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  1. apeyril


    If you both really do like each other im sure ull be able to make the time to see each other. You said u used to hang around with him a lot and wots wrong with just seeing him after school?
  2. Why do you need help? Whats the problem exactly? if I were you id be happy well assuming i like him in return that is. He obviously just didnt think of you like that before but has slowely fallen for you and thats normally how the best relationships start.
  3. i agree with shes2smart i wouldnt tell him unless he asks. As ur no longer in a relationship with him u dont have to tell him anything and u dont have to feel guilty about wot u did. But if he does ask be honest however much u dont want to hurt him it will hurt more if ur not honest from the start. If you do get back with him in the future you can tell him about it then assuming he didnt ask and hopefully he'll understand u didnt tell him becuase u did not want to hurt him.
  4. With my first boyfriend it was about 3 weeks before we first kissed but our fist one was pretty full on. Since then though ive kissed guys without being in a relationship with them. In the end its just wot u feel comfortable with. If you feel you want to kiss them then i say go for it regardless to how long uve been with them. Ofcourse if its ur first kiss or you want it to be special and mean something than id suggest u wait til you were in a relationship. But just do wot feels right.
  5. I expect shes still feeling confused after her break up with her exboyfriend. She either likes you but cant quite bare to let go of her old relationship yet, or she likes u as friend but is enjoying being able to flirt again now she is out of a relationship. Either way i suppose all you can do is give her some space but continue to be friendly with her and wait for her to make a move.
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