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Everything posted by justleaveme

  1. It doesn't matter if she told you not to tell anyone else, you HAVE to. She needs help. I've been in your exact place, so I know it's hard. The way I look at it is this: "As long as my friend gets help it doesn't matter if she hates me." Eventually she'll thank you. She probably told you because she actually does want help. Tell the school councilor. She'll probably know who told, but councilors will leave your name out of it. But in my case the school didn't do anything. If that happens then you have to tell her parents. People do die of anorexia all the time, it's not just a Lifetime movie thing. You have to help your friend.
  2. This whole thing is really kind of embarrassing... Well the other day I went to Kings Island (a big amusement park) and when I was getting in line for a ride this guy who worked there stopped me and said something about my band shirt. He asked me if I had seen them in concert and we kinda talked... Then when I was getting off the ride, walking away, he waved at me, so I waved back. Then I did something that is so not like me, and I asked for his aol screen name... I knew I would really regret it if I didn't. It's so unlike me though, I don't really know what made me... Well I haven't talked to him yet, I get really nervous when he gets online. I did finally leave him a message today though. I'm not entirely sure why I'm posting this. I'm just very unsure about talking to him, and I think I'm reading into this too much. I guess I'm really hoping this goes somwhere, but what if he just wants a friend? I'm just very nervous. I'll also be embarrassed if my friend Amie finds this post ... again
  3. This may just be what I think, but I def. think you should drop him. When he talks to you online next time you need to either bring this issue up, or block him. If he's really interested in you then he would cut out the drugs and clean up.. If not, then you're too good for him. I already think you're too good for him. You deserve a nice guy, so I think you should go find one Sorry.. I gues this is just mean and not real advice
  4. From what I can tell you seem like a very sweet guy. I don't have too much room to talk about this topic though, since I'm only 15, but I'll give you my opinion Sorry if I talk about myself too much... I can completely relate to what you went through in school, since I'm going through it now. I always dread talking out loud in class, or getting called on, I immediately blush and get embarrassed. I'm still not very good at talking to boys.. But the other day this guy commented on my shirt, so I asked for his sn. I knew I would regret it if I didn't. So I think if you don't ask this girl out, you'll regret it too. Before she leaves, maybe you can privatly ask her if you could email her while she's gone... If you don't want to do that (or even if you do) maybe give her compliments (girls love 'em) and tell her to have a nice trip before she leaves. I think it sounds like she's at least interested in you. Since you're shy about going out to bars etc., maybe ask her out for a drink in a quiet restaurant or something. Whatever you do, good luck, and please post again to let us know how it went.
  5. Well things are going good I guess. Georgia left about a week ago and is off visiting her family in Virginia. She seems really happy, and I hope now she can feel like she'll talk to me more about things.
  6. Well, I made her promise to call me next time she feels like cutting. I can only hope she really will. And I have to work on keeping my phone with me. Most of the time I have to have my brother call me so I can find it... Tangent. Since that one night I posted, we've been having a good time and laughing a lot. It seems weird that my best friend that laughs at everything with me can some nights be so depressed she cuts herself. Tonight though, my (ex?) "best-friend" Amie called, and I talked to her a few minutes while Georgia (visiting friend) was in the room. I've realized that Amie made me into a weak, lonely person. In the beginning of summer I started hanging out with Amie a lot, meanwhile missing emails and phone calls from Georgia. So I feel like it's all my fault. I realized that I don't need Amie, since she's just a lonely person looking for someone like me. Amie made me say some really awful things to Georgia and I didn't even realized. I can't blame everything on Amie, and I don't. It was just me and my weak personality. But I'm aware of things now, and I'm good. For now, we can only hope for the best. Thanks for replying guys, and for caring.
  7. I need help very badly. My best friend since kindergarden is here visiting for about two weeks, only 6 days of which are left. Tonight I went to her online journal while she wasn't around, and read an entry she wouldn't let me see before. It says that she "f***ed up again", meaning she cut herself again. She's beein doing it for about a year I think, and had stopped for a while (or so I thought.) I tried talking to her about it and we just ended up crying for an hour, and she stuck her head under the blanket. I've tried talking to her before, I've tried making her promise, I've told her I love her more than anything. It seems like I've tried everything. I don't know what to do anymore. Someone, please help me.
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