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  1. if you're not living your life in accordance with what you want, this creates emptiness as existence itself becomes devoid of meaning.
  2. thanks! it's good to be reminded of how rare this is (if slightly uncomfortable)
  3. give him a few days, in case of disaster. unless he is occupying your every waking thought. then continue the pursuit. avoidant behavior displayed early means (in my best guess) he will become very attached very quickly, then when you begin to love him in return, the avoidant child will come out again. i think your sexiness deserves more than a cowboy. then again, he might just be playing you. i would be creeped out by that sort of behavior (call me, but don't call me), but then again, i'm a dude.
  4. Ack! Please! You're still a child, don't reproduce! Have you ever wanted to travel? Take risks? Live by yourself? Pursue a career? Go to bed whenever the hell you feel like? Have friends? Go out dancing? Live your life! Creating a life is not a solution for a lack of direction. Your child will have the same sense of purposelessness that you do. Bring a child into a stable, secure, rich (emotionally) environment. Not the void in your hormonal life. sorry if this sounds harsh, but jeezus, sometimes people need to be slapped. then again, if you want to have a kid. go get pregnant. then the guy can't do NOTHING to stop you.
  5. change cannot happen overnight. if it ever happens at all. the thing about change is. what we see in ourselves as wrong cannot be wrong, because it is ourselves changing behavior is a matter of examining the environment that creates that behavior since it seems like your dude is suicidal when around you. perhaps he is better off without you. there's worse things than feeling alone when by yourself... ...like feeling alone when you're with your loved one -sc
  6. hi! yoga and meditation have helped my stress levels significantly. of course, actually STARTING is the hard part. i suspect that with you, actually achieving some mental silence and space would be the most beautiful thing. otherwise, involve yourself with hobbies. write, draw, music
  7. i just graduated college... i find that education interferes with my knowledge, but at the same time, is invaluable in teaching you HOW TO LEARN. so in essense, don't learn what you love at school... learn what you love on your own time. because you risk everything by letting someone else teach you how to love.
  8. hi! i feel a little uncomfortable sharing this, i want perspectives, not advice. so, my history has been several hot sexy flings with a little emotional content, but nothing too special. now, i've met a girl who i have an actual love pair-bonding relationship with. it's just a curious thing. she's open to sexual adventures, we have exchanged pleasure via hands and kisses (which i become lost in), and i was pressing for actual sex, alot, earlier in the relationship. she's unexperienced, so i understand her trepidation. now i've settled, the lack doesn't bother me as much since we can explore eachother. i've basically left the ball in her court, which i don't like doing, but i see no other way, other than pestering her so, instead, i just constantly tease and flirt with her and text sexy msgs to her, and she likes it! i guess i just wanted to tell the story, as i've never imagined it could be like this, and i would enjoy it, but it is, and i do!
  9. women naturally have alot of hair down there, and it may not be realistic to expect a clean shave every time due to the amount of hair growing. i understand the red bumps and ingrown hair, very irritating. if it's something you really want to do, i recommend trimming with scissors or an electric razor first. then for the up close smoothness, try shaving in the shower. the grain of the hair is important to take note, as going against the grain for the first pass of the razor WILL cause irritation. however. the closest shave occurs when you go against the grain. so. PASS 1: Shave downward, slowly, be sure to clean your blade of hair often. skin should still be a little rough after PASS 2: Shave upward, very gently. If your skin is already red and hurt, give it a break, let it heal and try again in a few months. good luck.!
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