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  1. i mean i thought it was before i tried it out, but then when i did, itwas nothign compared to what i had imagined. u just have to pull the strip really fast so it hurts less, and apply pressure after to relieve the sting feeling you get after waxing the area. and about the wax, i usually buy : Extra Strength All-Over Body Wax Hair Removal Kit by Sally Hansen and its only 9.99 and TRUST ME, it gets ALL the hairs out, even in the areas where hte hair can be coarse. the bad part is that its REALLY hard to get off the floor or w/e it falls on except ur skin, so everytime i do it i put plastic all over the floor so i dont have to clean that after. and about the recipe, i just tried this one HAIR REMOVER - BODY SUGARING Juice of 1/2 a lemon 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup honey cornstarch clean cloth cotton strips wooden stick or spreader Dust the area to be waxed, with cornstarch. Combine the first three ingredients in a clean glass bowl, and microwave for two minutes. Stop and stir your sugar mixture every 20-30 seconds. Let it cool to a comfortable warmth, and, using a wooden stick, spread a very thin layer onto your clean skin. Immediately cover the mixture with a strip of cotton fabric. Briskly stroke the strip several times in the direction of the hair growth, and then, pull the skin taut, and quickly rip away the cotton strip, against the direction of hair growth. As you proceed, you may need to reheat your sugar mixture in the microwave to keep it warm. Do not boil it or overheat as you could easily burn your skin. and it really worked well, but be careful its not too hot because when i did it, i forgot to test the temperatue and.. yeah it burns.. but overall its really good in getting the hairs out, so you could try this one before going to buy the waxing kit.
  2. i'm sorry you're going through all of that, i'm not really good at giving advice, but i was like ur girlfriend is right now.. but my mood swings were caused by "that time of the month" so i ask you... does thsi happen frequently? like every week or something , or is it more like, shes really nice most of the time, but then all of a sudden she changes and starts hating on you for little things, and telling you stuff that might hurt you. Because , in my case, i always get into arguments wiht my boyfriend for stupid stuff, and i get so annoyed and frustrated that i just start saying stuff. you should talk about it with her, tell her she's hurting you, and to stop. Thats what my boyfriend did, and when i heard him say that, i just stopped, i realized i was really hurting him , and that just because i was 'in that time of th emonth' it didnt give me enough reason to act like that towards him. now , what we do is that i warn him, when my period is coming, so that he knows that if i start getting all annoyed at him , i dont really mean it, and we just talk less for those days, so we dont give me enough time to get all hater and stuff.. but yeah i just wanted ot answer your post because your girlfriend might just be PMS-ing, and thats why she says those things... i dont know maybe someone else could give you better advice.. like i said before, im not really good at this..
  3. he lives 1400 miles away..
  4. i know how you feel.. im in a similar situation with this guy,i don tknow where he got the idea he is my a really good friend of mine, he was asking me about something and i mentioned my best friend, and he was lke "I thought I was your best friend", i honesytl didn't know what to answer.. the guy talks to me like we're really good friends, and hes just an acquaintance, just like your 'friend', what i try to do is kind of like ignore him. i mean i know you think that is mean.. but thats the only solution i got for the problem.. I mean i dont make it obvious im ignoring him, i just seem to act as if i didn't see him, or talk to him really cuz 'im in a hurry' or things like.. hmm i think he got the idea, because he hasn't talked to me as often as he did before.. i know its kind of childish but that seemed to work..
  5. I met a guy online and talked to him for 9 months, we really liked each other, he's the best. Well he came here to meet for the first time for a week, and it was the best week of my life, we got along really well, actually it was sort of the same thing online as offline, the same person, everythign was just great. We ended up doing things, kissing, hugging, touching each other in diff places.., things i never did before, since he is my first boyfriend. There was a time where if we had gone on, i wouldve ended up having sex w/ him, but i stopped myself, cuz i knew it wasnt right just yet. Well.. im going to visit him in 5months, and i really can't wait to see him, i miss him so much... we were talking about having sex when i got there, me going on the pill and stuff like that. I honestly think i am ready, and i really love him and can't think of doing it for hte first time with anyone else(by the way he's a virgin too). I was thinking of talking to my mom about it, but dont know how she would react... i just thought that if anything was going ot happen, i wanted her to know that i'm ready and that i am being responsible about it. I told my friends what i was planningo n doing, and they started telling me that it was just too soon, that i didn't really know the guy since he only came here for a week, i told them that he was the same person, and i feel like i've known him my whole life, but they still thought it was just too soon and that i should wait. It really got me thinking about it, I was so sure about doing it with him, it just felt right, I love him, he loves him, and i am really attracted to him.. i dont know how im gonna handle those two weeks being there and not do anything... but then again, i thought they made a good point about the what ifs, what if when im there there're some things i dont likeabout him, it will be more time spent together, more days to know each other more in real life... now i am torn between doing it, or waiting.. we had already planned about it, and it was more of a fact than anything else, we were planning on me going to the doctor and asking for the birth control pills, where we were going to do it and stuff like that. should i just wait more?.. i mean i really wanna do it with him.. i know that if i did, i wouldn't regret it at all,( which is one of my friends concerns), i would actually be happy i did it with someone as special as he is.
  6. guess what? , ure not alone, im 17 and never had a boyfriend, plus im really shy so its harder for me to even have guy friends, cuz even when a guy i dont like talks to me i blush, i mean its like lasjfds, in my mind im like what da.. why r u blushing? u dont even like the guy? , but i just cant help it... wait,im getting out of the subject.. lol, where was I? oh yeah, so like i was saying, u're not alone, I bet you, that theres many people out who are in the same or worse situation than you, dont stress about it, relax, why would u want to spend all of your time stressing over something, when u can be spending that valuable time trying to change that. did that make any sense to you? hope it did. sowwy but im not good at giving advice.. i tried tho.
  7. u guys might be right, im being too much available, I wish i could be like my friends, that if we cant go out, or something, it wont matter because i can do something else, but thats just not my case, i have nothing else to do. Im thinking about joining a volunteer program, at a nearby hospital, and I already asked my mom if it was ok, and she said yes so YAY!, I think that will help me a lot, cuz i'll be more busy, and have other things to do , than wait for my friends to come around and ask me if i wanna go out somewhere, or something.. so yeah.. thanx for all of your advice people, uve been really helpful oh and ive decided to stop it with the feeling sad and stuff, cuz that isnt gonna help me at all.
  8. I have 3 best friends, or at least thats what i think they are. One of them has a lot of friends from a club shes in, and they go out to the movies and stuff, which is cool, the other one, works, and is alwayz busy, and the last one doesnt like to go out. the thing is, that many times, when we plan to do somethign for the weekend all of them have somethign to do , and im the one left out alone, being bored to death the whole entire day. I wish i wasnt so dependent on my friends... Last weekend we were supposed to rent some movies, and watch them at my house, but one of them already had plans to go to the movies with some other friends, the other one, which was the one with the idea, had to go out with her parents, and didnt tell me, 'till the last minute.so i spent the whole entire day , waiting for her to call me, if she was gonna come or not, and i tried calling her but she wouldnt answer, same thing with my other friend. Everybody alwayz has something else tod o, and im the only loser, with no life, alwayz depending on them , alwayz waiting for them to have some free time for me, and im getting tired of it, sometimes i feel like crying, because i feel so frustrated. Ive actually cried because of this, i dont know waht to do. Ive tried to get involve in clubs and stuff so i can meet more friends but dont have someone to drive me there, since my mom works all day, and doesnt have time... i starting to get depressed, and i dont like how it feels. Is there any advice on how i can get a life....
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