... Well he's going out with his penpal now(>_
  2. ... because we love them and it hurts to be without someone we love!
  3. I agree with both of you but it just hurts so much and he's been my best friend for 8 years and I would be so loney if we had time apart. What makes it hurt more though is that he said I was a great girlfriend and I didn't do anything wrong, so then I can't understand why we broke up. Do you think if I just tried to act happy that I would start feeling it, or is that a bad idea? I just don't know what to do or feel, I'm so confused !
  4. There were times when I just didn't feel like I wanted my ex-boyfriend/best friend in my life because it was just too hard. The fear of getting hurt for some people is just too hard to handle and sometimes it seems easier to not have the person you love in your life at all because then there is no chance you could get betrayed or hurt. I've tried to explain why she done it but I'm sorry, I don't have the answer that will get her back. All I can say is my boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me last week and I'm depressed and devastated but I'm trying to keep hope by knowing that there are 6 billion people in the world so the chances that there is someone out there that I will love more than my ex and that will love me more than my ex are very high!
  5. Firstly, this is kind of long so if you don't want to read the whole thing then just give your opinions on this question ok, HOW CAN I STOP BEING SO JEALOUS??? I just turned 18 in February and I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years, he was my best friend before we were going out. He went on a holiday to meet his penpal last week and everything was fine before he was left and then when he got back he said that he just wanted to be best friends because we had more fun as best friends... Well actually he didn't say it straight out. As soon as he got back he went and rang his penpal and talked to her for an hour and didn't say much to me until later in the night when he started saying that as my boyfriend he felt obligated to see me but as my best friend he would actually want to see me and he always thought of me and more of a best friend than a girlfriend. When he was talking to his penpal he told her that he had a girlfriend (he never wanted to tell her because he thought that she wouldn't talk to him anymore... pretty crappy excuse?!) but for no reason he decided to tell her when he got back, it was like he had a guilty conscience. Then all night he was talking about how good it would be to be best friends and he asked me if I wanted to keeping going out or be best friends. I would ask him what he wanted and he said "I'm happy if you're happy" so I would say that I wanted to keep going out. Then he would ask me the same question half an hour later and I swear he must have asked me the same question 15 times in 12 hours. So the next day at about 7pm we went for a walk and it was plainly obvious that he didn't want to be my boyfriend anymore so we broke up. Then he went home and at about 10.30pm I was feeling a bit sad and I wanted to talk to him but he was on the phone to his penpal for 3 and a half hours until 3am telling her that he didn't have a girlfriend anymore. Is it just me or does he have a crush on her? He wants to be best friends and I want to be best friends too because I don't want to lose him out of my life but I can't stop being jealous of his penpal and I'm scared that when he does decide to get another girlfriend that I won't be able to handle it. He's going to visit his penpal for a week in July and then she's coming to stay here in September and it's making me so jealous, how can I stop being so jealous? It's driving me crazy!!!! Does all these horrbile sad feelings ever go away ?
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