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Everything posted by ChesterFried

  1. She's gettin dumped in about 2 hours. Thanks all.
  2. I've been having trouble with my gf lately. Awhile back we were at a party and after awhile she ended up talking to this guy. She was sitting on his lap basicaly. He was feeling her back, playing w/ her hair, etc. Anyways, when i went up to her at the party she told me to go away. That led to a big fight and we almost broke up. Since then she has agreed to stop talking to the guy. Well, now. I have been hearing that she's still talking ot the guy. And I asked her about it adn I guess she went to see him. The guy gave her something and she had to give it back. She didnt tell me she went to see him, she just went. She says she's not talking ot him anymore. She has deleted him from her msn list. But when I checked (I suppose thats not very nice of me) she has him unblocked. So I blocked him. The next day, I go and check again. And he is unblocked. He's still deleted, but unblocked. What does that tell you?
  3. What kind of help should I try to convince her to get? To go see a doctor, councellor?
  4. Thankyou for all the help. Im going to have a talk with her when she gets home. Hopefully things go well. Thanks again.
  5. Should I tell her that I'm going to talk to her parents about this? She is going to get very mad with me. I was talking to her about this before, and apparently alot of her family is depressed. 2 or 3 of them killed themselves already. And a few others are taking medication for it. Should I try to get her to see a doctor about getting pills?
  6. Hi, My girlfriend is suicidal. She is 17, turning 18 soon. Lastnight we had an argument, it wasnt even about anything important. But she got really upset, told me to get out of her house. A few min. after that she told me she was going to kill herself. I thought she was just upset and would get over it in the morning. But she ran to her fathers guncabnet and took out one of the rifles. I took it away from her and she ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Once I got into the bathroom I seen an empty bottle of Tylenol 3's and she was eating a bunch of Advil. I took those away from her and then she got very mad. Punching and pushing me. Anyways, after a long night its now morning and she has went to work. What should I do here? I'm really scared that if I leave her alone shes going to kill herself. I've got no idea what to do. I've asked her to go to a councellor but she wont. How should I convince her to go? Any help will be very much appreciated!
  7. Alright, I talk to her about it. And she got really mad. Started to cry. Said that maybe we shoulnt be together if it bothers me so much. She said that she doesnt hangout w/ him anymore and it seems like she doesnt understand what the big deal is. I'm going to talk to her again tonight but I dont know how to get thou to her. Any ideas as to what I should do?
  8. They were together for over a year and they brokeup because, she says, it wasnt working. Apparently they fought all the time and she figured it wouldnt work. I told her I didnt like this whole situation a few times but she doesnt seem to understand. She doesnt like me hanging out with my female friends so I thought she would understand how I feel about this, I guess not I'll try again tonight...
  9. I've been dateing this girl for 4 months now. She brokeup with her ex about a month before we started dateing. But recently, they have been talking on the phone, sending email and seeing eachother. He's even stayed at her place a few times I found out. Anyways, this guy is trying hard to get her back. She's telling me that she wont get back with him but lately she's been telling this guy she misses him, and HAS to see him, and that she still loves him. What do you think I should do about this?
  10. Nice, thanks for the help all. Much appreciated.
  11. Alright, so its 14. So could I still get hauled into jail or whatever if her parents dont like me seeing as she's not 18 for about a year?
  12. Alright, here is my situation. I've met this girl who happens to be 16 (turns 17 in about 1 month) and I'm 19 (turn 20 in about 6 months). I was wondering if it is legal for me to date this girl? I'm in Canada and I believe the age limit is 16 all over Canada? If I'm wrong please tell me. What sort of problems could I run into seeing that she is not 18? I get the feeling her parents dont like the idea of me seeing her because of my age. And after reading about people getting the cops called on them I'm a little scared.
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