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Everything posted by boltnrun

  1. My friend has been taking her 1 year old child to daycare during the entire shut down, so I wonder how it was determined which daycares could stay open and which ones had to close. This is in the US, of course, where every state and practically every county has different regulations.
  2. I totally get the economic impact for people who cannot work and who have no alternative means of income and little to no savings. I can't imagine the fear and stress. I also can't imagine having to choose between feeding your family and trying to avoid being exposed and/or becoming ill. I truly fear going to work but I do realize I am fortunate to still have a paycheck coming in.
  3. My kingdom for a can of Lysol disinfecting spray... PS: Not spray cleaner. The stuff you spray into the air.
  4. I think I got about 6.5 or 7 hours. I went to bed at 8:30 PM and had to be up at 5:30 AM. Woke up once or twice but not for my usual 3 hours. Amazing how depression feels less when you get a good sleep.
  5. Well, there are plenty who don't believe it's a thing. They say more people die from the flu or whatever. My cousin still insists hospitals are empty, and reposts articles that claim the doctors and nurses who are interviewed are "actors". All I can do is try my best to protect myself, and stay away from my family despite loving and missing them. I love them enough to stay away from them.
  6. Good thing you didn't see the food trucks that are apparently allowed to be open now in my city. A few blocks from my home. People lined up about 2' apart, no masks. Zero social distancing. And, apparently, not worried at all. My zip code has a LOT of cases compared with the rest of the county, but these people didn't seem to care. Not much social distancing at the grocery store either, and very few people were wearing masks. It almost seems inevitable to me that I will be exposed. Hopefully I can fight it off or get lucky and not be exposed.
  7. Thank you Batya and Seraphim. Believe it or not, this forum is helping me a LOT. I feel less alone when I can go on here and see how everyone is doing. It makes a difference. One of the things that was causing anxiety was the back and forth with work. They change my shift from week to week and also keep moving my move date back. I explained that regardless, I must be out of my current rental before the end of this month, so they need to let me keep the training schedule they gave me 3 weeks ago. Fortunately they did agree, so that is a relief. Normally I would be loving this opportunity and the training I am getting. But having to be in a relatively small building with 115 to 140 other people is stressful because I fear getting infected. And it impacts how I am being trained, it's just not effective when someone is standing 6' away trying to show me how to do something. If this anxiety does not get better I will have to contact my PCP for help. I can't stay up any longer, I have had about 12 hours of sleep total starting from last Thursday night. And none at all last night. Anyway, enough about me. How are you all doing? Are you getting nice weather?
  8. Horrible anxiety :( I have to attend 8 hours of virtual training today and I literally did not get one minute of sleep. This insomnia is out of control. I keep getting jerked around by my employer, they have changed my move date 3 times already and tried to move it yet again. It would have required me to either drive to another state and stay in a hotel or fly and stay in a hotel. Who feels comfortable flying and staying in hotels these days??? I was able (with a LOT of help from a wonderful coworker) to get them to stick to the date they gave me most recently. So that is one relief. Nothing I try works for sleep. I have been moved back and forth from day shift to overnight shift and back again. That isn't helping at all either. I really want the next 3 weeks to go by quickly. Being alone during this pandemic is really messing with my mental health. Even if I can't see them in person, it will be a HUGE comfort to be near my family.
  9. I saw a small crowd of people lined up about 2 feet apart at a couple of food trucks near my house yesterday. I am glad the food truck owners are able to make some money, but why no enforcing of social distancing? And none of the customers were wearing masks. Only about 25% of the customers at the grocery store were wearing masks and no social distancing being adhered to. And my zip code has one of the highest case counts in the county. I can see why.
  10. Interestingly, some of the protestors are now testing positive for the virus. And they are complaining that they shouldn't have to quarantine because it violates their civil rights! How about being moral enough to not want to infect other people?? Funny, as you say, that they have become infected with something they claim doesn't exist. How does that work??
