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Ladies, can you be too busy to keep texting a guy who lives in another country?


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Yes, people have a life outside of their phone and there are things like jobs, meetings, social life, family time and so on where you are not going to be checking your phone to chat with anyone.


Overall, lots of texting can become pointless and even annoying. There are also times where you may text something that doesn't require a response from her perspective, so she doesn't respond.


Are you trying to date? Maintain a connection? What's your goal? You might do better to have a phone call or skype call here and there and actually talk and ease up on texting.

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When I did OLD, I stuck to people who lived within 35 miles of my location because I was looking for a companion I could spend regular time with instead of having a pen pal/texting buddy. Wouldn't that be more satisfying you, to be able to hold hands, kiss, and eat a meal with someone in 3D?

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