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  1. keep posting dude i need to find out the results i am the same sitauations like you but you are ahead of me. i am going to try to give my crush (that have a BF) attention. should i ask her out just be friend date or give her attention? MY LINE: i know u have a BF but i just want to be friends and would u lke to go out sometimes? well this girl is into me she keeps looking at me too and i kino her she kino me(touch me and i touch her flirt)... should i look at her too and try to get caught so she can see i am still interested on her? well this girl.... is like not a hot babe i will give her 6.5(looks) or something but i like her personality. i can go for other women that are 8.5 who are attracted to me but i like this girl personality. asdf Keep Posting dude i need your results! thanks
  2. wow i found a topic that i am going through with.... i think i will ask these girl out too with boyfried for only date or flirt......no cheating (i mean no kiss, hugs or sex) just date. TELL ME WHATS THE OUTCOME DUDE!
  3. i think he is playing games or just confused about you. in my case this girl have a bf...... I ignore this girl because i like her and becuase i dont want to get hurt. i tried not to talk to her becuase i dont want a relationship with her but it is hard for me and her if we both like each other. so i sometimes ignore her and say hi. but i got this feeling in my heart that i want her and she wants me. i will probably ask her out or not or ignore her .... well thats my problem right now. i dont know about you USABABE. if u like him flirt with him and compliment him ...and if u want to date with him do this.....i want to see a movie but my friends already watch it without me shocks i really want to see that movie. youwill find out if he is interested in you or not!!!! if she ask u out she likes you if not next him .....thats what i do in girls! peace hope thats helps....
  4. BES


    i dont know what i am feeling about this girl ...i feel we have some connections and i feel she likes me. i aske her if she is single becuase she was mad flirting with me. so i have to find out if she wants me or not. but she have a boyfriend and when i ask her i got the feeling she wants me to ask her out but i didnt. she said sorry i have a BF... but he is in arizona (meaning she wants to date me) and she said i was single (meaning u should have talk to me sooner) but i found out she lied she was never single. stock with his a hole BF. found out from a friend. after i ask her if she is single second encounter: i ignore her third encounter approch me and i smile a little (kino me box my stomach) and one of her friend talk to her about getting married this year but she want to get married in 2 years. i have the courage to approach her and said////are u are getting married? but i told her you are to young to get married you must have a carreer first. and i think she got impressed on what i told her. nodding she feels that i am right. Third encounter: she keeps looking at me and i look back smile a little. i am confused on what to do. she siad goodbye and i ignore her....she was like lonely or something ....i feel sorry for her. i do look for another girl but i have a mixed feeling about this girl and i just cant explain it. I NEED SOME ADVICE SHOULD I ASK HER OUT? PS: HER BF on WHAT I FOUND OUT IS IN the AIR FORCE >>>AND I AINT AFRAID OF NO ONE EVENIF YOU ARE INT HE ARMY OR SOMETHING CUZ LOVE IS LOVE. and i think she is lonely because his BF is not there always i want to make her happy .... PLEASE GIVE ME SOME GOOD ADVICE.
  5. WHY DO SOME WOMEN DO THIS? girl got a boyfriend and still flirts! eye contact is ok for me becuase i admire them that they are attrative to me lol (my ego) but what i dont get why the hell would they want to flirt like more kino - compliments. if they like me as a friend i will forget them. tsk tsk tsk or would he drop his Boyfriend for me?
  6. if she's single GO for it. ask her out and get intimate with her. if not she wants you to be her friend only and will just use(if u need more info about this PM ME). ask her out or you will be the one that is going to get hurt when she got a boyfriend and stops hanging out with you. OPEN UP TO HER AND BE A MAN!!!!!! Tell her you like her more than just a friend.
  7. from a guys perspective. First! eye contact and smile is a must! and then KINO HIM and Compliment! with a mix of convo! HE should get the MEssage. from my experience: well two girls did this to me already and i was semi attracted to them and it turns me on. The first girl i didnt do anything i was a noob and the second girl i ask her out but she got a Boyfriend (proabably she is a attention \/\/HORE). i hate that on a women. but i move on after that .....now a lot of girls try to flirt with me but cant decide who to go out with. I am going back to school so i proabably find someone in there.
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