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Everything posted by inept

  1. I'm glad that you are going to not make this a big deal and go for it, because that's what it is. But as far as it goes to getting points with her friends, that all has to do with how well you know them. If you are good friends with them, I'm sure if you tell them your situation they can help out. If you aren't, just be nice to them, you really can't push yourself into a group of friends. So if they have any influence, they'll only have positive things to say.
  2. Well, this is my 3rd or 4th post on this forum and I'm really liking it. Anyway, my girlfriend and I broke up after 15 months of an excellent relationship. Last thursday, we were hanging out for a while and then I went to drop her off at home. When I got home, we began to talk on AIM. After a few minutes, I asked her a dreaded question. "Are you losing interest in me?" At first, she said, "No, don't so silly." Then a few minutes later, she said. "Yes, I actually am." I took it pretty lightly because this has happened before in the relationship. So I didn't think it would be a real breakup. The last time it happened, we were back together in a day. But now it's been 5 days and she hasn't called me or initiated a conversation. Yesterday, Monday, was the official break up though. I went to her house and got a couple of my things back and returned her things. We had our last kiss, which, she tells me she did out of obligation which made it worst. And then just sent me on my way home. I've been very upset and have been smoking a lot of marijuana in the past few days because of this incident. Though this has nothing to do with marijuana, I don't know how to deal with this. She slipped through my fingers and got away. I feel like I am never going to get her back. One of the last things she told me was, "Don't think we are going to get back together, because I don't love you anymore and I don't think I will ever again. I still care about you though, so don't do anything rash." It's a real kick in the butt. How should I deal with this? Should I have hope of trying to get back together or no?
  3. yes she can get pregnant... best thing to do now. is try and count her cycle. if she was 2 or 3 weeks into her cycle then there is a possible chance that she is pregnant. however, if this has only been 1 or 2 days since you had sex, you can get the after-sex pill. which works up to 5 days after you had unprotected sex from your local Planned Parenthood center. Try a pregnant test, but it might be too early to detect.
  4. Okay. Well, I'm new to this forum however I tend to get well-known and well-liked in most forums I usually post in. I'd like to first say that I am a 17 year old male from suburbia NJ. I have had my fair share of girlfriends and recently ended my relationship 5 days ago. It was a bit tough but I'm working through it. We dated for 1 year, 3 months, and 2 weeks. Anyway, enough about myself. I'd like to just say. To all the people who want a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Dating is fun, but it's not the end of the world. Have fun, be safe, date and meet new people. I have read this site for a few hours now, today. And I see a common question is about asking a person out and being nervous. It's tough, yes. But it's all in the name of having a good time. Confidence plays a part in this game but don't feel like you are going to die if someone says no. It may be embarrassing for a few minutes or maybe awkward. But it goes away within a few hours and you have a clean slate. So my advise to everyone who is nervous about asking someone out. Just do it. It isn't going to be written in the history books that you liked this certain person and that person rejected you.
  5. Hey man. I just got to give you 1 piece of advise that should clear all this up. If she likes you or has any interest of you, you will know when talking to her by herself. But relax. Girls are girls, you have a lifetime to get with girls. Just ask her out, if she says no. Don't worry about it. Just enjoy life and have fun.
  6. Don't jump to conclusions. Just confront her with this problem. If she really is your best friend she would respect your opinion and not flirt with him anymore. If it really gets bad, you should talk to both of them. Just be mature about it and everything will work out.
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