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  1. From what I have seen there is a list of reasons why he has not gotten divorced. Fear of alimony is a big issue and transitioning his last child into college all contributing factors. Being “a side chick”? Not the case here. They definitely lead two separate lives. Thank you for your feedback everyone.
  2. He contributes to expenses. He shared the idea of moving in with each other as we wait for the divorce to be filed. The wife knows about me, as well.
  3. Thank you. Yes, on separate sides of their house. He stays over with me 5 days out of the week and two at his house. I have never encountered this type of issue in my life.
  4. Where to begin? I am a 48 year old woman who is dating a 55 year old man, for the past 3 years. Overall, we are compatible. The big issue, he’s married/ separated. They have been separated for 5 years and his wife actively dates. He shares wanting to divorce but the issue is his fears what will happen financially to him. This has caused a pause on moving in with each-other and overall confusion what the future would be for us. I adore him and I feel the same love back from him. I’m at a fork on the road, what to do???? Do I wait patiently or say bye. They have a house to sell, as well. He has told me the housing market is preventing them from selling the house. He says he needs the funds from the sell of the house.
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