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Everything posted by cindizzzle

  1. I think that is a very mature and also unselfish thing to do. Please do know that it is not reversible without detriment to your child once he is formally adopted. Why not do a TRIAL period for him, you and the family? Also, What does concern me is that he has not met them. If you are looking for the BEST for your son you can also look outside of family with the understanding of an OPEN adoption maybe somewhere nearby you if your conern is being able to visit him?
  2. Yes some girls are too picky as are guys but here is my take on it. My last man I went for BECAUSE of his looks so this time I set out to find a "NICE GUY" He totally was not my "type" for lack of a better word but you see I had decided not to be deceived by looks again. Well he turned out to be a real jerk (see my post) This time I will find a nice guy in an attrative package too. NOW, no-one can help their genitic looks without surgery, BUT what sells is packaging. That's right from Popcorn to people! I know when I look "marketable" lets say and when maybe I gained some weight and am not so marketable" anyway, what is important and let's look at say, CLAY AIKEN who was a preverbial dork. What's important is confidence, and get a good haircut, take really good care of yourself hygene wise and your teeth, that is very important! Dress nice, be nice and hold your chin up! You don't want someone really shallow anyway!
  3. People cheat period male and female! I think it has to do with many factors. Mainly opportunity, Most people wouldnt set out to rob a Brinks truck but if a bag fell off they may take it!
  4. The bottom line is I truly don't think I have been with a cheater before until him. (I went as far as asking my ex if he ever did cheat on me to see if my womens intuition was intact) Guys and Girls Please help me figure this out. OK here we go..... Been living with this guy for a year and he has been caught lying (what else is new) Anyway, this one of course insists he never cheated but...He had a girl banging on his hotel door for a work conference (claims they were all just partying), have found condoms (claims he was going to look for "it" but it never happened) Got caught by his best friend out to lunch with his girl (claims that's all it was but why hide it) friend still won't talk to him. OK so we know he does in fact LIE. Started going out to bars after work. I told him if he stayed out all night this one Sat we were done, so now he stays at his friends all the time and claims he wants to avoid the fighting and that "I broke up with him." How convenient for him. I am so hurt because I know he has LIED and probably cheated and go crazy every night he stays out what do you think. He also yells and punches things and has a bad temper when he is here. Oh and what part did I play everytime he gets caught in a lie he says I lied to him because I drink (OK I'm not perfect so leave me then) If I accuse him of cheating he says I cheated on him (lie) the thing is just leave don't stay out lie go to bars then come floating in and say I drink and it hurts him so thats why he drinks and stays out and is nasty. Ok so I drink so you don't want to be here so you go out and drink and meet drunk girls? Makes sense to me ya right. I don't think I can trust another guy after this is over. He goes from wanting to be roomates to "working things out" because he does not want to inconvenience himself to move. Then he says he is moving in a month. then he's not because he doesnt want to leave me. The point is he is out and I am so depressed now I don't even want to go out so I stay home. I told him he is not the hurt one but he says he is because I changed. I really cant afford the rent myself but I cant afford the emotional stuff either so I go from trying to forget it and be roomates to telling him to get out. If I have say, a guy over here he would lose his mind though. My girlfrends tell me to have him leave or leave myself (me is not an option), My guy friends say just shut up and let him pay half the rent I don't think they understand the hurt of being lied to or cheated on? I can't move on with my life living with more or less an ex and don't know if I can forgive him for all the hurt because he has offered to work things out. I guess my questions are IS he cheating? Have any of you been with a mate who drank so you felt you have to intentionally hurt them? How do I go on with my life while he is here?
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