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Everything posted by DarkCh0c0

  1. He already told you to see other people. Chances are he's moved on to other women and he's just keeping on the hook every now and then as a chat buddy and possible f buddy. Raise your dating bar and let go. Yup. Enough time wasted 💅
  2. He keeps chatting with you to keep you on the hook in case he goes back for a visit and not to plan something serious. Don't let this man have access to you like this. Know your worth and simply move on to men who are more honest from the get go and who want something serious with you. I know it sucks, but it is what it is. So yes, just simply cut contact with him. No need to respond. Block if needed.
  3. Meh, he's barely responding to you. He might not notice until the next time he wants to reach out, but you won't be available to answer. I suggest just stopping contact and unfollowing him on social media. Also remember he didn't tell you he was leaving the city untill the third date, so you owe him nothing.
  4. Of course. Let the man earn your time and attention. He may have earned it at the beginning, but this has changed since he left the city. Glad you had a lovely time on the dates!
  5. You're obviously not a priority to him and he has specifically instructed you to not wait (he's probably seeing other people wherever he is). I also suggest to cut contact with him immediately and move forward with men who are available and serious about you.
  6. Honestly OP, if it's about your looks so much, either post a pic so we can help, or, better yet, talk to a professional 🤷‍♀️ We don't know you. You sound good on paper, but something is getting in your way and only someone who knows you irl can give you valuable honest feedback. This whole post has become a waste of time. I hope there isn't some troll behind the screen.
  7. Again, these are excuses and NOT reasons as to why he won't divorce. He's too comfortable living with his wife, getting the wife benefits AND having gf and getting the gf benefits. He's happy to have his cake AND eat it too. He has the best of both worlds. What does that tell you about his character? Is this the type of man you relate to? Does he meet your dating standards? Was the fact him being "separated" not a deal breaker for you?
  8. Being separated is a deal-breaker to most people, and it sounds it's a deal-breaker to you too. I would not proceed. Not until he's single and if I'm available by that time. You have no clue why he really won't officially divorce. All he's been telling you are excuses and not reasons to not divorce her.
  9. How about you give yourself the chance to see how things go with Mr Perfect? 14 days in any way are way too short to know if he IS really perfect. As for the ex, you had a trauma bond and toxic dynamic. I suggest you start cutting your contact with the ex so that you can have space to be with other men. This includes blocking him everywhere and un-following him on social media. You need to grieve and accept that drama is NOT an indicator of a healthy relationship and that it's time for you to move to better options in life that benefit you. I also suggest therapy to reflect on why you're so hang up on someone who didn't treat you right. But in anyways, know you are worthy and deserve healthy and loyal love 💚 Mr perfect might not be as perfect, but that doesn't mean you won't find a healthy connection with another man. Give yourself permission to find and pursue that.
  10. You consult a paid professional and not random strangers on the internet. How about that?
  11. Ah interesting. Even in the video lolita shared? What makes you think he's misogynistic? I'm a be woman and I appreciate his slightly conservative view on dating (not that I fully agree with him on everything, but he says a lot of things that make sense).
  12. He's trying to see if you're a fool/still under his control enough to go back to him. He also could have been dumped, feeling horny or lonely, and he's testing out the waters with you. However, he belongs to the street. Block him and tell people you don't want to hear about him. This guy is so low. You've got better standards and you can do much better. Kudos for not replying back!
  13. @mylolita you nailed it. However, don't count on @MysteriousTelephoneto watch the video as he doesn't have time to do so apparently. I forwarded a useful video previously, but OP won't take a look 🤓 That aside, I love Jordan's talks!! He's very good at what he does.
  14. Exactly. My friend who is a mom of 2 is going through a similar thing with her young boy. He will throw a tantrum and start screaming. She learned to just look at him indifferently and say "Okay" and then keep going with whatever plan they have. It teaches him that his crying or screaming won't get him what he wants. He has to get his act together if he wants to be heard.
  15. One thing I don't get is that your wife is struggling after having a child, and all you're thinking about is therapy regarding your relationship with your mom. Shouldn't the kid and your wife's PPD be the priority? Or did I miss something?
  16. How unattractive. He clearly told you his intentions to have sex with you and he got it. He didn't say he wants a relationship. Yup. I would not want to be near such a man, unless what you want is casual sex/FWB. His act is not classy nor mature, and you two want different things.
  17. @Carnatic I was about to post about something in the line of what you said. So maybe OP needs to work harder when it comes to attracting women. Instead of relying on looks, maybe rely on being smooth and taking interest in the lady he's approaching. Be interested, curious, listen well, and give nice compliments. Don't ask for a number up front, but rather get to know this person and make her feel comfortable. Before she leaves or earlier, mention you enjoyed the conversation and you'd like to take her out to grab some coffee sometime and ask for her contact number of she's okay with it. Like, he has to work past the initial unsaid no and rely more on being smooth/ classy/ and ask questions ect.
  18. What was the texting frequency before decreasing it? For context, how often do you refer to your mom when making decisions that affect your marriage, kids, or personal choices?
  19. So? He's an adult. He can handle it. Maybe your daughter is tired of having different strangers/men at each Thanksgiving, and I think it's fine. If you don't want to go, you can stay with your bf.
  20. Ikr?! The first dude dishes out all his finance, career and relationship info. But as soon as Miranda says she's a lawyer, he has the audacity to give her that face 😂 What I meant initially was that someone could be attractive and successful like Miranda and yet find no one at the event. There are no guarantees.
  21. Yea. There is a funny clip in SATC about speed dating There's no guarantee when going to only one speed dating event that you'll get picked. Here Miranda lied and mentioned she's a stewardess to get a guy... Of course, it didn't last long.
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