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  1. Well... U have either changed or you have not... I'm not sure how you can prove it to someone. If you've changed, your ex would notice. I'm worried that somehow he seems to come out as superior in this relationship... U changing may not help... you both need to change and accept one another if you want to make your relationship work.
  2. My read on B is that she craves attention and is quite possibly insecure. Can a woman like 2 men... YES!!! B likes the attention she gets from you... its good for her ego... I think you should let go of her... You obviously are not on top of her mind... If I really liked a guy... I've wouldn't notice any other guy in the world.
  3. I agree with Annie.... you need to step back and review this relationship... I think u like him a lot considering the long post with all the details... Ignore him for a while or treat him just as you would a friend...If he wants more then you would know.... if he's happy with the change or indifferent to it, then he's not the one...
  4. I've never been attracted to a younger man before.... now I am and it feels weird. Its a 6 year age gap... We are great friends at work but I believe its because there's an underlying thread of attraction neither of us want to acknowledge. Do these kind of relationships even work? He's from a different world but we share similar likes and dislikes. I find him childish sometimes but on the whole I feel younger because of him.... Maybe I just need to hold on to the friendship and not complicate things... Your thoughts are welcome
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