  11. I just bought a small HEPA air filtering machine to use in the moving truck since I HAVE to move in about 3 weeks. I figure I'll put it in there 30 minutes before me and my friend and my cat get in for the drive, just in case someone else got in there earlier. I am on the hunt for some Lysol spray to spray in the truck also before we get in, plus to spray in my new apartment even though it's been sitting completely empty for weeks AND to spray in the hotel room we are going to have to stay in overnight (still rethinking that one, we may just stay in the new apartment overnight which should be WAY safer). I am also buying a larger air filtering machine to keep in my apartment to clean the air for when I get home from work and from grocery shopping in case I bring anything icky home with me. And as you said, Wiseman, it certainly helps with allergies. I am moving from the desert to the beach area where flowers grow prettily but also my sinuses do NOT like. It will be so nice to see my kids in person, even though for their protection I will keep distance and not hug them. I do wear a mask and gloves and then wipe down groceries with a Handi-wipe and Clorox spray cleaner. I realize it might be risky that the bleach cleaner will soak through the food packaging and onto the food itself but I'd rather take that chance than possibly have the virus on my groceries. And I did read that although the virus technically "lives" on surfaces, it isn't nearly as infectious hours later. But I'm still wiping everything down and then changing out of my clothes before going inside my home. Ugh...I fear this is how I'll be for the rest of my life. I'm older (50's) and I can totally see myself acting like the world is a cesspool of infection forever. Right now I run from people and I hate that I might always feel that way. I sure hope not. Pretty day outside. If I can get some motivation I might go for a drive.
  12. My cousins posted a status on Facebook. They are having dinner at their local sushi restaurant that just reopened. Sigh...They live in another state hundreds of miles away. They have school age children. I really hope it turns out OK for them. I certainly don't want them to become ill.
  13. SO many people at Lowe's without masks! Holy smokes! Stitches out from my tooth extraction was done this morning. Doctor says I healed very well!
  14. At least at my workplace they actually take our temperatures, tell us what our temps are (mine was 98.2 last time) and then direct us to grab a mask if we don't already have one. And on the mask cart there are wipes, disinfecting spray and paper towels. Someone got written up the other day because she took her mask off. Her excuse was "well, I'm hot!!!" These are the same people who complain loudly that the business should be shut down and workers be paid anyway because we're not being protected enough. Well, they're trying, but people keep crowding together and taking their masks off!
  15. Peoples' behavior is not going to change if they don't want it to. There were lots of protests over the so-called "Patriot Act". Heck, I remember the screaming fallout when it started being mandatory to carry auto insurance! Some people will adhere to social distancing guidelines. And some will not. I wonder what the plan is for the people who are found to not be following guidelines. They sure can't arrest them because where will they put them? They can fine them but many people don't have money to pay fines or will just not pay them, so then what? Anyway...I'm at the point where I realize all I can do is protect myself to the best of my ability. Beyond that I have zero control. I am happy that I don't have to report to the workplace in person for a full week!
  16. I'm glad you tested negative.
  17. I read they are only giving families 3 days to claim the bodies of loved ones. Many cannot make that 3 day deadline. So sad about the doctor. The impact of what they're doing must be overwhelming. And yet, my cousin claims all hospitals are standing empty... At work last night I returned from eating lunch to find a worker throwing up into a trash can about 3 feet from my open laptop. And they gave him my chair to sit in. Poor kid, but I went on a sterilizing frenzy. And I sure didn't sit on that chair anymore!
  18. My mind is doing a number on me. I feel fine until it's time to go to work or grocery shopping, then suddenly my throat hurts or feels scratchy or my chest hurts or I feel feverish (but no fever). I know it's psychosomatic and I tell myself that. Sometimes I find myself to be so aggravating what with my OCD tendencies and now this!
  19. It's a staple that lasts a long time. The hoarders will fill their garages with any type of canned or frozen foods.
  20. I'm lucky that I am living in a townhouse that shares only one wall. My mail is delivered to mailboxes located a block away (outside), so whenever I get the mail I can just go through my garage and if someone's there I just wait for them to finish. I have a garage to park in and my own laundry inside my house. I feel super fortunate to have all that. Once I move some of that goes away...on street parking, no washer and dryer inside my apartment. I will have my own mailbox and my apartment building only has 4 total units, 2 downstairs and 2 upstairs. I will have to go to a laundromat which is stressing me out! I guess I'll have to run in, load up my wash, start the machines, run out to my car, come back to load my wash into the dryer, run back out to my car, then run back in to load up my clothes. I will NOT be folding at the laundromat! And of course, have my mask and gloves on. Sigh...but that is still a month away. My current state has only tested 35,000 people. My county alone has 2.4 million people! That is why the numbers for my state are low; we don't have fewer cases, we just aren't testing. My new state has tested a half million people so far. 11 pounds lost so far. Normally I'd be happy about it but I know it's because a combination of the tooth extraction and anxiety. Hoping to gain half of that back. Watching the NFL draft tonight! Love American football. And I haven't showered today. I'm not going anywhere so I am having trouble getting motivated to shower just to return to my couch lol.
