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Everything posted by allstar18

  1. Me and my girlfriend have been going out for a year sunday what should I get her? I have no idea what I should get her. I was thinking to get her some perfume but I got her that for christmas and she hasn't used it all yet. Ideas anyone?
  2. Me and my girlfriend seem to be fighting a lot and that. Also now she like doesn't even talk to me that much even when we aren't fighting. The only time it seems like she says anything is like if I know where her friends are or that. Also she is always busy and she never wants to hang out during th week and on weekends she is always busy on or she hangs out with her friends instead. I don't know but to me it seems like she is loesing interest in me or soemthing. I don't know if I should just break up with her or what. Oh yeah we have been going out a year next sunday also if that makes it any different. Sometimes I think I should just break up with her cuz I'm tired of getting ignored and I wanta a girlfriend that wants to be with me and around me and sometimes I feel like I shouldn't because if I am wrong and then I will start to miss her but it will be to late to get back together. What should I do? Should I break up with her or how should I handle this? I want to have a relationship with someone and have fun. I still have feeling for her but I don't know what I should do at all
  3. I would say yes because then if there is a problem going on you can see what she actually thinks and maybe you could solve it easilier by knowing what she wants and think or feels about it.
  4. Yeah that is how I was scared about it. It took me months to finally kiss my girlfriend as well because of the thoughts about it. If you just start out with a small one and then you will get your butterflies out and it will lead to bigger kisses. After a small little kiss you will be fine and want to do it again. Don't think about it and just do it. That's what I had to do I would double think it and I never would do it. After that I just said I'm doing this and went for it and he is probably the same way. He probably wants to kiss you as well and is just scared because you guys have never done it before.
  5. That's what I think of when I think off taking a break. She just doesn't want to break up completely. I think she wants to but is to scared to do it. One of her friends though tells me that she was like obessesed with me before so I really don't know.
  6. Yeah she wanted to take a break. She said she wanted space (what does that even mean really). Also we have been argueing over nothing lately and she wants that to stop. She also is mad because some of my friends don't really like her and don't talk to her. I think it's kinda lame or does anyone else think that my friends have to like her or what. There not mean to her they just don't to her that much so she thinks they hate her. I think the best thing to do now is to forget about it and wait and see if she starts to miss me or what. any other ideas or thoughts about this??
  7. At school though, we see each other all the time should I just say Hi and that's about it, ignore her or what. I feel like if I act like a friend she will want to be friends but I don't want her to just forget me and get over me if I don't talk to her or see her. I feel a break won't work but she is my first girlfriend so I don't know. I'm young and don't really know. I feel like she is already over me and just wants to be friends.
  8. Me and my girlfriend are taking a break after 11 months. How should I treat her while we take this break. Do I still call her or leave her alone. I don't know if I should act as a friend to her right now because I still have feelings for her and I want to be more than friends. Or should I just let her go her own way and not call or and just let or be and see how things turn out. I wanta get back together with her but how should I treat her now?
  9. I don't know I think it's all the people that I don't know that well. And I feel like I have to impress her or w/e and then I never know what to say.
  10. Like only at school we are for some reason. I don't know why reallly. I am fine when I am with her by myself or people I know though.
  11. Like when we are alone or with other people outta school we are fine. At school I can't talk to her without over thinking everything and that. She gets mad because I can talk to other girls and my friends fine but not here. I think its because I think I need to impress her and that so I don't know what to say. How do I just act normal around her at school or whenever.
  12. Me and my girlfriend are both shy and i have a hard time talking to her at school we have talked about it and we are both annoyed with it now. How do i act less shy around her and stop over thinking? Outta school were fine though. Why would i be different at just school
  13. Yeah we talk online a lot and text messages once and a while but not on the phone as much. I always overthink it and I end up not calling her. I think I should start though.
  14. Me and my girlfriend have been going out for a while and I don't call her that much and I feel like I should be. I was wondering if I should start calling her and how much? I don't want to call every day and have her get bored and everything. I am kinda shy so it's hard for me to call her because I over think everything.
  15. Me and my girlfriend have been going out for a while. But sometimes when I'm with her she will just call like other guys hot and stuff. I don't know it seems weird. They are way older usually though. Am I being jelous or something or should she not be doing this.
  16. awesome thanks for the help I will post again if I need some more help
  17. Yeah I see what you mean just be open and talk about anything and give her some attention but not to much. Also be able to say whatevers on my mind to her. Let me know if I am right or wrong here.
  18. We have been going out for like 5 months but I guess we just don't hang out that much because we are both been kinda busy this summer but when we are together its fun. We know each other good but I guess she doesn't feel that comfurtable around me. I guess we have to hang out more. Say we go to the movies or the mall or soemthing like that or where ever how do I make her feel comfurtable around me. I just want us to both quit being shy and everything. She asked why I thought it was a bad thing so I guess she still likes me and wants us to go out but she said she wants to fix it.
  19. Also she said she wants to be closer and that is not only makeing moves and that. She said it's being really comfurtable around each other. How do we become more comfurtable around each other and that and make it easyer to talk. And she asked me why I am mad about it and why I think it's a bad thing. So I don't know she said she wants to fix it and we don't really know how to. So how would we become more comfurtable around each other. She also said she doesn't care if I make moves on her or w/e because im her boyfriend but she says that we fell like friends so I don't know how to change that. so confused....
  20. yeah I tryed to talk to her about it and she barely even said anything so I don't know what to do anymore.
  21. Yeah I know I was thinking the same thing. I thought she was gunna break up with me and I felt kinda said but then she said she wanted to fix it. I really want to show her that I care because I really like her and I am glad to have a second chance. I should quit being shy because once I make the first move I will feel fine and won't have to worry about it. I just always think about what she will say or do and she is probably thinking about the same thing
  22. Yeah that helps. I can talk to her but not always say what I want to. Her just saying she felt like we were just friends while we are going out made me feel weird. Yeah I really like her and she likes me to because she would of just broke up with me already if she didn't. Yeah I think I am just gunna do what my heart says and tell her and get it all of my chest and it will make it so much easyer. If I can communicate with her and that it will only make it easyer. I just get nervous when I think about making a move. I just think about what she will do or say and all that but she probably is thinking the same thing.
  23. everytime I try to make a move I starting thinking to much and can't do it. I don't know she's shy to though. I don't know how to quit thinking about it and just do it. I can talk to her easily and it helps out but when ever I try to make a move I freeze up.
  24. allstar18


    Ok me and my girlfriend have been dating for a while now. We are both kinda shy and everything also. But she feels like we are just friends right now and it doesn't feel like we are going out. She wants to fix that and didn't break up with me. How can I make her feel like I really care about her and that we are going out and we are more than just friends. I am kinda shy and she is my first girlfriend so I don't know really what to do but I like her so much and I don't want to ruin this.
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