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  1. thankyou for replying, even to hear that theres others out there in the same boat helps to convince me i can get through this.wow its strange to hear all of you with your different stories to tell just like mine. but how do i manage getting over my ex when i still see him all the time, i see him at college, i see him out in town at night, i even work with the guy!and what makes matters worse i dont even want to avoid seeing him because the people i have met during my time with him have now become some of my closest friends and 10 of us (including my ex) have arranged a holiday together which is coming up soon.i still want to see my friends as much as possible but i cant do this without seeing my ex. i even still get along with him when i do see him but what he doesnt see is what hurts the most - I MISS HIM like crazy, he still means so much to me and just because he no longer wants a relationship and he needs his space i just cant have him. how can i love someone so much without them even being the slightest bit interested in me? and how do these men get over relationships so quickly and so easily. im stranded in a world wrapped around him and theres no visible way out. where do i turn? confused? me too but believe me im still trying to work myself out and i guess i should try to complete that task before starting on him!!
  2. wow its strange to hear all of you with your different stories to tell just like mine. but how do i manage getting over my ex when i still see him all the time, i see him at college, i see him out in town at night, i even work with the guy!and what makes matters worse i dont even want to avoid seeing him because the people i have met durin my time with him have now become some of my closest friends and 10 of us have arranged a holiday together which is comin up soon.i still want to see my friends as much as possible but i cant do this without seeing my ex. i even still get along with him when i do see him but what he doesnt see is what hurts the most - I MISS HIM like crazy, he still means so much to me and just because he no longer wants a relationship and he needs his space i just cant have him. how can i love someone so much without them even being the slightest bit interested in me? and how do these men get over relationships so quickly and so easily. im stranded in a world wrapped around him and theres no visible way out. where do i turn?
  3. if only he was chasing me! i got dumped but in no way am i getting chased! i wish!
  4. id just like to say i know its hard to hear that the guy you love isnt worth trying for. but you have to understand that you are still young and nobody has the right to regain your trust if they were stupid enough to lose it in the first place! sorry to be harsh with you but you need to know that this guy isnt what you need, especially at such a young age! do you really think this is as good as relationships get?
  5. hey everyone, please read on i hope its not to long but i would appreciate any feedback you have to offer! my ex broke up with me about 2months ago after only being together for around 5months. he said it was because he wasnt ready for a relationship but i could tell for weeks before that he just wasnt all that into me anymore.he had never told me he loved me but my feelings for him were so much stronger. i wanted to spend every minute with him and thought the world of him. how can someone treat a girl so well and be so special to someone and not feel the same?i would have done and given anything to keep him, and i still feel very empty without him. i never wanted anything too serious of course as i am still young but when i was with him things were so perfect and he just seemed like he was made for me and things were just meant to be. i now feel like im verging on being obsessed and need to get over it! ive been meeting with another guy who i have known for about a year but never given us as a couple a try. although hes a nice enough guy i just dont see the spark i saw with my ex. it doesnt even come close, am i just going to compare every guy i meet to my ex? if so i dont know if ill find anyone whos good enough! please help if you can!
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