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Everything posted by timewilltell

  1. i know drinking alcohol reduces inhibitions and makes being sexual a little less akward but i dont want to loose my virginity while im drunk. i got very drunk with a girl i really love yesterday. she said "i love it when u have the confidence to touch me" because i was stroking her leg with my foot. and asked if i could give her a massage a bit later on. when we were sunbathing we cuddled and she ended up virtually on top of me. she is not like this when she is sober. is the alcohol changing sumthing in a way that, if i tried to make a move when we are both sober she would really not like it. or is it bringing thoughts that exist but embarres her to the surface. basically does behavure like this mean im safe to make a move when we are sober.
  2. the relationship is a bit complex we arnt bf and gf but we'v had baths together and regularly both sleep in my bed. ill try and offer it in a way that makes it easy for her to say no if she does feel a bit weird about it. thanks for all the help so far. couple more questions: what areas do people particularly like being massaged? and what sort of scent is good for relaxation?
  3. its my friends birthday in just over a week. I was thinking of giving her a massage because its quite intimate but not necessarily sexual. Problem is im clueless. what makes a good massage? what kinda oil is best and what scent? any help is greatly appreciated
  4. talking from experiance id say run. im friends with this girl. she is my best friend. iv given alot for her. including leaving some of my closest friends (guys) to be with her, because i managed to fool my self in to thinking we could be together. almost a year now we still arnt together and i am constantly diving in and out of depression because of it. but then i still cant bear to leave her. im going to uni next year so not much longer until i get a fresh start. if this were to happen again i would ignor them as much as possible until i found some one else who felt the same way about me. it is possible to be friends with them and hope things will change. but only continue being friends if u can cope with it never changing. Ben.
  5. thanks for the reply tigris i did help her as much as i could without really getting involved since it was nothing to do with me. she turned up at my house unanounced today and just asked if i wanted to hang out. we messed about around the house then went to pizza hut and it was cool. i had a good time. she brought it up once but we managed to laugh about it. hopefully that should do it
  6. i love this girl, she knows it and altho doesnt feel the same back we are very close, we kiss and cuddle and spend alot of time together. so much so EVERYONE thinks we are going out (we arnt cos she doesnt want a relationship). we cant go one week without one of our reletives or friends asking if we are going out yet. the point of this post is that at new year i had to leave for a few hours. when i came back i got a "hello ur back" just asked if i was alright stood around for a bit then went in to one of the other rooms. i decide to go sleep in the car cos the house was quite crowded. she comes out with staples in her finger. i help her pull them out and stop the bleeding then we decide to sleep but she keeps breaking in to tears. next day she tells me why she did those things. it was cos she got caught being fingerd by the guy her best friend fancys. she was upset cos she didnt want to hurt her friend like that. i love her and to hear another guy was fingering her just tears me up. im guessing she told me about it cos we are so close she new it would upset me but that i would want to know. witch is true it hurts.but im gratefull she told me i trust her more than anyone, there are other things she didnt need to tell me but has. i lover her and am so greatful for her honesty that i forgive her no problem. the problem is i just have this image of her with this guy and it keeps haunting me. i cant sleep and if i dont keep my self busy i start thinking about it again and get upset again. i wanna know apart from trying to never stop doing stuff is there any other way to get this image out of my head. thanks for any help timewilltell
  7. there is this girl i like we are really close and i lover her. she doesnt want a relation ship so we are just close friends. she is always inviting me over to hers and giving me hugs and a while ago kissed me. she was drunk at the time and apologised the next day (we eventually decided it was just a friendly kiss).iv been sending her an email with one thing i love about her evey day for the last 2 weeks and am still going. this all very good and i am enjoying it. but iv noticed i almost never do anything physical in return. not sexual just being close. she is always the one to ask me to sit closer. the one to hold my hand. the one who asks for hugs. it was her who kissed me. all theses things mean the world to me. and i wanna be able to return that feeling. but i dont kno why i cant do any of these things. 1.any idea why i cant seem to do these things 2.how do i start doing them.
  8. its not just her its actually my friends that seem to be the problem. recently one of them has been making no effort to even be polite to her and the rest are beginning to follow suit. none of them have sent her a single txt when she was in hospital for 3 days. so i can see why she wouldnt want to hang around them anymore.
  9. ok here is the problem. my group of close friends consists of 5 guys and a 2 girls. one of the girls has just moved away to uni. i love the girl that is left but the rest of my friends dont like her. a few days ago she had an operation and none of themn have been to see her or even sent her a txt. even when i offer to take and bring people back thay avoid going. she seems to have noticed this but is at home for another week. when she comes back i really dont know what is goiong to happen. i think its pretty obvious they dont like her anymore and she has already told me she might not bother hanging round with us when she feels better. i find it really hard to make new friends and i would quite happilly follow her and make friends with a new group of people but we are only going to see eachother for another year befor the rest of us go to uni. finall point even tho i love her the feeling is not mutual. this didnt really bother me i was happy loving and doing things for her without anyting in return. but if im to leave my friends is it really worth it. i wanna stay with her but if she does stop hanging around with my friends then i dont wanna have to choose between them. any ideas as to what i can do
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