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Everything posted by Sunshine07

  1. It may have a lot to do with the way you are acting. I mean do you make an attempt to get to know these guys at all? Cause you will always just be a pretty face to men until you let guard down and let them see what you are really like underneath. I have the same problem that I'm still trying to overcome. I'm pretty and have a great body, and I get hit on a lot, but not genuinely. My ex used me for sex. It sucked a lot. But I thought about it and thought about the times in my life when I really connected to guys, and I realized that it was when I was truly myself without any pretensions and let my guard down. I didn't see myself in those instances as being a pretty girl being pursued by a hot guy. I was just one person who wanted to spend time and know another person. And that's when you really connect with someone else.
  2. Ok, thanks guys so much for your help. You're great!!!!! I'm definitely give it a shot!
  3. The thing is, you should really be focused on having fun right now, because something serious (and love) doesn't usually happen unless people have fun and really enjoy each other's company at first. The first step is always just casually enjoying one another and having a good time. And I think focusing on wanting a girlfriend takes the fun out of it.
  4. Yeah, I definitely think you should talk to him about it if its bothering you (and honestly, I think your completely justified in being upset).
  5. omg, that's such a great idea. i can't believe i didn't think of that!!! but if he says no, i'm going to wonder if he doesn't like me or cause he feels bad letting me buy him coffee. plus, he's always drinking coffee in class. so what should i do if he says no?
  6. Hmmm, strange. I've heard that guys who like that position have a thing with women being submissive cause its a very dominant, controlling, aggressive position for the male. Have you talked to him about it at all?
  7. Well it was actually an offer to help me get an internship (that i recently found out i don't need). last time i saw him he told me not to worry that he was still working on it.
  8. I've been single for about 3 months now. I'm finally starting to get back into the groove of things. There's this guy in one of my classes at school who I like. He's really outgoing; I'm shy. He seemed to talk to everyone in the class except me, but he always sat right next to me and kind of look at me when he thought I was paying attention to the professor (silly him, why would i do that?) Finally one day we started talking, and he seemed really interested (in getting to know me at least). We talked for a pretty long time. The next two times I saw him, he initiated converstaion (and seemed a little nervous, too!) He seemed really eager to talk to me, and then out of nowhere, would start to ignore me. There's another girl on the other side of him who he'll like say random stuff to once in a while. He seems nice and offered to help me out with some school stuff, and he seems to like to talk a lot to me, but why does he suddenly ignore me!? I'm thinking he's just a really outgoing, friendly guy who just likes to talk.
  9. You don't sound like a jerk. You just sound very confused and hurt. I'm going to be completely honest with you. I had a female professor for a sexuality class was in her forties and who openly admitted to dating male "friends" being only interested in sex, all of whom were a lot younger than her. These women probably think you're fun, wonderful, great guy, but that doesn't mean they aren't being selfish. DO NOT see the married woman. You are already having doubts about it and already feeling guilty about it. Don't do it. You're very young. It's not always easy to find people who like you and who you like back, no matter how old you are. It can be hard to let go, but you must. You need to make room in your heart for people who are willing to give back to you. Rest assured, there are girls out there who will like you for who you are, but you are not open to them while you are stuck on these women who have already moved on, or seeing someone who is married.
  10. Ok, wait a minute. They think they are perfect, and so you conclude the problem is with you? What about what you think? Why would you even want to be with men who behaved like that? You ask yourself what is wrong with yourself, when you should be saying to yourself, well, time to move on. It sounds like you've got some issues with yourself if you automatically assume the problem is you.
  11. I always have a shot or two of vodka before I go out to parties, clubs and bars. Loosens me right up. I'm an awful dancer too. My friends make fun of me, but I don't really care what I look like as long as I'm having fun. Girls expect white guys to be bad dancers anyway. But if its just not your scene, there's lots of other stuff to do. If you don't like it, you should do other stuff that you enjoy. Who cares if your 21 and SHOULD be doing that stuff. Do what you want to do because its your life and in the words of jimi hendrix "i'm the one who's gotta die when i gotta die, so let me live the way i wanna live". If you really just don't like bars, then don't go. If you are just afraid of looking stupid and hitting on girls at bars, then you should work on your confidence levels and conquering your fears. 90% of people look stupid dancing, most the people are too drunk to notice and it'll be a lot easier if you stop worrying and just enjoy yourself.
  12. I don't know if you're a guy or girl, but either way you should be honest with the person about what you want. I personally think FWB is really tough to pull off cause both the ppl have to be in the right mindset and emotionally ok with it. Even then, there's a risk of you or them getting hurt. Is casual sex really what you want??
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