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Everything posted by kim42

  1. I agree with this and believe more people on this forum should read this. We can simply give advice but none of us knows how this guy feels or if he's interested or not. I think the OP should focus on her life and happiness, without worrying too much about this guy.
  2. I don't think he's making excuses, life can get messy but I would just carry on with my life for now, and if he's in a better situation and ready to date, he might reach out to you later, at some point. I would leave it up to him now, he explained his current situation so I would respect that and focus on my life. If he comes back and asks you on a date, you can then decide how you feel about it. If he doesn't come back, then you know it simply wasn't meant to be.
  3. I would apologize for talking too much in the past because I felt insecure about myself and was nervous that me talking too much would scare the guy. Now I have become much more comfortable with myself and I don't 'hide' my personality anymore. If a man doesn't like how much I talk, or he thinks I'm too bubbly for him, then we're simply not a match. That's just my experience, maybe the women you've interacted with had different reasons for apologizing.
  4. My replies, as far as I remember: 1. I told him I'm looking for a relationship and not just sex, he didn't stop sexting me so I unmatched him. 2. I told him I don't send pictures to guys I never met in real life. 3. I told him that although I enjoyed our date (which was true, the date itself went well, no red flags), I didn't feel comfortable having a sexual conversation with him. 4. I think I had to block this one, he just went too far with sexting, I think he might have been drunk. I understand why you would feel insulted after that guy tried sexting you, for me it would be a dealbreaker too to be honest. I think if a guy likes you and respects you, he won't risk making you feel uncomfortable.
  5. I think they wouldn't be so brave in person, the fact they can hide behind a screen makes it easier to share this kind of messages. The guys I described in my comment were both lawyers, very polite and respectful during our date so honestly the sexting thing did surprise me.
  6. Interesting topic. Based on my experience, it's pretty common on dating apps, either before meeting in real life and/or after the first date. Sharing some of my experiences: 1. I matched with this guy on bumble, his third message was him describing where he wants to have sex with me. 2. I matched with a different guy on bumble, he texts me that he likes my legs and wants to see more. 3. I had one date with another guy from bumble, he starts to sext me after the first date, sharing his kinky side with me even though I never asked about it. 4. Another first date from bumble, the guy was nice but it turns out he's looking for something casually. I tell him I'm looking for a relationship. He tries to 'convince' me to sleep with him after the date via texts, in a very graphic way. I have more stories like this. I think sexting can be fun but I only do it once I'm in an exclusive relationship with someone. It feels strange for me to sext with someone I don't know. @rainbowsandroses if you mean the long-distance guy, we don't sext and he never asked for pictures, which is honestly refreshing and I like it.
  7. Well you just said in one of your replies that you like to leave men confused after the first date so that does sound like playing games a little.
  8. I wouldn't think too much aboit it, es0ecially if he was drinking. I don't take conversations with strangers at a restaurant or a bar too seriously, especially if they had a few drinks.
  9. I admit it's confusing for me too. If I'm not attracted to a man, I don't want to kiss him. So I don't need to kiss someone to know if I'm attracted to them but I guess everyone is different
  10. I say yes to the second date too, attraction can develop after you spend more time with someone.
  11. I don't think it's that deep, it was a simple 'hello', he's a stranger from the internet, there's no obligation to continue the conversation from either side.
  12. I don't see anything wrong with his messages, it was just basic conversation. You declined his invitation so this will most likely fade out. I'm not the biggest fan of dating apps but I usually try to avoid chatting with a man for too long without meeting him. I have a friend and she met this guy online, and they were chatting for several months but didn't meet after all. I honestly can't see myself talking online to someone I never met for this long but I know people who did it, they met up and ended up being a couple, so I believe anything can happen.
  13. Well if neither of you mentioned making plans to see each other again then maybe you he just assumed that a texting situation was okay for both you. Since you live on different continents, it might be better to let it go, even if you miss talking to him.
  14. Did you ever mention that you would like to see him again? How far do you live from each other? If it's too far away then I'd probably let it go.
  15. Did you ever discuss the possibility of visiting each other? Was there any plan to see each other? Or was it more like a penpal situation? For me it would be a red flag if someone told me things like I'm the best thing that happened to him after 5 days. As to your question, do you want him back in your life just as someone you could text with or do you want more out of this?
  16. Since you never met this guy, I wouldn't take him disappearing personally. At least I don't take people from dating apps or sites seriously until we actually meet. So if you want to meet him, I see nothing wrong with a coffee date.
  17. Maybe he's planning to ask you out when he comes back from his trip. I don't think he's a clown but if this doesn't work for you, you can simply stop talking to him.
  18. I have to disagree here, the OP has also been silent for 5 days. Also, the OP said she rarely initiates texts by herself so he might think she's not very interested. Not all men like to do all the 'chasing', some guys want to see that the girl is interested too.
  19. OP, I don't know what kind of activities he mentioned in the park. If he just mentioned what the two of you could do on the next dates, like going to the cinema, I don't think that's future faking. For me future faking is talking about marriage, kids, buying houses. If you don't want to go to his place, then tell him. If he cares about you, he won't risk making you uncomfortable.
  20. If you want to see him again, I would simply text him if he's free next Friday (or whichever day works for you). I think it's better to be direct amd just ask him, instead of assuming things or waiting for him to reach out. I mean, no one on this forum can tell you for sure how he feels about this situation. Depending on his reply, you will know where you stand. Worst case he will say no but at least you will have an answer.
  21. Thanks for clarifying. I think if he canceled last time, he should suggest rescheduling.
  22. I understood that they know each other too, I thought it wasn't a stranger from the internet.
  23. I think this is one of those situations when you just have to move on without fully understanding what happened and why he did certain things. It's not easy but you'll feel better not thinking about him anymore.
  24. Is there a chance you can go with him on this trip?
  25. It would be a big red flag for me if I didn't hear from a guy a week after out first date. He seems to be very flakey, I don't find his behavior respectful. I understand you're disappointed but I wouldn't lose more time with him.
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