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Everything posted by lefthanginagain

  1. Im 47 and its the same thing. TIME One day the bricks fall off your shoulders. Sometimes a week others take years. Hang in there! In time it shall pass.
  2. I am going threw the same. Its hard not to fall back into the trap. Congrads. My life was almost ruined after 3 yrs of this.
  3. The best advice to give you is to get out now. I have first hand knowledge of this devistating disorder. It has ruined me physically, emotionally, and financially. I dated a narcissist for 3 yrs and fell in love with her. I was used , abused and thrown away like a piece of trash when she was confronted. It is so hard to descibe the feelings I have because I truly was in love with what I thought was my soul mate. It has only been a month since this happened. Some narcissistic qualities for you to look for: self-centered, no remorse, unreliable, projects their faults on others, no conscience, insensitive to needs and fellings of others, easy to anger, manipulater, twists the truth for self benefit, pathological lying, moody, seldom expresses appreciation, defensive when confronted w/truth( will twist it to favor them), doesnt listen to others life stories(only them) These qualities all but disappear when they NEED something from you. As I now recall I dont think there was ever an instanced when she diidnt want something, never just to say hi or how are you. Please look for these, dont end up like me. It will be a long hard road otherwise.
  4. 14 yrs ago a young lady use to walk by my house daily. She was beautiful and I always said to myself, "I will be with her some day". I finally met her one day out in my yard. We became very "loose" friends for about 6 months just chating. I moved away for 13 yrs and unbelievably met her at a friends house, whom we both knew. We began dating. We would always go to casinos and stay overnight. We had sex right away. It was the "bomb". and is ever time. We had great times with very little argument. After 2 yrs. I found out she was seeing 3 other men. By this time I had fallen quite in love.When confronted with this news she tossed me away like a piece of trash for 8 months. I heard from her again and we began the same relationship. However this time she was much crueler and had no respect , empathy, kindness, or anything unless she wanted something. Come to find out she is a narcissist. She treats people like objects. Even through all this I LOVE her. I am having a terrible time not contacting her. I know I am setting myself up for more abuse but cant help it. Can someone who has gone threw this please help . It has only been 3 wks and I feel myself slipping and wanting to contact her.
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