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Everything posted by cremebrulee

  1. I think you have made the right choice. Taking a little time off before starting anthing new is definitely the best approach. Stay strong and be happy!
  2. I know how you feel. I had an illness that kept me confined to the house for almost a year (although i was allowed visitors so i guess that helped). I kept myself busy by reading lots of books, watching movies, chatting on the phone with friends, the internet (a wonderful tool for the bored), baking (lots of cakes that year!). It is a good time to just focus on yourself, pamper yourself - give yourself a facial, manicure pedicure etc, use the time to focus on your life and where you want to see yourself in the future, maybe even do some kind of study from home. I did a correspondence course which was a great distraction - just an interest subject nothing more. I know it must be really hard having no contact with your boyfriend but just try and stay strong, take care of yourself and think positive. Good luck!
  3. I agree. You shouldn't stay with someone because you're afraid of hurting them. And you shouldn't settle for someone just because it is the safe choice. Sure you might break things off with John, go for the other guy and it doesn't work out - but at least you wont be left wondering what could've been. If you will always be thinking about what might've been if you took a chance with the other guy it will always leave you questioning your love for John. I think the best solution is to sit down with him and explain that you are unsure of your feelings at this time and let him know the situation. It is unfair to both John and yourself to deny the truth of your feelings. I hope you find happiness with whomever you choose.
  4. It is always hard when your heart is torn between two people. But, i think you made the right choice in leaving brent. Once a partner has cheated (even once) it damages your trust in him and even though things may feel 'grand' for a while if you got back together it would be shortlived. You will always have that voice in the back of your mind worrying about whether he's with someone else when he's not next to you. It is horrible to always be questioning where they are and what they're doing. I took a partner back after he had slept with another girl and whenever we had an argument that past issue would come up again and i never trusted him around women - we borke up because he cheated again. As for Garett, if you have been friends for a long time you know each other well and have a good grounding for a relationship but i would advise you to take things slow. Let your heart mend and get through the emotional pain from the last one before throwing yourself whole-heatedly into a new relationship. Good luck! I hope you find happiness and peace
  5. I totally agree that Valentines day is overrated. I don't think it is necessary to buy flowers and chocolates and jewels (especially when the price of roses doubles for the day) but i do think it is nice to share the evening with your loved one and either have a nice meal somewhere or cook a romantic dinner at home. A nice message written in a card is more valuable than chocolates. I also agree that it is far nicer to have lots of small gestures throughout the year. I'd much rather get a bunch of flowers on a regular day than on Vday when it feels like its just out of obligation.
  6. whenever he is depressed he usually shares it with me or says he just a wants a few weeks of space to sort whatever is upsetting him out so i don't think he is depressed. He says he's very upset that things didn't feel right anymore because he wanted to get married to me and settle down and we both wanted a lot of the same things in life. The worry i have is that i'm wasting my time trying to get back on track with him. When i ask if he wants to date other women he says no but then he'll say "not at the moment anyway" he can never give me a definitive yes or no response to anything i have asked in the last 3 weeks. We have had a break once before a long time ago and we didn't see eachother for 2 months but we didn't see others either and when we did see eachother again it was all really good and everything went back to normal and better than before. But it's too hard to do that this time when i'm now used to spending every day with him and his son (who i no longer see) and we were very affectionate and organising an engagement and wedding and now suddenly i'm seeing him twice a week for an hour or so. As for the illness thing - i've been sick now for 3 years and it doesn't really affect our relationship that much. It just limits me personally. I had some damage to my inner ear that makes me dizzy a lot of the time. It just means that i can't really do anything alone in case i get one of my spells that can last for a couple of hours. If i am with someone i can usually just ride it out and he understood that if i wasn't feeling well i just needed 20mins of quiet and something to eat. It was a non-issue for him. The only pressure it created was financial because i am reliant on the government at the moment and they don't give out much money but i have no debt and take care of my own bills. I am much better now than i was when we started dating so i doubt that's a problem for him.
  7. Hi, i', very new to this forum thing so go easy on me i am at my wits end about a situation that has arisen in my relationship. I have been dating him for just over a year (have known him for 7 years and dated for 2 a long time ago). We were getting along better than ever and we were planning our engagement party and shopping for rings. We both live in separate places because he has a child to a previous girlfriend and doesn't want to move me in until we are engaged which is understandable but because of this our time together was limited and we had a lot of family pressures to hurry up and get things going which lessened the excitement of the event. Anyway he was 2 hours late one day and didn't text or call to let me know and i got angry and we had a fight over it but then the next day he says things aren't going the way he wants and he doesn't feel that things are "right" with us anymore so he wants to have "a break". knowing his personality i thought he needed some space so i backed off and we were still seeing each other and were still intimate but now he doesn't text or call for days at a time and says he misses what we had but we can never get that back. When i question him he says he doesn't want to see other women but just cant give anything more at the moment. He is the only person i have ever truly loved and we were planning to spend the rest of our lives together so i don't know how to react. He said he wanted a few things to change before things could work which have since happened and are now better but i feel like i'm the only one trying to get us back on track and he is just sitting there waiting for it all to fall into place. Nothing can work out if he doesn't make an attempt to engage in our relationship. Now he says we shouldn't be intimate at the moment either because it confuses things more. I basically feel single again and i hate it! It is more difficult than the usual break ups because i have been unwell for a while and not many men can be understanding to that. I can't just go out and meet new people and have fun with friends. Can anyone decipher his behaviour?? One day its all good and he's fine with me the next he's cold and distant. Very confused....
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