  21. I know you can't contract the virus from food, but these coworkers are getting food delivery or going thru a drive thru and not wiping down anything at all. They just grab the food bag, take the container out, open it up and go to town! No hand washing, no hand sanitizing, just open up the container and start eating! I presume that is just fine but it's not for me. I'd rather bring my own food in my own containers because I know that no one has handled them but me. Paranoid? Probably. But if it makes me feel better then I'll do it. I was able to stay up until 3:00 am on my own last night, so I am adjusting to the schedule change. I slept a LOT this morning, from 3:00 am until about 12:30 pm. Probably because I don't go back to work until Sunday so there is no work anxiety. I planned to grocery shop today but emotionally I just can't handle it. Not today. I'll go tomorrow. I am not up to the whole regimen today. And I used to love grocery shopping! The idiot mayor of my city just embarrassed herself on CNN. Many people thought the mayor was drunk. I don't know about drunk, but her offering to use the people of my city as a "control" group to see if ending social distancing will result in a new surge of cases or not was just...appalling. And when asked if she would go out to the casinos she said no because she has a family. Well, don't the casino workers have families??? I'm here for one more month and then moving to a state where the leadership isn't wanting to use the people as lab rats.
  22. I asked a coworker last night. She was eating takeout in the conference room. I mentioned that I will not order takeout because I have no idea if the person preparing or packaging the food was sick and she said it was probably fine and she doesn't worry about it. They don't worry about things like the virus getting on their phones, backpacks, pens, etc. and they get beverages from a communal area and don't wipe them down. It baffles me, but they are just not worried about it! My particular location has no reported cases (although there are 10 people who are currently under quarantine for possible exposure/infection) but many other locations have several cases, most likely people who were exposed outside of work. For me it has nothing to do with "trust" because trust doesn't prevent anyone from getting infected. So I will not order or eat takeout. And "probably" is not good enough for me. We have over 100 people in the building all at one time. My current location got into trouble from Corporate for not enforcing the guidelines the corporate office put into place. So they are suddenly all about enforcement. It's very difficult for this type of business to keep people apart because the work itself requires multiple people at every step. So, it's kind of inevitable that people will be infected. All I can do is protect myself the best I can.
  23. I so envy those who are going about their business not even nervous, stressed or anxious. My immediate coworkers are totally comfortable ordering takeout, using their phones out on the production floor after touching things, handing things back and forth, bringing their personal belongings into the building...and I am...NOT. I am getting better about my obsessiveness. No more freaking out because my knuckle brushed up against my hair. I wash my hands and still sterilize things that have left the house or are coming in, and I practice social distancing but that's it. Although I did have a freakout yesterday...I was in my car in the parking lot at work. A truck pulled in next to me. I had backed in to the parking space and the guy driving the truck parked it facing forward. His window was down and he was smoking a cigarette. So that meant I would have to go within a couple of feet of him to get out of my car. I needed to get into the building, but couldn't figure out how to completely avoid him. I was wearing a mask, so I just waited until he was between exhaling and rushed out of my car holding my breath. I know that smoking involves exhaling from the lungs and that there were most certainly droplets in his exhale so that upset me. I was like, WHY do people have to smoke!!!!??? And do it two feet from me???!!! Ugh! I hope that guy is healthy! My location is being more diligent about enforcing the guidelines sent by the corporate office regarding social distancing and mask enforcement after getting yelled at by senior leadership for being lax. So there will be more enforcement and that's a good thing! It's a pretty day outside, quite windy but sunny and clear. I slept most of the day after working overnight but plan some outside time tomorrow even if it's just a drive. My zip code has many, many cases so if I go for a walk it will be in another neighborhood!
  24. My friends and relatives who are pushing to reopen are giving what I feel are not good reasons for wanting to hurry up and reopen. One friend says she's not cut out to be a stay at home mom and home schooling her kids. A cousin says she's sick of having to wear a mask at work (apparently it makes her feel "sweaty") even though she's a grocery store cashier. My other cousin says it's liberal media and politicians reporting fake numbers so that big pharma can profit. I understand if you're a worker or small business owner who has been forced to stay home with no income and unemployment benefits aren't coming through right away. But "I can't stand to be home all day around my family"? Really?
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